Version 2 includes a Remix feature which lets you create an alternate “dub” mix which includes
track solo, mute and other button on/off switchings as the song plays.
Every time you press the Song, Voice, Select, Solo or any of the 16 Track buttons, the W5/W7
generates a corresponding MIDI system exclusive parameter change (“Switch Remote”)
Version 2 lets you record these Switch Remote messages in the sequencer in realtime (or Step
edit) in an empty track so that they will be recalled automatically during song playback. In this
way, you can program track solo, mute and other commands in a Remix version of your song to
achieve a multi-dimensional automated mixdown without changing any of the original note,
controller or other data in the song.
To create a Remix version of the currently
selected song:
1. Select an empty track in the currently
selected song.
2. Press [RECORD], then press [RUN] to
start the recording.
3. Press [SONG], [VOICE], [SELECT],
[SOLO], [TRACK 1~16] and perform any
desired parameter adjustments during
the recording.
Note that during recording any key you press on the
keyboard will also be recorded in the currently
selected track as note data. You will find it most
convenient to keep all Switch Remote messages
together in one track, apart from note and other
data, since it is easier to locate and edit Switch
Remote messages this way.
❑ Solo Mode
Recall that when there is sequence data in the
currently selected song, the Track buttons of tracks
which contain data will be lit in green, and the
currently selected Track button will be lit in red. (The
Select button will be lit in green, thus indicating the
W5/W7 is in Track Select Mode; see the Owner’s
Manual, page 74.)
By entering Solo Mode (i.e., by pressing the Solo
button), you can “solo” one or more tracks to hear
them only, thus “muting” the rest. Pressing a Track
button will toggle back and forth between solo (red)
and mute (green) status. Multiple tracks can be
soloed at once.
You can exit Solo Mode and the W5/W7 will still
remember which tracks were soloed and muted the
next time you press the Solo button.
Version 2 also lets you solo, or isolate and play a
single track just by pressing the corresponding Track
To solo, or isolate and play a single track:
Hold [SELECT] and press [SOLO].
In single-track Solo Mode, pressing a Track button
will turn that track on (red light), while turning all
others off (green lights). Thus, you can easily isolate
a single track that you want to examine during
mixdown, or to play by itself during a specific point
in the song when you’re recording a Remix.
Pressing Solo again will return you to the multiple-
track Solo Mode.
When deleting switch remote on/off data from a track in Song
Edit Mode, be sure to delete both On and Off commands.