Excercise Bike Stratos
Computer M9857
Training instructions
Sports medicine and training science make use of the bicycle ergonomics for
checking the functionality of the heart, circulation and respiratory system among
the other things.
In order to check whether your training has reached the desired effects, you can
test the following:
1. You manage to do certain stamina training with less heart and circulati-
on performance than before.
2. You manage to stand certain stamina training for a longer time with the
same heart and circulation performance.
3. You recuperate faster from a certain heart and circulation performance.
Guide values for stamina training
Maximum pulse rate: The maximum strain performance means the reach of the
individual maximum pulse rate. The maximum heart rate possible depends on the age.
The following formula is valid: The maximum heart rate per minute is 220 beats minus age.
Example: Age 50 -> 220 – 50 = 170 pulse/min.
Strain intensity
Strain pulse rate: The optimal strain intensity is obtained with 65–75% (cf.
graph) of the maximum pulse rate. This value changes according to the age.
Strain range
Training duration and frequency per week:
The optimal strain range is given, when 65-75% of the individual heart and circu-
lation rate is obtained for a longer period of time.
Either 10 min. / training unit when training daily
or c. 30 min. / training unit when training 2-3x / week
or c. 60 min. / training unit when training 1-2x / week
Beginners should not start with training units of 30-60 minutes.
About 5 minutes of physical exercises before and after the training unit is good for
warm-up or cool-down. Between two training units there should be a day without trai-
ning, in case you consider training for 20-30 minutes 3 times per week later on.
Otherwise nothing is against a daily training.