The SteadyG rip™ is a gr ound handle designed to extend the Go Pro® camera fr om
the sky to the gr ound, allowing you to capture amazing acon shots easier than
ever befor e. T he camera pitch contr oller allow s precise camera angle con trol on the
go using your mobile device as a display . T he SteadyGrip 's erg onomic design is
capable of holding up to a 6.4 inch mobile de vice.
The GB203 is a 3-Axis brushless self-stabilizing gimbal, compable with GoPro®
Hero 3, H ero 3+, H ero 4 Black and H ero 4 Silv er , extending the use of the GoPr o®
Camera t o captur e smooth and fluid photographs and video footag e on the ground,
and amazing video f ootage in the sky as well.
Please tak e the me to read thr ough this en re instrucon manual for more
informaon on safety , baery charging, camera controls and more befor e filming
your first hit video. Please also visit www. Y for addional informaon
including product updates, bullens, videos and more.
W ARNING: F ailure to use this pr oduct in the intended manner as described in
instrucon manual can result in damage to the pr oduct, property and/or cause
serious injury. This product is not a toy! I f misused it can cause serious bodily harm
and damage to property .
W ARNING: As the user o f this pr oduct y ou are solely and wholly responsible for
operang it in a manner that does not endanger yourself and others or result in
damage to the product or the property of others.
Always allow GB203 and S teadyGrip ™ to inialize pr operly by seng the Steady-
Grip™ on a flat and stable surface prior to switching it on and allowing the Steady-
Grip™ and GB203 t o inialize properly which somemes takes about 12 seconds.
Always opera te y our S teadyGrip ™ in a respecul and saf e manner .
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Part 15
of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable pr otecon
against harmful interfer ence in a residenal installaon. This equipment
generates, uses and can radia te radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instrucons, may cause harmful interfer ence to radio
Howe ver , there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a parcular
installaon. If this equipment does cause harmful interf erence to radio or
television recepon, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
on, the user is encour aged to try to c orrect the interf erence b y one or more of the
following measur es:
• Reorien t or r elocate the receiving an tenna.
• Increase the separa on between the equipment and r eceiver .
W ARNING: Alkaline Baeries May explode or leak, and cause burn injury if
recharg ed, disposed of in fire, mixed with a differ ent baery type, inserted
backwards or disassembled. Replace all baeries at the same me. Do not carry
baeries loose in y our pocket or purse. Do not remo ve the baery label.
W ARNING: All instrucons and precauons must be read and followed exactly
and y ou must follow instrucons of the ba ery manufactur er .
W ARNING: Alkaline Baeries May explode or leak, and cause burn injury if
recharg ed, disposed of in fire, mixed with a different baery type, inserted
backwards or disassembled. Replac e all baeries at the same me. Do not carry
baeries loose in y our pocket or purse. Do not remo ve the baery label.
NOTICE: The use of rechar geable baeries is only recommended.
W ARNING: Befor e switching on the St eadyGrip™ it is highly r ecommended to first
securely aach the GB203 to your S teadyGrip™.
QUICK TIP: Make sure that you have your microSD card with lots of space for
photos and videos handy .
STEP 1) R emove the prot ecve cov er f or the con tactor as illustrated.
STEP 2) Car efully slide the top part o f the GB203 (that also aaches below the
nose of the TYPHOON) onto the mount below the front part of the S teadyGrip ™. A
corresponding ‘click’ will be noced once the GB203 has securely been installed
into the slide-in mount on the S teadyGrip™.
Depending on devices
Windows Phone (8 & 8.1)²
NOTICE: Please refer to the o fficial website of GoPr o® f or the latest
Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or la ter)
or Vista
3.2GHz P enum 4 or faster
Minimum 4GB of s ystem RAM
Mac OS® X 10.4.11 or la ter
2.0GHz Intel C ore Duo or faster
Minimum 4GB of s ystem RAM
IMPORT ANT NO TE: All safety precauons and warnings, instrucons, warranes
and o ther collateral inf ormaon is subject to change at the sole discre on o f
Y uneec. For the most up-to-da te informaon please visit the corresponding
product page at www . Y or contact the near est Y uneec office or
authorized distributor .
