Temperature -20°C to +200°C +/-(3%+4dgt) 1°C
-4°F to +1400°F +/-(3%+4dgt) 1°F
K-type thermosensor
Specification of the measuring precision without sensor
Speed RPM 600 to 4000 +/-(2%+4dgt) 1 RPM
X10RPM 600 to 12000 +/-(2%+4dgt) 10 RPM
Speed RPM DIS 300 to 4000 +/-(2%+4dgt) 1 RPM
X10RPM DIS 300 to 6000 +/-(2.5%+5dgt) 10 RPM
Overload protection: 250V
Dwell angle 2 cyl. 0-180° +/-(2.5%+4dgt) 0,1°
3 cyl. 0-120° +/-(2.5%+4dgt) 0,1°
4 cyl. 0-90° +/-(2.5%+4dgt) 0,1°
5 cyl. 0-72° +/-(2.5%+4dgt) 0,1°
6 cyl. 0-60° +/-(2.5%+4dgt) 0,1°
8 cyl. 0-45° +/-(2.5%+4dgt) 0,1°
10 cyl. 0-36° +/-(3%+5dgt) 0,1°
Overload protection: 250V
In no event exceed the max. permitted input values. Do not contact
circuits or parts of circuits if there could be higher voltages pen-
ding within them than 25V ACrms or 35V DC! Danger!