Playing songs during exercise...
Playing songs in automatic selection mode according to your exercise pace
Playlists of “Walk” and “Run” are included on the player by default.
Furthermore, you can add songs to the playlists of “Walk” and “Run” using the
SonicStage software.
You can change the playlist depending on your exercise pace (
page 25).
When switching the playlist from “Walk” to “Run” or vice versa, audio guidance is
If there is not any playlist on the player, the Music Pacer menu does not appear.
We recommend using the supplied clip or arm band (
page 6) when using the player.
However the player may not be able to recognize pace of movement properly depending
on how the player is attached, or the following cases.
– If you use the player with a strap (sold separately) around your neck, waist, bag, etc.
– If you use the player inside a bag swinging randomly.
– If you use the player during up and down movement or swaying from side to side in a
– If you use the player during active sports requiring up and down movement or subject
the player to excessive shock.