2. Training through pulse targets
a) Manual pulse targets
(PROGRAM) “HRC Count Up”
• Press “PROGRAM” 10x: Display: “HRC Count Up”
• Press “SET”: target range
Start of training, all values count high.
Performance is automatically enhanced, and is attained up
to the target pulse (e.g. 130)
(PROGRAM) “HRC Count Down”
• Press “PROGRAM” 11x: Display “HRC Count Down”
• Press “SET”: target range
The entries and setting possibilities are similar to the pro-
gram point “Count Down”.
Start of training
Performance is automatically enhanced, and is attained up
to the target pulse (e.g. 130)
b) Pulse profiles
• Press “PROGRAM” 12x: Display “Heart 3”
• Press “SET”: target range
Start of training
and/or “Plus/Minus” for adjustment of profile
Performance is enhanced, until various target pulses are
(e.g. lowest LO = 100 highest HI = 135)
• Press “PROGRAM” 13x: Display “Heart 4”
• Press “SET”: target range
Start of training
and/or “Plus/Minus” for adjustment of profile
Performance is automatically enhanced, until various tar-
get pulses are reached.
(e.g. lowest LO = 100 highest HI = 140)
Target options: see table page 26.
Training an Operating Instruction