IMPORTANT!: Always turn on the transmitter first, then the receiver. When turning off the system, always turn off the receiver
first. The object is never to have the receiver on by itself. Otherwise, the servos or control surfaces could be damaged, or in
the case of electric-powered models, the motor may unexpectedly turn on causing severe injury.
IMPORTANT!: Never collapse the transmitter antenna by pushing down from the top. If one of the segments becomes momentarily
stuck you may damage the antenna. Instead, collapse the antenna from the bottom, drawing in one segment at a time.
The T6EXA FM 6-channel transmitter may be used with any Futaba, narrow band, FM receiver. The liquid-crystal display (LCD)
on the face of the compact, ergonomically-designed case is easy to read and allows rapid data input. The system also holds
independent memories for six different models. The new, adjustable-length control sticks provide an improved feel. External
switches operate dual rates (D/R), landing gear, and trainer cord or “buddy-box” capabilities. Programming features include
servo reversing and E.P.A on all channels, dual rates, exponentials and programmable mixing. Additionally, any one of four,
factory-set, preprogrammed “wing-type” mixers including flaperon, V-tail, elevon or flaperon + V-tail mixing may be selected.
Transmitter controls
The diagram and explanations briefly describe the functions of the Futaba T6EXA transmitter. Full instructions on how to
operate the controls are provided beginning on page 9.
NOTE: The diagram shows a Mode 2 system as supplied. (More on flight modes on page 18).
Aileron and Elevator dual rate switch
Use this switch to “flip” between two aileron and elevator control throw settings. The throws can be set up however you prefer,
but generally, when the switch is “up” the throws are greater (“high rate”) and when the switch is “down” the throws are less
(“low rate”). This switch also flips between exponential rates (if used).
Flap control dial/Channel 6 – This dial operates the servo connected to channel 6 in the receiver if your model has flaps
this is the control used to operate them.
Neck strap hook – Mounting point for optional neck strap.
Aileron/elevator control stick – Operates the servos connected to channel 1 (aileron) and channel 2 (elevator) in the receiver.
Trim levers (all) – Used to shift the neutral or center position of each servo as labeled in the diagram.
NOTE: The throttle trim lever is intended for fine tuning the throttle servo when the engine is at idle. Throttle trim does
not affect the throttle servo when the throttle control stick is all the way up (so idle r.p.m. can be adjusted without affecting
throttle settings through the rest of the stick movement).