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© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies
Table of Contents
Part I Introduction
................................................................................................................................... 21 About TC-Helicon
Part II Quickstart
Part III Common Tasks
................................................................................................................................... 31 Backing up your presets
................................................................................................................................... 52 Upgrading your product's firmware
................................................................................................................................... 73 Restoring your presets
................................................................................................................................... 104 Registering your TC-Helicon product
Part IV Getting Around
................................................................................................................................... 121 Device Bar
................................................................................................................................... 132 Control Button
................................................................................................................................... 153 Home
.......................................................................................................................................................... 16Product and Feed Filter Bar
.......................................................................................................................................................... 16Banner Window
.......................................................................................................................................................... 16Post Window
................................................................................................................................... 184 Presets
.......................................................................................................................................................... 18Tools
.......................................................................................................................................................... 21Working Data
.......................................................................................................................................................... 22Details
.......................................................................................................................................................... 24Archives
.......................................................................................................................................................... 25Online Library
................................................................................................................................... 275 Firmware
.......................................................................................................................................................... 28Current Version
.......................................................................................................................................................... 29Versions
................................................................................................................................... 306 Manuals
................................................................................................................................... 327 Account
Part V Tips
................................................................................................................................... 331 Keyboard Shortcuts
................................................................................................................................... 342 Multi-user OS accounts
................................................................................................................................... 343 Products with Part A and B
Part VI Troubleshooting
................................................................................................................................... 351 Can't see any posts
................................................................................................................................... 352 My product is not recognized
................................................................................................................................... 353 There are no posts for my product
................................................................................................................................... 364 No tab, copy or paste in the Account page
................................................................................................................................... 365 Can't find my archives
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................................................................................................................................... 366 VoiceLive Touch Favorites
Introduction 1
© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies
1 Introduction
VoiceSupport is your TC-Helicon USB enabled product’s connection to the online world. TC-Helicon
designs its USB enabled products to grow and evolve, just like your use of our vocal processors.
VoiceSupport is the application that allows you to install new firmware updates, stay in touch with the
latest news, tips & tricks, and singing advice as well maintain your personal database of presets.
Key Features:
Drag & drop preset librarian functions
Access to online preset library
Delivers customizable content about your products and other TC Helicon products
VoiceCouncil feeds for the latest advice for singers
Firmware upgrading
Account management
Access to support and product manuals
Windows Requirements:
- XP SP2 or SP3
- Vista 32 or 64 bit
- Windows 7 32 or 64 bit
Mac Requirements:
- OSX 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 supported. (OSX 10.6 recommended)
About TC-Helicon
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1.1 About TC-Helicon
At TC-Helicon, we truly believe that the voice is the world's most beautiful instrument. We don't mean to
degrade other beautiful instruments, but the singing voice is the anthropological source for all things
You should know there is a dedicated group of engineers, researchers and product specialists based in
Victoria BC, Canada, who spend every waking moment of their working lives listening, talking, singing,
and interacting with singers and those who have passion for the singing voice. All this knowledge and
experience is used to design products respecting and empowering the modern vocalist.
Our products focus on removing barriers and inspiring creativity in performance. That's why our products
range from near-field personal vocal monitors to floor-based vocal multi-effects pedals.
The TC-Helicon Team
a TC Group company
Quickstart 3
© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies
2 Quickstart
1. Make sure your computer is connected to the internet.
2. If you have USB-enabled TC-Helicon products, connect them to your Windows or Mac computer.
3. Install the VoiceSupport software.
4. Run VoiceSupport.
4. Choose common tasks below for getting started, or get a full overview in the Getting Around section.
3 Common Tasks
Backing up your presets
Upgrading your product's firmware
Restoring your presets
Registering your TC-Helicon product
Getting Around will give you detail on all the pages in VoiceSupport
3.1 Backing up your presets
This section describes how to create an Archive using VoiceSupport. For more detailed information on
the preset page, go to the Presets section.
1. Connect your product via USB.
2. Run VoiceSupport.
3. Confirm your product is selected. A connected product appears at the bottom left hand corner of the
window in blue.
4. Select the Presets page. To download presets from your unit, hit the button shown in the center of
the preset page. (Note: By default, the application will not download all the presets into the Working
Data on startup. To change these options, see the Control Button section.)
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6. Click the icon and name your archive. You can rename the archive in the Details window.
Common Tasks 5
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Learn more about preset management.
3.2 Upgrading your product's firmware
1. Connect your product via USB.
2. Run VoiceSupport.
3. Confirm your product is connected. A connected product appears at the bottom left hand corner of the
window in blue.
4. Select the Firmware page.
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5. Select the firmware you want to install. New firmware is indicated by a icon.
6. Click Yes to update firmware.
7. After starting a firmware update, the software will show a pop up box which warns the user that the
device must restart on its own after a software update.
8. After the firmware is loaded and your product restarts, click the Rescan button to reconnect your
Warning: Do NOT press Rescan or turn your product off manually during the update process.
Wait for the product to restart on its own before pressing Rescan.
Common Tasks 7
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Learn more about updating your firmware.
