4/4USER’S GUIDE (Basics)
The FUNCTION Mode makes it possible to conf igure function settings usin g a menu format. There are two types of menu
items: directories an d parameters.
The table below shows a representative example of some menu items provided in the FUNCTION Mode. Items marked
“(DIR)” in the tabl e are direct ories, while all of the other items are paramet ers.
For a list of all t he directories and par ameters included in t he FUNCTION Mode, refer to the User’s Guide that is availabl e
from the CAS IO Website .
Configuring Function Settings (FUNCTION Mode)
Directory: A directory is a group of multiple p arameters.
Parameter: A parameter is an actual configurable setting. After you se lect t he “Touch Response” parameter, for example, you
can change its settin g as desired.
Parameter Name or Directory Name Display Settings
Sound (DIR) SOUND –
Acoustic Simulator (DIR) ACOUSTIC SIMU. –
String Resonance String Reso. Tone, Off, 1 - 4
Damper Resonance Damper Reso. Tone, Off, 1 - 4
Damper Noise Damper Noise Tone, Off, 1 - 4
Key On Action Noise Key On No ise Tone, Off, 1 - 4
Key Off Act ion Nois e Key Off Noise Tone, Off, 1 - 4
Effect (DIR) EFFECT –
Chorus Type Chorus Type Tone, 1 - 12
Brilliance Brilliance –3 - +3
Keyboard (DIR) KEYBOARD –
Touch Response Touch Response Off, Light2, Light1, Nor mal,
Heavy1, Heavy2
Keyboard Volume Keyboard Volume 0 - 127
Part Volume (DI R) PART VOLUME –
Upper1 Part Upper1 Part 0 - 127
Upper2 Part Upper2 Part 0 - 127
Lower Part Lower Part 0 - 127
Part Octave S hift (DIR) PART OCT SHIFT –
Upper1 Part Upper1 Pa rt –2, –1, 0, +1, +2
■ To change FUNCTION param eter settings
Hold down the bp^ button until “[FUNCTION]” appears on the display.
This enters the FUNCTION Mode an d displays its top menu.
• The FUNCTION Mode top menu screen shows “[FUNCTION]” in the top line, and t he name of the cur rently selected
directory in line 2. Directory names are al l-caps.
Display the name of the parameter whose setting you want to change.
• For example, to display th e “Chorus Type” parameter, you need to navigat e through mul tiple directories in the
following sequence: “SOUND” (direct ory) 3 “EFFECT” (directory) 3 “Chorus Type” (paramet er). Perform the
procedure below.
(1) Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display “SOUND” and then touch bm ENTER .
• This enters the “SOUND” directory.
(2) Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display “ EFFECT” and then touch bm ENTER.
• This enters the “EFFECT” directory.
(3) Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display “ Chorus Type”.
• To exit the curren t directory and re turn to the level above it, touch bp EX IT .
After displaying the par ameter name, touch bm ENTER.
This displays the par ameter setting ed iting screen, with the parame ter’s current setting shown in line 3.
Use the bk – and bl + buttons, or cm Knob (K1 ) to change the setting.
After the setting is the way you want, exit the parameter editing screen by touching bp EX IT .
To exit the FUNCTION Mode, ho ld down bp EXIT until “[FUNCTION]” disappears from the display.
To n e
Ch o r u s T
Your Digital Piano sup ports the use of a commercially
available USB flash drive to perform the o perations below.
Playing Back Song Data fr om a USB Flash Drive
Standard song data (MIDI files) that has been stored on a
USB flash drive with a computer can be pl ayed on your
Digital Piano.
• For informati on about how to st ore song data on a USB
flash drive, see “Using a Computer to Co py General So ng
Data to a USB Flash Drive”.
• For informati on about the song data playback opera tion,
see “Listening to Songs (MIDI Player)” (page 3/4).
Recording a Performance to a USB Flash Drive
See “Using the A udio Recorder to Record P erformances”
(page 3/4) for i nformation abo ut how to record au dio data
produced by performances on your Digital Piano to a USB
flash drive.
Saving and Importing Data
Data recorded with your Digital Piano (MIDI recorder songs,
registration setups, etc.) can be stored on a USB flash d rive.
