3 After the memory has been transferred, the new logging data window will appear (fig.38).
Select the trip(s) that you wish to store and click on STORE.
PC > Excel
Uploading data from the PC to Grand Excel. Only those trips marked with a + sign are
stored in the day report as opponents and are suitable for uploading to Grand Excel.
1 Following the sequence of instructions entitled
> Connecting up Grand Excel and Running Excel Analyser Software.
2 Select a trip marked with a + sign.
3 Click on the PC > EXCEL button. Downloading will start. Afterwards, the upload-to-Excel
window will appear, with an overview of the ten program numbers with logging data present
in Grand Excel at that moment (fig.39).
4 Click on the program number under which you want to store the logging data.
a If you click on a green number, the new logging data will be placed at the end of the row
(no more than in fifth place).
b If you click on a black number, all current information in the row will be replaced by new
5 By clicking on the CANCEL button, you will cancel the action. Uploading will start when
you click on PC > EXCEL.
During downloading (see point 3), new logging data may be included. The new logging
data window will then appear. Decide whether you wish to store this information.
If you click on logging data in the upload to Excel window, its Performance Overview print
report will appear.
During downloading, only the new trips will be visible in the window.
The Analyser software recognises previously downloaded logging data and
will not show it again. If there are no new logging data, the communication
window with Excel will show the text no new logging data.
Excel Analyser Software