Night vision
The baby unit has infrared LEDs that
allow you to see your baby clearly at
night or in a dark room. When the baby
unit being vie wed detects low light
levels, the infrared LEDs are switched
on automatically. The images from the
baby unit are in black and white, and
appears on the scr een.
• It is n orma l if you see a s hor t whi te glar e
on your p are nt unit sc ree n as the b aby unit
ad apts to t he dar k enviro nme nt.
• Whe n the i nfrare d LEDs ar e on, th e imag es
are in b lac k and w hite. Th is is no rma l.
• Depending on the surroundings and other
interfering factors, like lightings, objects,
colours and backgrounds, the video quality
may vary. Adjust the baby unit angle or
place the baby unit at a higher level to
prevent glare and a blurry display.
Mount the bab y unit on dr y w all ( optional)
Sound sensitivity and sound activ a tion
Sound activat ed screen and audio Adjust sound de tection sensitivity
Whe n Sound activation is o n, the pa rent unit sc reen re mains
off to s av e power whe n the ba by unit detec ts no so und.
Onc e the baby unit d etec ts soun ds that are l oude r than th e
cho sen soun d sensit ivit y level, the p arent unit sc reen a nd
spe aker turn o n automat ically. The parent u nit will th en turn
off a gain af ter 50 se cond s of no sound d etect ion.
• If you have mut ed the paren t unit speak er , only the paren t unit
screen will turn on when a sound is detected.
Y ou ca n turn on Sou nd activation and
adjust the V OX sensiti vity to dete ct sou nds
and tu rn on the p arent unit w hile it s scree n
is switc hed of f or dim med .
Whe n the baby uni t detec ts soun ds that
exceed ce rta in levels, th e parent u nit
scre en will tu rn on and t he baby unit s tart s
trans mit ting th e sound s to the pare nt unit,
and you ca n see an d hear your b aby . If you
have turne d on the Night light Auto-on
and the P rojection ligh t Auto-on feature,
they will t urn on auto matica lly to sooth
you r b aby.
If you turn of f Sound activation , you wil l
hea r sound s from the b aby unit all th e
time, even wh en the p arent unit sc reen i s
switched of f.
1. Place the wall mount brack et on a
wall and then use a pencil to mark
two holes in parallel. R emov e the
wall mount br acket and drill two
holes in the wall (5.5mm drill bit).
• Check for r eception strength and
camera angle befor e drilling the holes.
• The types of screws and anchors you
need depend on the composition of
the wall. Y ou may need to pur chase the
screws and anchors separ ately to mount
your camera units.
2. If you drill the holes int o a stud, go
to step 3.
• If you drill the holes int o an
object other than a stud, insert
the w all anchors into the holes.
T ap gently on the ends with a
hammer un til the wall anchors
are flush with the wall.
3. Align the wall mount br acket and scre ws with
the holes in the wall as shown. Tighten the scr ew
in the middle hole first, so that the w all mount
bracke t position is fix ed. Y ou can tight en the
other screw in the top hole.
3. Insert the scr ews into the holes and
tighten the scr ews until only 6mm o f the
screws ar e exposed.
4. Place the c amera unit on the w all
mount br acket , and then slide it
forwar d until it locks into place. Alig n
the holes on the wall mount br acket
with the scr ews on the wall, and slide
the w all mount br acket down until it
locks into place.
5. Y ou can maximize your camer a unit viewing angles by tilting the wall mount brack et.
Hold the camer a unit, and then r otate the knob in an ticlockwise direction. This will loosen the joint of the wall mount br acket .
Tilt your camera unit up or down to adjus t t o y our pref erred angle. Then, r otate the knob in clockwise dir ection to tighten the
joint and secur e the angle.
4. Place the c amera unit on the w all mount
bracke t, and then slide it forw ard until
it locks into plac e. Connect the power
adapter to the camera unit and a power
supply no t controlled b y a w all switch.
P arent unit ic ons ( Cont’d )
level Lev el 5
Lev el 4
Lev el 3
(Medium )
Lev el 2
Lev el 1
Description (Default setting )
The parent unit
screen and
speaker turn
on for very
small sounds,
backgr ound
noises fr o m y ou r
baby’s r oom.
The parent
unit screen
and speaker
turn on for soft
babbling and
louder sounds
from y our baby .
The parent unit
remains quiet
when your
baby sleeps
soundly .
The parent unit
screen and
speaker turns
on for loud
babbling and
louder sounds
from y our baby .
The parent unit
remains quiet
when your
baby makes
soft sounds.
The parent
unit screen
and speaker
turn on
for crying
and louder
sounds from
your baby .
The parent
unit remains
quiet when
your baby
makes soft
The parent
unit screen
and speaker
turn on for
loud crying
or scr eeching
sounds from
your baby .
The parent
unit remains
quiet when
your baby
makes soft
Statu s icons
Connection status
• - Str ong signal strength.
• - Mod erate sig nal
• - Low sign al stre ngth .
• - W eak signal st rength.
Current vi ew status
• Di splays c amera w hen ba by
unit s uccess fully l inked to
pare nt unit.
Night vision - On
Zoom - On
Lullaby - On
Nig ht light - O n
Nig ht light - Au to-o n
• Colo ur icon i ndic ates the
night lig ht is set to auto -on ,
and i s curre ntly turn ed on by
sound activation.
• Gray ico n indi cates th e night
light i s curre ntly of f but is
set to auto -on . Night l ight
will t urn on wh en soun d is
dete cted by th e baby uni t.
Proje ctio n light - O n
Proje ctio n light - A uto on
• Colo ur icon i ndic ates the
proj ect ion lig ht is set to auto -
on, a nd is cur rently t urne d on
by s ound activation.
