7.3.13 About phone
Display some phone information, such as Status, Model number, Android version, Baseband
version and so on.
7.3.14 More
Tethering & portable Hotspot: Set the phone as a USB or Wi-Fi Hotspot.
Mobile networks: You can set Data connection, Data roaming, VoLTE function, Network
Mode and Access Point Names.
7.4 FM Radio
In standby state, enter Menu/FM Radio menu, the following are the options:
Turn off, Auto search, Radio list, Mute, Manual input
7.5 Messaging
In standby state, enter Menu/Messaging menu.
7.5.1 Write Message
In the edit mode, you can edit SMS content and add recipient.
When editing SMS, press the [Menu key] to enter [options] menu, as listed below:
• Insert contacts number to SMS recipient.
• Insert common phrases: Insert template message.
• Back: Exit the current editing interface.
After you wrote the message, choose Options/Send, to send out the message.
7.5.2 Reading new message
When you receive a new message, the phone will beep and display it on the status bar.
From the main menu, Enter "Messaging". The list of messages received from the most
recent to the oldest is displayed.
7.5.3 Message setting
You can set the function for Text message in Menu/Messaging/Options/Settings.