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Computer-related Operations
Table of Contents
What You Can Do by Connecting to a Computer..................... page 2
Connecting to a Computer: Which Terminal Should I Use? ... page 3
Connecting a Computer to the Instrument................................................................. page 4
Connecting to the USB TO HOST terminal.............................................................. page 4
Connecting to the MIDI terminals ............................................................................ page 5
Playing Back Songs on a Computer via the Instrument Sounds ............................. page 6
Recording Your Keyboard Performance to a Computer............................................ page 6
Transferring MIDI Files Including Songs..................................................................... page 7
Installing Musicsoft Downloader .............................................................................. page 8
Transferring MIDI data from the Computer to the Instrument................................... page 9
Transferring Song/Style data from the Instrument to the Computer........................ page 11
Playing Back MIDI Files including Songs Transferred from a Computer............... page 12
Target Models and Functions .................................................................................... page 14
This manual applies to models released on January 2012 or later.
For information about the target model and available functions of this manual, refer to the end of this manual.
This manual covers only MIDI communication between the instrument and computer via a USB cable and MIDI cables.
Note that audio-related information is not covered.
Computer-related Operations
File Transfer and MIDI communication
Computer-related Operations
What You Can Do by Connecting to a Computer
Many digital musical instruments support the MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). With this technology, the
instrument can communicate with a connected computer, transmitting/receiving the MIDI data, including keyboard
performance information and Song playback data.
This manual covers only MIDI communication between the instrument and computer via a USB cable and MIDI cables. Note that audio-related infor-
mation is not covered.
For details about MIDI, refer to “MIDI Basics” on the following web site: http://download.yamaha.com/
On this site, enter a model name, and then select “MIDI Basics” from the list of related manuals.
Transferring MIDI Files Including Songs … page 7
User Song data you recorded on the instrument can be transferred to a computer and saved as a file, while Song
data (MIDI files) obtained via the Internet can be transferred and stored to the instrument, for future listening or
keyboard practice. Data transfer can be done using Musicsoft Downloader (free download).
What you can do in combination with a computer differs depending on the instrument. For details, refer to the end of this manual, or the Owner’s
Manual supplied with your instrument.
Playing Back Songs on a Computer via the Instrument Sounds … page 6
You can play back MIDI Song files on a computer using the Voice sounds of the instrument with MIDI file play-
back software.
Recording Your Keyboard Performance to a Computer … page 6
Your keyboard performance can be recorded as MIDI events to music software on a computer. Depending on the
application, the recorded data can be edited in various ways, and even converted to notation.
Computer-related Operations
Connecting to a Computer: Which Terminal Should I Use?
Most MIDI instruments are equipped with MIDI terminals or a USB TO HOST terminal for connecting to a com-
puter. Confirm which terminal your instrument is equipped with.
When equipped with a USB TO HOST terminal: … page 4
In this case, the instrument can be connected to the computer via a USB cable (AB type USB cable of less than 3
When equipped with MIDI terminals: … page 5
In this case, the instrument can be connected to the computer via MIDI cables and a USB-MIDI interface such as
the Yamaha UX16.
If the instrument is equipped with both terminals, we recommend you use the USB TO HOST terminal, since there is
need for only one cable and multiple ports can be supported.
Computer-related Operations
Connecting a Computer to the Instrument
Connecting to the USB TO HOST terminal
Precautions when using the USB TO HOST terminal
When connecting the computer to the USB TO HOST terminal, make sure to observe the following points. Failing to
do so risks freezing the computer and corrupting or losing the data. If the computer or the instrument freezes, restart
the application software or the computer OS, or turn the power to the instrument off then on again.
Use an AB type USB cable of less than 3 meters. USB 3.0 cables cannot be used.
Before connecting the computer to the USB TO HOST terminal, exit from any power-saving mode of the computer (such as suspend, sleep,
Before turning on the power to the instrument, connect the computer to the USB TO HOST terminal.
While the computer is connected to the instrument, you should wait for six seconds or more between these operations: (1) when turning the
power of the instrument off then on again, or (2) when alternately connecting/disconnecting the USB cable.
Operating System (OS)
Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit), Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit)
Mac OS X 10.5.0 – 10.10.x
Never use a computer having a different OS from those above. Doing so may cause problems.
Turn off the power of the instrument.
Start the computer, then quit any running application software.
Connect the USB cable to the USB TO HOST terminal of the instrument, then to the USB termi-
nal of the computer.
Turn on the power of the instrument.
The computer will automatically be set to enable MIDI communication with the instrument.
Yamaha Standard USB-MIDI driver
When data communication is unstable or some problem occurs with the above operation, download the Yamaha
Standard USB-MIDI driver from the following URL:
Follow the Installation Guide in the package file to install the driver to the computer.
Depending on the computer OS used, the Yamaha Standard USB-MIDI driver may be incompatible with the instrument.
