Monitoring the heart rate
To read the graph, simply find your age on the horizontal axis and scan up the vertical until you reach the 60%, 70% and
90% values.
Aerobic exercise performed at a heart rate between 60% and 70% mainly burns fat as an energy source.
When doing aerobic exercise at a heart rate of 70% to 90% the cardiocirculatory component prevails.
For example, if someone aged 30 wants to burn off fat, the heart rate during exercise should be kept to between 114 (60%) and
133 (70%); if he or she wants to improve cardio-respiratory capacity, the heart rate should be kept to between 133 (70%) and
171 (90%).
During a workout it is very important that your heart rate never goes above 90% of your maximum rate (unless
you are an athlete engaged in competitive sport).
The sole function of the heart rate monitor is to display the heart rate during exercise and cannot be used for
medical cardiac diagnoses of any kind. The heart rate shown on the display is purely indicative and cannot be
considered absolutely certain.
For information on displaying the heart rate percentage on the control panel see the Heart rate LEDs section in the software