take box in hands
and roll
hour-glass run
through = scoring
move peg
next player
each one rolled three
times = end of
peg furthest ahead =
Take the bottom part of the box in
your hands.
Start with the first card of the row.
Move the roller-ball through the legs
of the animal shown. If you succeed,
you make the noise of the animal (for
example dog = woof; frog = croak;
donkey = hee-haw and so on).
Then you carry on rolling the ball through the legs of the animal next in
the row of cards. If you manage to roll the ball through the legs of the
right animal, the other players turn the corresponding card round imme-
Important rolling rules:
•You can roll the ball through the animal from both directions.
• If the same animal appears several times, one after the other, in the row
of cards, you have to roll the ball through the animal twice.
• If the roller-ball rolls through another animal, nothing happens.
Hurry up, as the other players will of course be keeping an eye on the
Has the last grain slipped through the hourglass?
Whoever notices shouts out loud “Roll around is over!” Immediately, the
player puts the box down. For each card successfully played they move
their peg forward a square on the edge of the box.
Then it’s the turn of the next player in a clockwise direction, to place the
roller-ball into any of the corners of the box.
The other players shuffle the twelve cards and arrange them again face
up in a row in the center of the table.
End of the Game
The game ends when each player has had three turns at rolling. Whoever
has moved their peg furthest along on the edge of the box wins the
game. In the event of a draw, there are several winners.
Hint: Younger children can play with the semi-sphere. The player places
the bottom part centered on the semi-sphere and holds the box at the
edge with both hands, allowing the box to be tilted forwards, backwards
or to the side.