The following special languag e terms are used thr oughout the product litera ture to
indicate v arious levels o f potenal harm when operang this product:
NOTICE: Pr ocedures, which if no t properly followed, cr eate a possibility of pr operty
damage and/ or lile to no possibility of injury .
CAUTION: Pr ocedures, which if not properly followed, create the pr obability of
property damage and/ or a possibility of serious injury.
W ARNING: Procedures, which if not properly followed, cr eate the probability of
property damage, collateral damag e and/ or serious injury or create a high probability
of superficial injury .
W ARNING: Read the ENTIRE instrucon manual to become familiar with the
featur es of the product before operang. F ailure to operate the product corr ectly
can result in damage to the pr oduct, property and/ or cause serious injury.
W ARNING: This is a sophiscated consumer product. It must be operated with
cauon and common sense, and requires some basic mechanical ability . F ailure to
operate this pr oduct in a safe and r esponsible manner could r esult in damage to the
product, property and/or cause serious injury . This product is not intended for use
by children without direct adult supervision. Do not use with incompable
components or alter this pr oduct in any way outside of the instrucons provided by
Y uneec. The instrucon manual contain instrucons for saf ety , operaon and
maintenance. It is essenal to read and follow all the instrucons and warnings
prior to assembly, setup and/ or use in order to operate the product correctly and
avoid damage or serious injury.
Apple iOS:
iphone/ipad/ipod touch
SteadyGrip ™ and GB203
for GoPr o® Cameras
1. GB203
2. Main S tatus LED
3. Pitch Contr ol Roller Wheel
4. Mode Switch B uon
5. Rubberized E rgonomic Grip
6. On/Off Switch
7. 8x AA Baery Compartmen t
STEP 1) R emove the Baery Cover / D oor from the bo om of the SteadyGrip ™
Hold the boom of the SteadyGrip ™ toward yourself with the front part facing
downward. S lide the baery co ver / door upward with slight forc e and inspect the
AA ba ery compartmen t.
STEP 2) Install 8x AA Ba eries
Install 8x AA B aeries as illustrated.
STEP 3) R e-installing the Baery Co ver / Door on the bo om of the S teadyGrip™
Once you’v e installed 8 fresh AA baeries, Hold the boom of the SteadyGrip ™
toward yourself with the front part facing downw ard. Slide the baery cover / door
downward with slight for ce and ensur e y ou hear and feel a noceable ‘click’
indicang the baery cover / door has been closed securely .
STEP 3) P owering on and inializaon. Place your
SteadyGrip ™ on a flat and stable surface, then switch
on the SteadyGrip™ and it will inialize aer 12
seconds of no mov ement or vibr aon. The LED S tatus
indicator on the GB203 will blink green slowly when
inializaon is completed.
GB203 LED Status:
GB203 Connecng with the S teadyGrip: LED blinking green slowly
GB203 F ailing to Connect with the S teadyGrip: LED off
GB203 Connecng with the R emote Controller: LED blinking gr een slowly
GB203 Error: LED blinking r ed
24568 Ka lt enkirc hen, G erm an y
+49 4191 932620
e usa les@yu neec. co m
53 E llemsea Ci rc uit , L onsdale
Sou th Au s tralia 516 0
+61 (0) 8 8186 3301
a ussales@yu nee c .c o m
5555 On t ario M ills Pa r kw ay ,
On tario, CA91764, U S A
1 855 2848888
sales@yu neec .c om
2/F , M an S hung I ndust rial B uil ding,
7 L ai Yi p St re et , K wu n Tong,
Ko wloon, Hong Kong
852 3616 6071
asiasal es@yu neec. co m
hp:/ / support
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the f ollowing two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received , including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any informaon above might be changed due to the sowar e update.
F or the latest documents, please check the official website.
