„Taste expedition“
Salad for 2-3 persons:
• chicory* cut straight through into strips or slices
• 1-2 apples*, a little bit of ginger
and 3 lemon balm stalks
• 1 small red beet* chop with the Multiboy
• 1 big Jerusalem artichoke
• 5-8 big radishes
• 1 big piece of broccoli*
• 1 big carrot* and black sesame seeds
• 10-15 cracked walnuts
• Press out the juice of an orange and sprinkle the ingredients marked with an asterisk *
• Flavour the red beet and the broccoli on your own discretion with herb salt or
garlic salt
• Peel 1 tangerine or mineola, cut the segments in two pieces and put them in
the middle of the plate.
• Cut 1 khaki into thin strips and put them between the separate ingredients
• Spread the chopped walnuts around the edge of the plate
Arrange all the fruits and vegetables separately on a plate. Serving suggestion: see photo.
If you feel that the number of vegetables and fruits is too high, you are free to reduce it on your
own discretion. This recipe suggestion contains a balanced combination between roots, tubers
and overground parts of plants, such as leaves, blossoms, fruits and seeds. Thanks to these in-
gredients you are perfectly provided with acids, sugars, salts & minerals and oils and this in the
best bioavailability, because they are untreated.
As a main meal this salad will saturate either at noon or in the evening.
The combination of the separate ingredients provides an abundance of taste experiences.
Crudités can be exciting! Go on expedition, become creative…
Bettes et légumes à la crème d’avocat
Salade pour 2 personnes:
(dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre)
5 feuilles de bettes multicolores coupées en lamelles sur la longueur
1 petit bulbe de fenouil
1 grosse carotte
1 morceau de céleri-rave
1 morceau de courgette À hacher avec le Multiboy
5 gros radis
1 morceau de panais
Crème d’avocat
Retirez le noyau d’un avocat bien mûr, utilisez le Multiboy pour le hacher par à-coups (2-3 fois)
avec une pomme
1 poignée de flocons de coco séchés
5 branches de citronnelle À hacher avec le Multiboy
Pressez une orange
Mélangez tous les ingrédients.