Tip! Hang OutRide upside down close to the
underside of your seat. This should keep OutRide
out of the way of your legs. Make sure OutRide is
clear of any rear suspension travel (just don’t get
too far behind the saddle on those downhills).
Mounting to a board, kayak or anything similar
1. Peel the red backing label from the Flat Mount
adhesive and carefully position it in the center
cavity of the Surf Mount Disc. Press and hold,
then set something heavy on top for as long as
you can manage.
2. Make sure OutRide has the Thumb-latch Quick
Release connected. Slide the Quick Release
onto the Surf Mount Disc from the side that
has a at channel. This provides a little more
working room for the thumb latches, although
you can ip it 180 when wanted.
3. Move OutRide and the connected Surf Mount
around to a few positions to gure out where
you want to attach it. (Position twice, stick once
is our motto)
4. Clean the selected surface using an alcohol
wipe or similar to get it as clean as possible.