Please be sure to set pho to or video mode for GoPr o® Camera BEFORE installing
it into the GB203. Any operaon rela ted to camera contr ols should be ref erred to
and downloaded accor ding to the official website of G oPr o®. GoPr o® requires
APP to tak e photos and record videos.
NOTICE: MK58 is f or long-distance r eal-me image transmission when installing
it on the aircra .
There ar e two modes of Pitch F ollow Mode and Angle Mode.
Pitch F ollow Mode allows the gimbal camera to track SteadyGrip in pitch
direcon. The Main Status LED indicator will be solid green.
In Angle M ode, the camera lens scks to a fixed direcon instead of following the
movement of the SteadyGrip. The user can control the Pitch Direcon thr ough
pitch contr ol roller wheel.
NOTICE: T he def ault mode of S teadyGrip is Pitch F ollow Mode.
T o Enter Angle M ode:
Press the Mode Switch Buon on the top of the SteadyGrip to exit the Pitch
F ollow mode. The Main Status LED indicator will blink GREEN. The Steady Grip
will enter Angle Mode.
T o Enter Pitch F ollow Mode:
Press Mode Switch Buon again to enter Pitch F ollow Mode. The Main Status
LED indicator will be solid green.
NOTE: When S teadyGrip™ is in P itch F ollow status, the gimbal camer a tracks
SteadyGrip ™ in pitch dir econ, and the gimbal pitch contr ol roller wheel on
SteadyGrip ™ is disabled.
W ARNING: procedures, which if not pr operly followed, cr eate the probability of
property damage, collater al damage and serious injury or create a high probability
of superficial injury .
F ailure to ex ercise car e while using this pr oduct and comply with the following
condions and guidance could result in product malfuncon, excessiv e heat, fire,
property damage, and ulmately injury .
Lithium lon baeries ar e not to ys. F or the purpose of the document Li-lon, Li-Po,
Li-F e, NiCd or NiMH baeries will be described as "Baeries" .
Handling and St orage:
● Nev er alter , puncture or impact Ba eries or r elated components.
● Do not directly connect the terminals with metal objects. This will short-circuit
Baeries, r esulng in heat and electrical discharge.
● Ne ver store loose Baeries together , the Baeries' terminals may contact one
another causing a short cir cuit.
● Nev er expose Ba eries to extreme temper atures or direct sunlight.
● Alw ays disconnect B aeries when not in use.
Befor e the First Charge:
● Ensur e baeries ar e not damaged, as this ma y cause a short cir cuit o f fir e. Charging
● Alw ays r efer to y our charg er's manual to ensure sa fe operaon.
● Always charge Baeries in an open ar ea aw ay from flammable mat erials, liquids and surfaces.
● Nev er charg e Baeries that ar e hot to the touch (abo ve 120°F)
If at any me Baeries become damaged, hot, or begin to balloon or swell,
disconnue charging (or discharging) immediately. Quickly and safely disconnect
the char ger . Then place the B aeries and/ or charger in a safe, open area away fr om
flammable materials in an appr oved Li-Po bag to observe. A er one hour, remov e
the Ba eries from service. DO NO T connue to handle, aempt to use, or ship the
Baeries. F ailure to follow these procedures can cause damage to Baeries,
personal property or cause serious injury.
Damaged or swollen Ba eries can be unstable and v ery hot. DO NO T touch
baeries unl they have cooled. Dispose of baeries in the manner requir ed by
your city, county , state or country . Contact the appropriate Y uneec Product
Support Office to speak to a service t echnician for mor e informaon.
In the ev ent of fire, a Class D, dry chemical fire exnguisher must be used then
baeries must be placed inside of an appro ved Li-P o bag.
Addional Guidelines and W arnings:
● In the ev ent of a crash, always quickly and safely disconnect and r emove Baeries
from the model. Then follow the pr eviously listed sa fety procedur es.