3.3 Restoring your presets
This section describes how to restore your presets from an Archive. For more detailed information on
the preset page, go to the Presets section.
1. Connect your product via USB.
2. Run VoiceSupport.
3. Confirm your product is selected. A connected product appears at the bottom left hand corner of the
window in blue.
4. Select the Presets page. Archives for your connected product are shown below the Working Data
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5. Select the presets from the Archive you would like to restore. You can use Keyboard Shortcuts to
select all presets. If you want restore all presets from an Archive, you can drop them onto the Working
Data title bar which is always shown at the top of the Working Data window.
Common Tasks 9
© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies
7. Drag and drop the presets on to the Working Data tab.
8. Select Copy presets.
Below, presets 1 - 25 have been copied from the Archive to the Working Data and are shown in red. To
learn more about the Working Data, go here.
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8. Click the icon to send the changes to the connected product.
Learn more about preset management.
3.4 Registering your TC-Helicon product
1. Connect your product via USB.
2. Run VoiceSupport.
3. Select the Account page.
Common Tasks 11
© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies
4. Follow the steps on screen.
5. When you are asked for your serial number, you can find it by click the Arrow on the connected
product and selecting Device Info. A window will show your serial number.
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4 Getting Around
VoiceSupport contains five main pages:
Home - View videos, tips & tricks, articles on singing and more.
Presets - Manage your product's presets.
Firmware - Update to newer firmware.
Manuals - Find Manuals for your currently selected device and all TC Helicon products.
Account - Register your TC-Helicon product and manage your email subscriptions.
All pages also contain:
Device Bar
Control Button
4.1 Device Bar
The device bar shows all the TC-Helicon products currently connected to your computer.
Getting Around 13
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The connected product is highlighted in blue. Other products recognized via USB are shown in grey. You
can only manage one product at a time. You can switch which product is connected by clicking on
another product on the Device bar. If you have more than one of the same product, you can choose
which one is selected by clicking on the white arrow icon of the connected product.
4.2 Control Button
The Control Button provides central access to common VoiceSupport functions.
-Scan for Devices: Scans the USB devices connected to your computer for TC-Helicon products. Use
this feature if you’ve disconnected or connected TC-Helicon products while the VoiceSupport is running.
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-Disconnect: Disconnects the currently connected device.
-Show Device Info: Will display the serial number and manufacturing date of the device connected.
-Show MIDI Devices: Will show all USB MIDI devices connected to your computer.
-Device Management:
-Automatic: When a device is connected, it automatically gets the data from the device.
-Manually: (default) Will not download presets unless you request the application to do so.
-Use Data From Last Download: This option will use the data from the previous session. This can be
useful when switching between multiple devices. However, if you perform changes on your device, make
sure you Get Data if you want to keep those changes.
-Data Export: Sets the default folder for data export operations.
Getting Around 15
© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies
-Firmware Management: The Reset Firmware List will delete all local copies of firmware files. Once
VoiceSupport is re-started, the application will download new copies from the server.
Register: Register takes you to the Account tab.
Help: The help option provides links to the TC Helicon website, as well as the offline manual and
information about the version of VoiceSupport currently installed.
4.3 Home
Home is the landing page for VoiceSupport. On this page you can get the latest news, see your
connected devices and filter your content experience. When your first run VoiceSupport it will scan for
connected TC-Helicon devices and get the data from the currently selected device.
There are five main areas to the Home page:
Product and Feed Filter Bar
Banner Window
Post Window
Control Button
Device Bar
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4.3.1 Product and Feed Filter Bar
The Product and Feed Filter bar allows you to filter the content which is displayed in the Post Window.
Content from a product you have currently connected to the VoiceSupport application is automatically
selected when you open VoiceSupport.
Products: To change what product posts are displayed in the Post Window, you can click on the icon
for each product. Selected products are shown in full color, whereas products which are not selected
are shown in grey.
VoiceCouncil: VoiceCouncil is an online magazine for contemporary vocalists. Every week it publishes
articles and videos on topics ranging from vocal heath and technique, to gear and technology. To add
posts from the VoiceCouncil RSS feed, click on the VoiceCouncil icon on the far right.
4.3.2 Banner Window
The Banner Window displays the latest news and videos about TC Helicon artists and products. The
articles and posts displayed in this window will change depending on which products you have selected
in the Product and Feed Filter Bar.
To view the articles posted in the Banner Window, click on the image.
To minimize the Banner Window, click the white arrow in the top left of the window.
To browse through the articles. use the forward and back arrows in the bottom left of the window.
4.3.3 Post Window
This is where you can see the latest posts. Each post is either for a TC-Helicon product or
VoiceCouncil. The posts displayed in the the Post Window are affected by the products you have
selected in the Product and Feed Filter Bar.
Getting Around 17
© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies
The posts can be organized by Date (default), Description (alphabetical), or by Feed type.
You can also filter the Post Window by categories. To change the filtering options, click anywhere in
the Post Window. This will bring up the menu shown below.
Select Categories: If the category is shown in color, posts that have this category association will be
displayed. If a category is shown in grey, it will not be displayed.
-All: Displays all posts.
-None: Displays only VoiceCouncil posts.
