Habermaaß game nr. 4555
Spooky Spelling
A ghostly game collection with stamps about words
for 2 - 4 players ages 5 - 10.
Authors: Brigitte Pokornik and Jörg Domberger
License: White Castle Games
Illustrations: Thies Schwarz
Length of the game: approx. 20 minutes per game
“G”, “H”, “O” … as if by magic, letters appear one by one on the old
wall of the castle. How is that possible?
Aaah! The little ghosts at the spook school do that - they are practicing
reading and writing. Whoever looks closely,
will be able to guess which word the
ghosts want to write.
1 game board
26 letter stamps (from A to Z)
1 ink pad
5 ghost tins
48 ghost cards
1 pencil
10 paper sheets
1 set of game instructions
Dear Parents,
There are 48 ghost cards in the game. Each card shows a picture and the
corresponding word. The word appears in four languages: German, English,
French and Dutch. Each is identifiable by the flag beside each word.
If your child is acquainted with the words and the game, he/she can also
play the different game ideas with the words in a foreign language.
Important! Once the letters are printed with the stamps, the special
characters of some words eventually have to be completed or copied
manually with a pencil.
We wish you lots of fun; stamping, guessing and spooking.
Your HABA® editorial staff.