Data that has been st ored with the Di gital Piano, as well as
other data that is supported by the Digital Piano (user
songs, etc.) can b e imported from a USB flash dri ve. For
details, refer to the User’s Guide that is avai lable from the
CASIO Website.
• Be sure to observe the pr ecautions provided in the
documentation that comes wi th the USB flash d rive.
• Avoid using a USB flash drive under the conditions
below. Such conditions can corrupt data stored on
the USB flash drive.
− Areas subjected to high temperature, high
humidity, or corrosive gas
− Areas subjected to strong electrostat ic c harge a nd
digital noise
• Never remove the USB flash drive while data is being
written to or loade d from it. Doing so ca n corrupt t he
data on the USB flash drive and damage the USB
flash drive port.
• Never insert anything besides a USB flash drive into
the USB flash drive port. Doing so creates the risk of
• A USB flash drive can become warm after very long
use. This is normal and does not indicate
• Static electricit y conducted to the USB f lash drive
port from your hand or from a U SB flash drive can
cause malfunction of the Digital Pi ano. If this
happens, turn the Digital Piano off and then back on
This Digital Piano support s USB flash dr ives formatted to
FAT32 or e xFAT. If yo ur USB flash drive is formatted t o a
different f ile system, use the Windows format function to
reformat it to FAT32 o r exFAT. Do n ot use qui ck format.
USB Flash Drive
USB Flash Drive and USB Flash Drive Port
Handling Precaution s
You are allowed to use recordings for your o wn
personal use. Any reproduction of an audio or
music format file, without the p ermission of its
copyright holder, is strictly prohibited u nder
copyright laws and international treaties. Also,
making such files available on the Internet or
distributing them to thi rd parties, regardles s of
whether such activiti es are conducted with or
without compensation, is strictly prohibited under
copyright laws and international tre aties. CASIO
COMPUTER CO. , LTD. shall not be held in any way
liable for any use of this Digital Piano t hat is illegal
under copyright laws.
Supported USB Flash Dri ves
To connect a USB flash drive
As shown in the illustration below, insert the USB fl ash d rive
into the Digital Piano’s cq USB flash drive port.
• Carefully push the USB flash drive in as far as it will g o.
Do not use undue f orce when insert ing the USB fla sh
• When the Digita l Piano detect s the USB flash drive, the
message “M OUNTING” will appear on the display. Do not
perform any operation while this message is displaye d.
Wait until it d isappears.
To disconnect a USB flash dri ve
After checking t o make sure that the message “MOUNTING”
or “Wait” is not on the di splay (indicating a read or writ e
operation being performed), pull the USB flash drive straight
out of the USB flash drive port.
• Mounting a USB flash drive on th e Digital Piano will
create a folde r named MUSICDAT in t he drive’s root
directory if a MUSICDA T folder does not alr eady exist
there. Use this folder when exchanging data between the
Digital Piano an d USB flash drive.
You can play back MIDI files of the formats below, which are
stored in the MUSI CDAT folder.
• Standard MIDI f iles (SMF format 0/1)
• CASIO MIDI files (CMF f ormat)
Connect the USB flash drive to your computer.
Create a folder named MUSICDAT in the root
directory of the USB f lash drive.
• This step is not requ ired if there i s already a
MUSICDAT folder in the USB flash drive’s root
Copy s ong d ata you want to play back on the Digital
Piano to the MUSICDAT folder.
• For informat ion about the song data playback
operation, see “Listening to Songs (MIDI Player)”
(page 3/4).
You can use the APP Functio n to connect th e Digital Piano
with a phone, t ablet or other smart device and perform t he
operations described belo w.
• Control the Dig ital Piano f rom a smart devi ce (Piano
Remote Controller)
• Transfer musi c data from a smar t device
■ To download the smart device ap p
Download the Cho rdana Play for Piano app from the CASIO
website and install it on the smart device.
■ To link to a smart de vice
After installing the Chor dana Play for Pia no app on a smart
device, use a commercially available USB cable to connect
the smart device’s USB port with the Digital Piano’s USB
After connecting the smart device t o the Digital Piano, use
the smart device a pp to perform operations. For details
about operatio ns, refer to the user documentat ion of the
Connecting a USB Flash Drive to and
Detaching It from the Digital Piano
Using a Computer to Co py General Song
Data to a USB Flash Driv e
cq USB flash dr ive
USB flas h drive
Linking with a Smart Device (APP
This Digital Piano can be used as a Bluetoo th speaker
system. After you pair t he Digital Piano with an external
device that is Bluetoo th audio capable, you can output
playback from the externa l device through t he Digital
Piano’s speakers.
