Input letters & numbers with cursor UP & DOWN. A name can have a maximum length of 16
characters. By pressing Cursor RIGHT you can move one letter further. With Cursor LEFT you
can delete the previous character & move back one space. To save the name press ENTER.
Confirm your name by pressing ENTER. Use the same method to input your date of birth,
weight (including your bike),
Edit Open the screen with the TEAM menu. Choose a team that you would like
to edit by using the UP & DOWN cursor buttons. After you have made your
choice press ENTER, this opens a ID card where you can edit the team name.
Delete Open the screen with the TEAM menu. Choose a team that you would like to
delete by using the UP & DOWN cursor buttons. After you have made your
choice press ENTER to delete the team. By pressing cursor RIGHT you enter
the user menu. You can delete a user with same method.
User data and scores will be deleted simultaneously. The pre-programmed
cyclists from the Tacx Team cannot be deleted.