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Appendix D: Controlling webcamXP from an External Application
webcamXP can be controlled and utilized from a custom, third-party website. There are two methods to doing
The first, HTTP, is rather straight-forward. It utilizes the HTTP Get functionality of the files hosted in
webcamXP’s remote administration.
For a list of the available commands, please read the section titled Remote Administration.
To utilize these files, simply create a website that links to a desired file and passes it a series of parameters.
For more information on the parameters, navigate through the remote administration system hosted by
webcamXP. Every time you encounter an action you wish to emulate using an external website, make note of
the URL. All applicable parameters (including “cmd” and “camID”) will be displayed in the URL.
The following URLs are example URLs that can be used to control webcamXP from an external web page:
The first of the above URLs contacts webcamXP and informs it to begin an HTTP post operation (posting a
captured camera image to an HTML page). The second captures an image from camera 1 and stores it on the
hard drive of the machine running webcamXP.