• Gray ico n indi cates th e
proj ect ion lig ht is curre ntly
of f but is set to a uto-o n.
Proje ctio n light wi ll turn o n
whe n sound i s detec ted by
the b aby unit.
Statu s icons
oF or
oC Real-time temperature
• Rea l- tim e tempe rature
dete cted by th e baby uni t in
Fahr enheit (oF) or Cel sius ( oC)
(e .g . 57
oF or 14
T e mpe rature al er t tone - On
9- level sou nd ind icato r
• indi cates low s ound leve l
dete cted by th e baby uni t.
• ind icates m ode rate
soun d level dete cte d by the
baby unit .
• ind icates h igh
soun d level dete cte d by the
baby unit .
Mute alert
• Dis plays whe n the pa rent
unit s peake r volume i s set
to of f .
• Dis plays whe n the pa rent
unit i s talki ng to the b aby
Battery status
ani mates wh en the b atte r y is
• - bat ter y is f ully
• - bat ter y is low a nd
needs charging.
Speaker volume - dis plays the
pare nt unit s peake r volume
lev el while adjusting.
Alert icons
• Dis plays when p arent uni t ’s batte ry i s low and ne eds c hargin g.
• Dis plays when co nnec tion b etwe en pare nt unit and b aby unit is lo st.
• Baby uni t detec ts temp erature re ache s or exceed s the set m aximum .
• Baby uni t detec ts temp erature i s at or is lower th an the set mi nimum .
Dim m ode he lps you save parent u nit power . Y our pa rent unit d isplay will d im
autom aticall y afte r 10 minutes of in acti vit y , w hen no keys are p ressed o r aler ts a re
rece ived from the b aby unit.
Dim mode
10 min inactivit y
Pres s an y button
Optimal position
Pro jection light
• The p roje ctio n light l ocate d on th e top of th e baby uni t proje ct s a star ry so ft n ight lig ht scen e onto
the c eili ng with a t ilti ng ang le. Ad just you r baby un it ’s posi tion w ith the p roje cti on lig ht to help
soot h your ba by to slee p. For opt imal p er form ance, p lace t he ba by unit in up right p osit ion.
To keep this product working well and looking good, follow these guidelines:
• Avoid placing it near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or
fluorescent lamps).
• DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
• Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.
• Clean with a soft damp cloth.
• DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby unit in water and do not clean them under running water .
• DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
• Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry before you connect them to the mains again.
General product care
When you are not going to use the baby monitor for some time, store the parent unit, the baby unit and the
adaptors in a cool and dry place.
St orage
Cust omer service and product w arranty
The crossed-out whe eli e bin sy mbo ls on p rodu ct s and b att erie s, or o n the ir res pec tive p ack agin g,
ind icat es they m ust n ot be di spo sed of i n dome sti c waste a s they co ntai n subs tance s tha t can b e
damaging to the en vironment and human healt h.
The c he mica l sym bol s Hg, Cd o r Pb, whe re mar ked, in dic ate th at the b att er y conta ins m ore th an the
spe cifi ed va lue of m ercu ry (H g), cad mium (C d) or le ad (Pn) set o ut in B at ter y Dir ect ive (20 06/66/EC).
The s olid b ar in dic ates th at the p rod uct wa s pla ced o n the ma rket af te r 13t h Augu st, 20 05.
He lp prote ct t he envi ronm ent by di spo sing of yo ur pro duc t or ba tte rie s resp ons ibly.
Disposal of ba tteries and product
Adul t supervision
• Thi s baby mo nitor s houl d be for u se by adul ts on ly .
• Do n ot plac e the ba by unit in sid e the cot or p laype n.
• T o e nsur e your chi ldre n’s safet y , d o not al low the m to touc h or pl ay with the b aby mon itor an d its
acce ssor ies . THIS I S NOT A T OY .
Please ret ain this booklet with your sales receip t as proo f of the date of pur chase.
Customer Servic e
Please call our C onsumer Servic es Department on 03306 780149 (fr om UK) or
+44 3306 780149 ( outside UK) and a service repr esentative will be happ y to help you.
Declara tion of Conformity
This product is in tended for use within Europe and UK.
This equipment complies with the essential requiremen ts to EU’s Radio E quipment Directiv e
(2014/53/EU) and the UK’s Radio R egulations 2017 on radio systems and t elecommunication
VT ech T elecommunications Ltd. her eby declares that
this Video M onitor VM5463 is in compliance with the essential r equirements and o ther
relev ant provisions of EU’s Radio Equipment Dir ective (2014/53/EU) and UK’s Radio Equipmen t
Regulations 2017 .
The Declaration of Conformity f or the VM5463 is a vailable fr om
www. vtechbabycar
Manufactur er: VT ech T elecommunications L td.
23/F ., T ai Ping Industrial Centre, Block 1, 57 Ting kok Road, T ai P o, Hong K ong.
Importer: VT ech Electronics E urope Plc
Napier C ourt, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, Oxon, O X14 3YT , U.K.
This warranty is valid for the UK and Ireland only. For products purchased outside
the UK and Ireland , please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
Thank you for choosing this quality product from VTech.
1.The product detailed above is covered by a one year warranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship.
2.The product may be returned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3.VT ech Electronics Europe Plc will examine the product and if it is found to be defective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4.If the product covered by this warranty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthoriz ed repair, or because of faulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5.This warranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transferable.
6.Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered by the warranty.
7.Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , should be sent to the address shown
below and packed carefully to avoid damage in transit . Please do not include batteries or
adaptors . Please include details of the fault together with your name and address,
contact phone number and/or email address.
8.To keep an online record of your warranty, please register your product online at
VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane,
West Hallam, DE7 6HE
to register your VT ech product
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