USB terminal USB TO HOST terminal
USB cable
Connecting a Computer to the Instrument
Computer-related Operations
Connecting to the MIDI terminals
The computer can also be connected to the MIDI terminals, via a USB-MIDI interface, such as the Yamaha UX16.
Install the Yamaha USB-MIDI driver supplied with the USB-MIDI Interface to the computer.
For details, refer to the manual of the USB-MIDI interface.
Turn off the instrument, then connect the USB-MIDI interface to the USB terminal of the com-
puter and to the MIDI terminals of the instrument.
Turn on the power of the instrument.
USB terminal
USB-MIDI interface
(Yamaha UX16, etc.)
MIDI [IN][OUT] terminals
Computer-related Operations
Playing Back Songs on a Computer via the Instrument Sounds
With the use of MIDI file playback software on your computer, you can play back Songs (MIDI files) via the sounds
of the connected instrument. This section covers the basic procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the manual of
your particular MIDI file playback software.
Connect the instrument to a computer.
Start the MIDI file playback software/application on the computer.
Have a Standard MIDI file ready on the computer.
From the playback software, select the connected instrument as the MIDI output destination.
Start playback of the MIDI file on the playback software.
The MIDI data played back on the computer will be transmitted to the instrument, allowing you to hear the Song
being played by the Voice sounds of the instrument.
Recording Your Keyboard Performance to a Computer
By using Music Production software on the computer, you can record your keyboard performance as MIDI data. For
detailed instructions, refer to the manual of the application. This section covers the basic settings you need to make
on the instrument for recording. Keep in mind that some of the following functions may not be built into the instru-
Local Control settings
When recording the keyboard performance to the connected computer, the MIDI data you play will be trans-
mitted to the computer then returned back to the instrument. This causes a “double” sound, since the tone
generator of the instrument receives the keyboard performance data directly from the keyboard as well as the
computer. To avoid this situation, set Local Control to “Off,” in order to separate the tone generator of the
instrument from the keyboard.
When you use a software synthesizer as a tone generator, be sure to make settings on the computer application so that the MIDI data received
from the instrument will not be returned back to the instrument, in addition to setting Local Control to “Off.
External Clock
When you record Style/Arpeggio playback, you should set which clock is used, that of the instrument or the
computer. If you use the clock of the computer, make settings on the instrument so that Style/Arpeggio play-
back follows the external clock.
MIDI Transmit settings
Make settings so that Style/Arpeggio playback as well as the keyboard performance will be transmitted to
the computer. Note that some instruments cannot transmit playback data.
Transmitting the Panel Settings (Initial Send)
By executing this before recording, you can record the panel settings to the beginning of the Song data. This
ensures that the proper and expected sounds will be produced when the recorded Song plays back.
Computer-related Operations
Transferring MIDI Files Including Songs
With Musicsoft Downloader (available for free downloading), the data of the following types can be transferred
between the computer and instrument.
Song files with the extension “.mid”
External Song
This refers to Song data which is created on an external device other than your instrument (such as a com-
puter). This refers also to Song data obtainable over the Internet.
User Song
This refers to Song data which is created via the Recording function of the instrument. User Song data can be
transferred to the computer as backup, and then returned to the instrument.
Style files with the extension “.sty”
External Style
This refers to Style data which is created on an external device other than your instrument (such as a com-
puter). This refers also to Style data obtainable over the Internet.
User Style
This refers to Style data which is created via the Recording function of the instrument. User Style data can be
transferred to the computer as backup, and then returned to the instrument.
Backup file with the extension “.bup”
This file which includes the panel settings and performance data can be transferred to the computer and
saved as backup. The Backup file on the computer can be returned to the instrument again, allowing you to
recall the panel settings and performance data you created previously.
The items included in the Backup file and data which can be transferred differ depending on the instrument. For
details, refer to the end of this manual, or the Owner’s Manual supplied with your instrument.
If batteries can be installed to the instrument:
To avoid power down during data transfer and possible data loss, make sure to use the power adaptor rather than batteries when using the
Musicsoft Downloader.
Make sure to stop playback of the Song or Style when using Musicsoft Downloader, since internal memory of the instrument cannot be accessed from
the computer during playback.
Transferring MIDI Files Including Songs
Computer-related Operations
Installing Musicsoft Downloader
On the computer, access the following site, then download Musicsoft Downloader.
On this site, input the model name then select “Musicsoft Downloader.
Information about the computer system requirements and the latest version of this application can be confirmed
Execute installation by following the on-screen instructions.
After installation is completed, confirm that the Shortcut icon is located on the screen or Musicsoft Downloader
is added under Yamaha in the Start menu.
For detailed instructions of this application, refer to the Help.
Transferring MIDI Files Including Songs
Computer-related Operations
Transferring MIDI data from the Computer to the Instrument
Depending on the instrument and the computer OS used, menu and screen indications may differ from those shown in the instructions below.
