TR3.0 Treadmill
1. Select User 1 or User 2 via the Program key then press Enter. Note that the dot matrix will
show a single row of dots at the bottom of the display (Unless there is a previously stored
If there is a program stored under the key that is pressed, it will be retrieved. If not, you
have the option of programming in your rst name. The Display will ash the letter ”A” . To
change it, press the 5 key, then “B” will be displayed; if the 6 key is pressed, the letter
“Z” will be displayed. After selecting the appropriate letter, press enter. The letter “A” will
again be displayed and blinking. Repeat the procedure until all letters of your rst name
are programmed (7 characters maximum). When your name is displayed, press Stop and
it will be stored under either User 1 or User 2.
2. If Enter was pressed, the Display will now be blinking a value, indicating your Age (default
is 35). Entering your correct age affects the Heart Rate Bar Graph Display and the Heart
Rate programs. Use the 5/6 keys to adjust, then press Enter. (Note: You may press
Start at any time during the programming to start the program.)
3. The Display will now be blinking a value, indicating your Body Weight (default is 150 lbs.).
Entering the correct body weight will affect the calorie count. Use the 5/6 keys to adjust,
then press Enter.
4. The Display will be blinking a value, indicating Time (the default value is 30 minutes). You
may use any of the 5/6 keys to adjust the time. After adjusting, or to accept the default,
press Enter. (Note: You may press Start at any time during the programming to start the
5. The Display will now be blinking the preset top speed of the selected program (0.5 mph or
0.8 kph). Use the Speed 5/6 keys to adjust, then press Enter. Each program has vari-
ous speed changes throughout; this allows you to limit the highest speed the program can
6. The Display will be blinking the preset top incline of the selected program (0%). Use the
Incline 5/6 keys to adjust, then press Enter.
You are now done programming data and may press Start to begin your workout or Enter to
go back one level to change data entered in the programming phase.
User Programs