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Note: Each post can have more than one Category tag.
4.4 Presets
The preset page is where you get to make your product your own by re-arranging, backing up, and
renaming your presets. You must have a connected device to use the preset management features.
There are five main areas in the Preset page:
Working Data
Online Library
4.4.1 Tools
Get Data: Downloads the presets from your connected product into the Working Data view.
Getting Around 19
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Apply Changes: Sends all modified presets from the working data to your connected product.
Send Setup: Sends the setup data stored with the Working Data or Archive view to the device. Setup
Data is automatically received from your device when you click Get Data.
Undo: Undoes the last operation.
Undo All: Undoes all changes to both the Working Data and Archives.
Archive: Stores the Working Data view to an archive. This a great way of making sets or having a pool
of presets to choose from.
Delete Presets: Deletes the currently selected presets. Note: You can also use the DELETE key.
Delete Archive: Deletes the currently selected Archive.
Export: Allows preset and setup data to be exported to MIDI Sysex format. This allows sharing with
other users, or integrating of preset and setup management in a DAW.
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Location: Select the location on your computer where you want to store the data.
File Handling: Select whether you want presets to be stored as individual SYSEX files or as a single
SYSEX file for all data selected.
File Naming: Customize the naming of the SYSEX file.
Export Data: Choose the data you want to export.
Export Source: Choose where you want to export the data fromthe Working Data view, or from an
Import: Allows SYSEX preset and setup data to be imported. This allows sharing with other users and
restoring from backups.
Getting Around 21
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Browse: Choose the SYSEX file you want to import.
Import Destination: Select where you want to import to directly to Working Data or to an Archive.
Starting Preset Location: If youre importing SYSEX with multiple presets, you can select the starting
preset location to import the data, or use the original order saved in the SYSEX data.
4.4.2 Working Data
The Working Data view is where you can drag and drop your preset tiles into any order (this is also true
for Archives).
Working Data Title Bar: You can drag all presets from an Archive onto the Working Data Title Bar. The
presets will be copied starting at preset 1.
A preset tile can show a number of different states:
Default, unselected preset tile. This color indicates that the preset data in the working view matches the
preset data on your connected product.
This color indicates the preset is selected.
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Preset with steps. The number in the top right corner of the tile indicates the number of steps in that
This color indicates the preset in this location has been deleted.
This color indicates the preset has been renamed, moved, swapped, copied or merged; the preset data
in the working view is different that the preset data on your connected product.
Moving Presets:
Simply click and hold a preset, then drag it to a new location. When you select a preset you can use
the common keyboard shortcuts buttons to select multiple presets.
When a preset is selected you can:
Move: Moves the preset to the new location. It will delete the preset from its current location and will
overwrite the existing preset in the new location.
Copy: Copies the preset to the new location (it will delete the preset in the new location if it is not
Swap: Switches the locations of the selected preset and the preset from the new location.
Add as Steps: Will merge all selected presets into a single preset with multiple steps (only available on
products that support steps).
4.4.3 Details
The Details area shows preset name and steps (if supported by your product) for the currently selected
preset or the Archive name for your currently selected Archive. When using the Online Library the
Details area will display the name of the Online Library as well as the content.
Getting Around 23
© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies
Preset Name: Click in this area to change the name of the preset. Once you have changed the name,
you must apply changes before the changes are saved to your device.
Preset Steps: Preset steps can be moved around and copied from other presets. Shown above the
second step has been copied from Preset 12: Power Chords 2 (step 1.) Once you have applied the
changes to the device, the second step will loose its reference name and be called Step Number 2.
If a preset has steps, the order can be changed by dragging and dropping in a new order. In addition,
steps can be deleted using the DELETE key. Steps can also be dragged and dropped from the Details
window to the Working Data and Archives.
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Archive Name: Click in the area to change the name of the Archive.
Presets: Shows the listing of presets included in the currently selected Archive. Note: The preset
listing is only available for archives from the Online Library. User archives can only display the Archive
Name, the preset listing is in the Archive tab.
4.4.4 Archives
Archives are managed in an identical manner to the Working Data. An Archive created in VoiceSupport
remains stored after the application is shut down.
Getting Around 25
© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies
To load an archive onto your product:
1. Select all the presets in the Archive (Keyboard Shortcuts).
2. Drag the presets on to the Working Data tab.
3. Press Apply Changes.
Note: Archives created may not be visible if the firmware you used to create the Archive does not match
the current firmware on your product.
4.4.5 Online Library
The online library contains sets of presets that are authored by TC Helicon which are not included in the
factory default. These presets are always available to users when using VoiceSupport.
When you click on a set of presets from the Online Library, the listing of the presets contained are
shown in the Details area.
-To load all presets from an Online Library into the Working Data, select the Icon from the Online Library
window and drag it into the working data. The presets will be loaded into the working data starting at the
preset you drop the icon onto to.
-To load all presets from an Online Library into the Working Data starting at preset 1, drag and drop the
icon from the Online Library onto the Working Data title bar.
-To load individual presets from an Online Library into the Working Data, select the desired preset from
the Details window and drag and drop into the Working Data.

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