Connect the instrument to a computer.
On the desktop of the computer, double-click the shortcut icon of Musicsoft Downloader.
If you cannot find the shortcut icon, select [Start] [All Programs] [YAMAHA] [Musicsoft Downloader
5] [Musicsoft Downloader].
Musicsoft Downloader launches, and the main window appears.
Click [Connection Check] at the bottom of the window.
This operation checks whether communication between the computer and instrument has been properly estab-
lished or not. If an error message appears, follow the on-screen instructions to check the connection status with
the Yamaha USB-MIDI driver.
On the main window of Musicsoft Downloader, click “Add File” to call up the file selection win-
On the file selection window, select the desired file, then click [Open].
In the upper half box of the main window, the duplication of the selected file is shown.
Select a file then click here.
Transferring MIDI Files Including Songs
Computer-related Operations
At the left center of the main window, click “Electronic Musical Instruments,” then select the
desired destination drive.
If you wish to transfer Song (***.mid) or Style (***.sty) data to internal memory of the instrument, select
“Flash Memory.
If you wish to transfer Song (***.mid) or Style (***.sty) data to the USB storage device connected to the USB
TO DEVICE terminal of the instrument, select “USB.
If you wish to transfer Backup file (****.bup) data, select “System Drive.
When a “USER FILES” folder is located under “Flash Memory” or “USB”:
For User Songs, select “USER FILES.” Song files outside the “USER FILES” folder will be handled as External Songs.
For External Songs, select a folder other than “USER FILES,” or simply specify “Flash Memory” or “USB” (the area first displayed when clicking
“Flash Memory” or “USB”). If you select “USER FILES” for External Songs, they will not be played back on the instrument.
Regarding Backup files, User Songs and User Styles created on the instrument, never change the file name on the computer. Doing so
makes it impossible to transfer the Backup file to the instrument, and prevents User Song and User Style data from being recognized by
the instrument.
Select the file in the upper half box, then click the downward [Move] button.
A confirmation message will appear. To cancel the operation, click [CANCEL] in this step.
Click [OK] to start data transfer from the computer to the instrument.
Never unplug the USB cable during data transfer. Not only will the data transfer fail, but also operation of the memory media may become
unstable and its contents may disappear completely when the power is turned on or off.
After data transfer is completed, close the window to quit the Musicsoft Downloader.
On the instrument, use the data to play music.
If you’ve transferred a Backup file (****.bup), confirm that the panel settings have been changed as expected.
If you’ve transferred a Song (***.mid) or Style (***.sty), select the corresponding number then start playback.
For details, refer to the Owner’s Manual of the instrument, or refer to page 12 in this document.
Note that the instrument cannot be operated while Musicsoft Downloader is running.
Click “Electronic Musical Instruments,” then
select the desired destination drive.
Transferring MIDI Files Including Songs
Computer-related Operations
Transferring Song/Style data from the Instrument to the Computer
Depending on the instrument and the computer OS used, menu and screen indications may differ from those shown in the instructions below.
Connect the instrument to a computer.
On the desktop of the computer, double-click the shortcut icon of Musicsoft Downloader.
If you cannot find the shortcut icon, select [Start] [All Programs] [YAMAHA] [Musicsoft Downloader
5] [Musicsoft Downloader].
Musicsoft Downloader launches, and the main window appears.
Click [Connection Check] at the bottom of the window.
This operation checks whether communication between the computer and instrument has been properly estab-
lished or not. If an error message appears, follow the on-screen instructions to check the connection status with
the Yamaha USB-MIDI driver.
At the left center of the main window, click “Electronic Musical Instruments,” then select the
desired source drive.
If you wish to transfer Song (***.mid) or Style (***.sty) data in internal memory of the instrument, select
“Flash Memory.
If you wish to transfer Song (***.mid) or Style (***.sty) data in the USB flash memory connected to the USB
TO DEVICE terminal of the instrument, select “USB.
If you wish to transfer Backup file (****.bup) data, select “System Drive.
In the lower half box of the window, select the desired file, then click the upward [Move] button.
A confirmation message will appear. To cancel the operation, click [CANCEL] in this step.
Click [OK] to start data transfer from the instrument to the computers temporary storage area.
After a while, confirm that the transferred data appears in the box on the upper half of the window.
In the lower left box, select the desired destination folder, then click the downward [Move] button.
A confirmation message will appear. To cancel the operation, click [CANCEL] in this step.
Click [OK] to start data transfer from the temporary storage area to the specified destination
folder of the computer.
Never unplug the USB cable during data transfer. Not only will the data transfer fail, but also operation of the memory media may become
unstable and its contents may disappear completely when the power is turned on or off.
After data transfer is completed, confirm that the file is located in the specified folder of the
Quit Musicsoft Downloader.