● If the internal contents of Baeries come into contact with your skin, wash the
affected area(s) with soap and water immediately. If it comes into contact with your
eye( s), flush them with generous amounts of water for 15 minutes and seek
immediately medical a enon.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a cir cuit differ ent fr om that to which the
receiv er is connected.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operaon is subject to the
following two c ondions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful in terfer ence, and (2) this device must accept
any interfer ence rec eived, including interfer ence that may cause undesir ed
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC R ules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protecon against harmful interfer ence in a
residenal installaon. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in acc ordance with the instruc-
ons, may cause harmful interf erence to radio communicaons. H owev er , there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a parcular installaon. If this
equipment does cause harmful int erferenc e to radio or television recepon, which
can be de termined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to corr ect the interference b y one or more of the following measures:
—Reorien t or r elocate the rec eiving antenna.
—Increase the separa on between the equipment and r eceiver .
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diff erent from that to which
the receiv er is connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician f or help.
• This equipment must be installed and operated in accordanc e with pr ovided
instrucons and the antenna(s ) used f or this transmier must be installed to
provide a separa on distance of at least 20 cm fr om all persons and must not be
co-located or operang in conjuncon with any other antenna or transmier .
End-users and installers must be provide with an tenna installaon instrucons and
transmier oper ang condions for sasfying RF exposure complianc e.
This de vice complies with Industry Canada licence-ex empt RSS standard(s).
Operaon is subject to the follo wing two condions: (1) this device may not cause
interfer ence, and (2) this device must accept any interferenc e, including interfer -
ence that may cause undesired operaon of the de vice.
L e pr ésent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence. L 'exploitaon est autorisée aux deux
condions suivant es : (1) l' appareil ne doit pas produir e de brouillage, et (2)
l'ulisateur de l'appar eil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si
le brouillage est susc epble d'en compr omere le fonconnement.
This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 r adiaon exposure limit set forth for an
uncontrolled en vironment.
Cet équipement respecte les limites d'exposion aux rayonnements IC définies
pour un envir onnement non contrôlé
Step 1) Pr ess the Curved Lip at the top
front o f the S teadyGrip™ as illustr ated
and fit y our Mobile D evice with the
screen facing tow ard the Main LED and
Pitch Control Wheel.
Step 2) B ind your Mobile Device to the
GoPr o® camera.
The SteadyG rip™ f eatures a camer a pitch controller that allows precise camera
angle contr ol on the go. Simply r oll the pitch control wheel f orward to mo ve the
camera pitch/angle downward and r oll the pitch control wheel backward to mo ve
the camera pitch/ angle upwar d. Please re view these instrucons along with the
illustraons to familiarize yourself on how to control the GB203 and GoPro®
camera with your SteadyGrip™.
NOTICE: T he GB203 can be supplied with power thr ough St eadyGrip™ by the Lipo
Balance Connetor Charge Lead ( sold seperately ) when the contact is damag ed.
SteadyG rip™ LED ST A TUS:
Main Sta tus LED:
Upon P owering on: Gr een LED blinking for twice and
then solid GREEN
L ow V oltage W arning: RED LED blinking slowly
Pow er Cut-o ff: RED LED blinking quickly
Pitch F ollow Funcon on: GREEN LED solid
Pitch F ollow Funcon o ff: GREEN LED blinking
Height: 223mm (8.78 in)
Depth (front to back): 182mm (7.17 in)
Width: 70mm (2.76 in)
Weight (without gimbal/baeries): 254g (8.96 oz)
Angle Control Range (Pitch): 30° to -90°
Runme: 240 min (depending on usage)
Dimensions: 110*80*115mm(4.33*3.15*4.53in)
W eight(without camera ): 145g(5.11oz)
Pitch Contr ol Range: 30°~-90°
Pitch Mechanical Rang e: 75°~-120°
R oll Mechanical Range: -45°~+45°
Y aw M echanical Range: -45°~+45°
Compable De vice: GoP ro®H ero 3, Her o 3+, Hero 4 Black, H ero 4
NOTICE: I f use MK58, GoPr o®Her o4 Black is suggested to achie ve