Getting To Know Create XT
44.. MMoodd
When the uMod style uses modulation, the Mod Tweak
is assigned to modulation speed. If there is no
modulation, the Mod Tweak controls the amount of
detune. Zero detune is in knob’s center position and the
left and right positions are -25L/+25R and +25R/-25L
55.. FFXX
If HardTune is on without Transducer, the FX Tweak
controls Gender. When Transducer is active with no
distortion, the FX Tweak is assigned to HighPass If there
is distortion in the style then the FX Tweak controls
distortion amount.
Storing Your Edits
When you’re done editing and have a sound you would
like to save, press and hold the Preset button for a
moment.This will commit the changes you made to the
current preset number and A or B location. If you wish
to return your Create XT to its factory set of presets,
you may do this by resetting the unit as discussed in the
“For Advanced Users” section.
Browsing Styles By Category And Genre
To simplify your search for the perfect sound, Create
XT’s style library is arranged in two ways: by effect
category and by the musical genre in which you might
find the effect. Each bank has styles covering a wide
range while staying true to the main category or genre.
The Showcase category contains a sampler of all Create
XT’s best sounds. The remaining categories highlight
each effect block in turn though there may be other
active effect blocks that support the main effect.There is
a full listing of banks and stylenames at the end of this