• Before performing the pairin g operation, turn down
the volume levels o f the Dig ital Piano a nd the
external device.
• If external device notes that sound through the
Digital Piano speakers are distorted, lower the
external device’s volume level setting.
■ To pair the Digital Piano with a Blu etooth
audio device
Hold down the bp^ button until “[FUNC TION]”
appears on the display.
This enters the FUNCTION Mode.
Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display “AUDIO
IN” and then touch bm ENTER .
Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display
“BLUETOOTH” and then touch bm ENTER .
Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display
“Pairing” and then touch bm ENTER .
This causes the Digital Piano’s Bl uetooth icon ( ) to
flash, which indicates pair ing standby.
• If the Digital Piano’s B luetooth is turned off, it will
turn on auto matically at this point.
On the Bluetooth setting screen that appears on the
external device, turn on Bluetooth if it is off.
On the Bluetooth setting screen on the external
device, select “CASIO Privia” (this Dig ital Piano ).
• This completes pairing, which causes the Digital
Piano’s Blu etooth icon ( ) to change from flashi ng
to lit.
• Now output from the external device will sound from
the Digital Piano’s sp eakers.
To exit the FUNCTION mode, hold down bp EXIT
until “[FUNCTION]” disappears from the display.
• You need to perform the above procedure only once for a
device. After t hat, turning on the Digital Pian o’s and the
device’s Bluetoot h will cause them t o connect
• The Digital Piano can store pairing i nformation for up to
eight Bluetoot h audio devices. Note, however, that only
one device can be con nected to the Digit al Piano at a
■ To turn the Digital Piano’s Blueto oth function
on or off
Perform steps 1 through 3 under “To pair the Digital
Piano with a Bluetooth audio device”.
Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display
“Bluetooth Audio” and then touch bm ENTER .
Touch bk – or bl + to toggle the setting between
“On” and “Off”.
• If the Digital Pia no is able to find a paired external
device while Bluetoo th is turned On , it will disp lay
the Bluetoot h icon ( ). The icon i s not displayed
while Bluetooth is turned Off.
To exit the FUNCTION mode, hold down bp EXIT
until “[FUNCTION]” disappears from the display.
You can use the proced ure below to return the Digital
Piano’s stored dat a and settings to their initial factor y
defaults any time you want .
Hold down the bp^ button until “[FUNCTION]”
appears on the display.
Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display
“SYSTEM” and then touch bm ENTER .
Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display
“Factory Reset” and then touch bm ENTER .
This displays “Sure?”
To return the Digital Piano to its factory default
settings, touch bl + . To cancel this operation
without changing settings, touch bk –.
Using the Digital Piano as a
Bluetooth Speaker System
Returning the Digital Piano to Its
Factory Default Settings
Model: PX-S3000BK
Keyboard: 88-key piano keyboard; Du et: Adjustable ton e
range (–2 to +2 octaves); Transpose: –12 to 0 to +12
semitones; Octave sh ift: –2 to 0 to +2 o ctaves
Sound Source: Number of Tones: 700; Layer; Split ;
Maximum polyphon y: 192 notes; Touch Response (5
sensitivity levels, Off); Tuning: 415.5Hz to 440.0Hz to
465.9Hz (0.1Hz units ); Temperament: Equal temperament
plus 16 other types
Acoustic Simulator: Hammer response, Key off response,
String resonance, Damper r esonance, Damper noise, Key
on action n oise, Key off act ion noise
Sound Mode: Hall simulator (4 types), Reverb (8 types),
Surround (2 types)
Other Effects: Chorus (12 types) , DSP (built in to some