Computer-related Operations
Playing Back MIDI Files including Songs Transferred from a Computer
For instructions concerning models other than the following, refer to the relevant Owner’s Manuals.
You can transfer up to 10 Song files from a computer to this instrument for playback. The transferred Songs are
assigned to the D#6–C7 keys, letting you select and play them back.
While holding down [DEMO/SONG], press one of the D#6–C7 keys to select a song to play back.
The [PLAY], [+ R] and [- L] lamps light, and playback continues the sequence: any other Songs transferred
from the computer, followed by Demo Songs and Preset Songs.
The [PLAY], [+ R] and [- L] lamps light, and playback continues the sequence: any other Songs transferred
from the computer.
To change the Song during playback:
Press [+ R] or [- L] to change to the next or previous Song.
Press [DEMO/SONG] or [PLAY] to stop playback.
Changing Playback Channels
Try this operation when Song playback produces an unexpected or unnatural sound.
To set Playback Channels to “1+2”:
While holding down [DEMO/SONG] and [PIANO/VOICE] simultaneously, press the C7 key.
With this operation, the Song data of only channels 1 and 2 will be played back. When Voices incompatible with this
instrument are assigned to Channels 3 – 16 and the Piano parts are assigned to the Channels 1 and 2, this operation
results in the proper or expected sound.
Song 10Song 1
D#6 C7 (highest key)
Highest key
Playing Back MIDI Files including Songs Transferred from a Computer
Computer-related Operations
To set Playback Channels to “All”:
While holding down [DEMO/SONG] and the [PIANO/VOICE] simultaneously, press the B6 key.
With this operation, the Song data of all channels will be played back.
Highest key
Computer-related Operations
Target Models and Functions / Zielmodelle und Funktionen /
Modèles cibles et fonctions / Modelos y funciones objetivo /
Modelos de destino e funções / Modelli interessati e funzioni /
Doelmodellen en functies / Modele i funkcje /
Применимые модели и функции / Målmodeller og funktioner /
Målmodeller och funktioner
User Song /
Anwender-Song /
utilisateur /
de usuario /
do usuário /
Song utente /
Gebruikerssong /
użytkownika /
композиция /
Brugermelodi /
User Song
User Style /
Anwender-Style /
Style utilisateur /
Estilo de usuario /
Estilo do usuário /
Stile utente /
Gebruikersstijl /
użytkownika /
стиль /
Brugerstilart /
User Style
Backup File /
Sicherungsdatei /
de sauvegarde /
Archivo de copia
de seguridad /
de backup /
File di backup /
Back-upbestand /
Plik kopii
zapasowej /
Файл резервной
копии /
External Song /
Externer Song /
Morceau externe /
Canción externa /
Música externa /
Song esterna /
Externe song /
zewnętrzne /
композиция /
Ekstern melodi /
Extern Song
External Style /
Externer Style /
Style externe /
Estilo externo /
Estilo externo /
Stile esterno /
Externe stijl /
Style zewnętrzne /
стиль /
Ekstern stilart /
Extern Style
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
PSR-I455 ––
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
PSR-E433 ––
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
PSR-E353 ––
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
(“Model Name”.bup)
(“Model Name”.bup)
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
Computer-related Operations
Target Models and Functions / Zielmodelle und Funktionen / Modèles cibles et fonctions / Modelos y funciones objetivo /
Modelos de destino e funções / Modelli interessati e funzioni / Doelmodellen en functies / Modele i funkcje /
Применимые модели и функции / Målmodeller og funktioner / Målmodeller och funktioner
If the model name of your instrument is not listed above, refer to the Owners Manual supplied with your instrument to check its functions.
(SMF Formats 0 & 1)
User Song /
Anwender-Song /
utilisateur /
de usuario /
do usuário /
Song utente /
Gebruikerssong /
użytkownika /
композиция /
Brugermelodi /
User Song
User Style /
Anwender-Style /
Style utilisateur /
Estilo de usuario /
Estilo do usuário /
Stile utente /
Gebruikersstijl /
użytkownika /
стиль /
Brugerstilart /
User Style
Backup File /
Sicherungsdatei /
de sauvegarde /
Archivo de copia
de seguridad /
de backup /
File di backup /
Back-upbestand /
Plik kopii
zapasowej /
Файл резервной
копии /
External Song /
Externer Song /
Morceau externe /
Canción externa /
Música externa /
Song esterna /
Externe song /
zewnętrzne /
композиция /
Ekstern melodi /
Extern Song
External Style /
Externer Style /
Style externe /
Estilo externo /
Estilo externo /
Stile esterno /
Externe stijl /
Style zewnętrzne /
стиль /
Ekstern stilart /
Extern Style
Manual Development Department
© 2012-2015 Yamaha Corporation
Published 03/2015 PO-H0

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