■ Miscellaneous (Others) set mode (continued)
Transceive operation is possible with the IC-7800
connected to other Icom HF transceivers or receivers.
When “ON” is selected, changing the frequency, op-
erating mode, etc. on the IC-7800 automatically
changes those of connected transceivers (or re-
ceivers) and vice versa.
Select [RS-232C] connector output data format from
CI-V and Decode.
• CI-V : Outputs data in CI-V format. (default)
• Decode : Outputs decoded contents in ASCII code
Selects data transmission speed (Baud rate) when
“Decode” is selected in “RS-232C Function” above;
settings are 300, 1200, 4800, 9600 and 19200 bps.
(default: 9600)
Selects the connected keyboard type from Japanese,
English, United Kingdom, French, French (Canadian),
German, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Span-
ish, Spanish (Latin American) and Italian.
(default: English)
Sets the time period for delay within 100 to
1000 msec. in 50 msec. steps. (default: 250 msec.)
When a key of the connected keyboard is pressed
and held for the set period, the character is input con-
To distinguish equipment, each CI-V transceiver has
its own Icom standard address in hexadecimal code.
The IC-7800’s address is 6Ah.
When 2 or more IC-7800’s are connected to an op-
tional CT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTER, rotate the main dial
to select a different address for each IC-7800; the
range is 01h to 7Fh.