tones + 100 prese ts, editable), Bri lliance (–3 to 0 to 3)
Demo Song: 6
Playback Function (SONG Mode):
In the MID I Mode: Downloaded (user) son g playback:
storage of up to 10 songs in built-in flash memory (Up to
approximately 320KB* per song); MIDI recorder song
playback; USB flash drive song data ( SMF) playback;
part mute: L, R, L+R
* Based on 1K B = 1024 byte s, 1MB = 1024
In the Audio Mode: Audio recorder recordin g and
playback ; center cancel
Song Volume : Adjustable (for both MIDI Mode, Audio
MIDI Recorder: Real-time recordin g and playback as MIDI
data; Number of Songs: 5 ; Number of Tracks: 3; Capacity:
Approximate ly 30,000 not es per song (to tal of th ree
tracks); Data storage: Built-in flash memory
Audio Recorder: Real-time recordin g and playback as
audio data; Number of songs: 99 (files); File format: WAV
(linear PCM, 16b it, 44.1kHz, stereo); Maximum recording
time: Approximately 2 5 minutes per file; Recording
medium: USB Flash Drive
Auto Accompaniment: Built-in Rhythms: 2 00; One Touch
Preset: 200; Auto Harmonize: 12 t ypes; Auto
Accompaniment Volume Level: Adjustable
Music Preset: 310
Arpeggiator: 100 types
Metronome: Provided as rhythm ty pe; Beat bell: O ff, 1 to 9
(beats); Tempo Range: 20 to 255; Metronome Volume
Level: Adjustable (as Aut o Accompaniment volume level)
Registration Function: 96 sets maximum (4 sets, 24
Pedals: With provid ed pedal (SP- 3): Switchable between
sustain (off, on), sostenuto (off, on), soft (off, on), arpeggio
hold (off, on), play/stop, and fill-i n; With Pedal Unit
(separately availa ble SP-34): Sustain ( off, half, on),
sostenuto (off, on) , soft (off, on); expression pedal su pport
Other Functions: Auto Resume, Operation Lock
Bluetooth Connection: Bluetooth Version: 5.0; Supported
Profile: A2DP; Supported Codecs: SBC; Wireless Output:
Bluetooth Class 2; T ransmission Frequency Range: 2402
to 2480 MHz; Maximu m Wireless Output: 4dB m
MIDI: 16-channel multi-timbre receive
Pitch Bend Wheel: Pitch bend r ange: 0 to 24 semit ones
Knobs: 2; Knob sets (knob function presets): 14
Inputs/Outputs: PHONES jacks: Stereo mini jacks (3.5mm)
× 2; Power: 12V DC; AUDIO IN jack: Ster eo mini jack
(3.5mm) (Input i mpedance: 10kΩ, I nput voltage: 200mV );
LINE OUT R, L/MONO jacks: Standard jacks (6.3mm) × 2
(Output impedance: 2. 3kΩ, Output voltage : 1.3V (RMS)
MAX); USB port: Type B; USB f lash drive port: Type A;
DAMPER PEDAL jack: St andard jack (6.3mm);
EXPRESSION/ASSIG NABLE jack: Sta ndard jack
(6.3mm); PEDAL UNIT jack: Pro prietary jack
Acoustics: Amp outp ut: 8W + 8W; Speakers: 16cm × 8cm
(oval) × 2
Power Supply: 2-way
Batteries: 6 AA-size alkaline batterie s
Continuous Operat ion: Approximately 2 h ours
Playback of built-in demo tunes on alkaline batter ies
Actual continuous ope ration time ma y be shorter due to
battery type and performance type .
AC Adaptor: AD-A12150 LW
Auto Power Off: Approximat ely four hours (un der AC
adaptor power) or s ix minutes (under bat tery power) after
last operation, ca n be disabled.
Power Consumption: 12V = 15W
Dimensions: 132.2 (W) × 23.2 (D) × 10.2 (H) cm
(52 1/16 × 9 1/8 × 4 inch)
Weight: Approximately 11.4 kg (25.1 l bs) (without ba tteries)
• Specifications and designs are subj ect to c hange without
Product Specifications
Be sure to read an d observe the following operating
Avoid the following locations for this produ ct.
• Areas exposed to direct sunl ight and high h umidity
• Areas subjected to temperature extremes
• Near a radio, TV, video deck, or tuner
The above devices will not cause malfunction of the
product, but th e product ca n cause interfe rence in the
audio or video of a nearby de vice.
User Maintenance
• Never use benzine, a lcohol, thinner, or other chemical
agents to clean the product.
• To clean the pro duct or its keyboard, wipe with a sof t
cloth moistened in a weak solution of water and a mild
neutral detergent . Wring all exce ss moisture fr om the
cloth before wiping.
Included and Optiona l Accessories
Use only accessories that are specified for use with this
product. Use of unauthorized accessories creates the risk of
fire, electric shock, an d personal injury.
Weld Lines
Lines may be visible on the exterior of the product . These
are “weld lines ” that resu lt from the p lastic molding process.
They are not cracks or scratches.
Musical Instrument Etiquette
Always be aware of others around you whenever using this
product. Be especially careful when playing late at night to
keep the volume at l evels that do not distur b others. Othe r
steps you can take w hen playing late at night are closing the
window and using headphon es.
AC Adaptor Handling Precautio ns
• Never insert metal, pencils, or any othe r objects into t he
product’s DC12V te rminal. Doing so creates t he risk of
• Do not try to use the po wer cord that comes with the
product with another device.
• Use a power outlet that is easily accessible so you can
unplug the AC ada ptor when a malfunction occurs or
whenever else you need t o do so.
• The AC adaptor is intended for indo or use only. Do not
use it where it m ight be exposed t o splashing or moi sture.
Do not place any c ontainer, such as a flower vase, that
contains liquid on the AC adaptor.
• Never cover the AC adaptor with newspap er, a table
cloth, a curtain, or any other simila r item.
• Unplug the AC adaptor from the power outlet if you do not
plan to use the Digital Pia no for a long time.
• The AC adaptor cannot be repaired . If your AC adaptor
malfunctions or b ecomes damaged, you nee d to
purchase a new one.
• AC adaptor operat ing environment
Temperature: 0 t o 40°C
Humidity: 10% to 90% RH
• Output polarity:
Operating Precautions
A labels ratin g is affixed to th e bottom of the pr oduct.
Please note the following impo rtant information bef ore using
this product.
• Before using the AD-A12150LW Ad aptor to power th e
unit, be sure to check the AC Adapto r for any damage
first. Carefully check the power co rd for breakage, cuts,
exposed wire and oth er serious damage. Ne ver let
children use an AC a daptor that is seriously damaged.
• The product is not intended f or children under 3 years.
• Use only CASIO AD-A12150LW adaptor.
• The AC adaptor is not a toy.
• Be sure to disconnect the AC adaptor before cleaning
the product.
■ About th e AC ad aptor th at comes with the
Digital Piano
Note the following important precautions to avoid damag e to
the AC adaptor a nd power cord.
• Never pull on the cord with exce ssive force.
• Never repeatedly pull on the cord.
• Never twist the cord at the base of th e plug or conne ctor.
• Before moving the Digita l Piano, be sure to unplug t he
AC adaptor fro m the power o utlet.
• Loop and bundle the power cord, but never wind it
around the AC adap tor.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. Thi s
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television recepti on,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equip ment
and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outle t on a circuit
different f rom that t o which the receiver is
• Consult the dealer or an experi enced radio/TV
technician for help.
Changes or modificat ions not expressly approved by
the party responsi ble for compliance could void the
user’s authorit y to operate t he equipment.
Declaration of Conformity
Model Number: PX-S3000
Responsible party: CASIO AMERICA, INC.
Telephone number: 973-361-5400
This device complies wit h Part 15 of the FCC Rules,
Operation is s ubject to the fo llowing two condition s:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interf erence,
and (2) this device mu st accept an y interference
received, including i nterference that may cause
undesired operation.
Company and product names used in this man ual
may be registered trademarks o f others.
This r ecycle mark in dicates that the packaging conforms to
the environm ental protectio n legislation i n Germany.
• Any reproduction of the cont ents of this manual , eithe r
in part o r its e ntirety, is prohibited. Except for your own,
personal use, any other use of the conten ts of this
manual without t he consent of CASIO is prohibited
under copyright laws.
• The contents of this manual are subject t o change
without noti ce.
6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan
Responsible within the European Union:
Casio Europe GmbH
Casio-Platz 1,
22848 Norderstedt, Germany
Declaration of Conformity According to EU Dir ective
MA1905-C Printed in China
PXS3000_A2_EN.fm 4 ページ 2019年 4月5日 金曜日 午後12時48 分