Wir eless Ster eo
Headphone System
4-170-753-14 (1) W elc ome!
Thank you f or purc hasing the Sony MDR -RF810RK
W ireless St ereo Headp hone Sys tem. Before opera ting the
unit, please read this man ual thoroughly an d retain it fo r
future r eference.
Some feat ures are:
W ireless system tha t allows you to li sten to a pr ogramme
free from the restriction of a co rd.
High fidelity sound rep roduction.
13 hours of co ntin uous use with supp lied rechargea ble
battery .
Easy connection with TV and HiFi A udio system
equipmen t.
U p to 100 metres receptio n range.
V olume co ntrol function o n the headphones.
Notes on rec eiving
per formanc e
This system utilises very high frequency signals in the 800
MHz band so the receiving perfo rmance may deterio rate
due to the surro undings. The follo wing examp les illustrate
conditio ns that ma y reduce the receptio n range or ca use
interfer ence.
Inside a b uilding with walls containing s teel beams.
An area with ma ny steel file cabinets, et c.
An area with ma ny electrical applian ces capable of
generatin g electromagnetic fields.
The transmit ter is placed on a metal instrument.
An area facing a r oadway .
No ise or interfering signals exis t in the surroundings d ue
to radio transceivers in trucks, etc.
No ise or interfering signals exis t in the surroundings
owing to wir eless comm unication systems in stalled along
Getting star ted
Check that yo u have the fo llowing item s:
The headphones (1)
The transmitter (1)
If the aerial cover com e off from the transmit ter , put the co ver back
into the transmi tter .
AC power ada ptor (1)
Rechargeable nickel-metal h ydride battery BP -HP550-11 (1)
Card warranty (1)
Operating Instructions (1)
T o reduce the risk of fir e or electric shock, do not expose
this appara tus to drip ping or s plashing, and do no t place
objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the ap paratus.
T o avo id electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer
ser vicing to q ualified p ersonnel o nly .
As the main pl ug of A C power adap tor is used to disconnect
the AC pow er adapto r from the mains, co nnect it to an
easily accessible A C outlet. Sho uld you notice an
abno rmality in it, disconnect it from the A C ou tlet
immediately .
Do not install the ap pliance in a confined space, such as a
bookcase or built-in cab inet.
Do not expose batteries or a ppara tus with bat tery-instal led
to excessiv e heat such as sun shine fire or the like.
T rademark, manufact urer and model n umber are located o n
the bottom o f the unit.
Excessive sound p ressur e from earphones a nd headphon es
can cause hearing loss.
Her eby , Sony Corp. decla res that this equi pment is in
comp liance with the essential requir ements and o ther
relevan t pro visions of Dir ective 1999/5/EC. For details,
please access the following URL:
htt p://www .comp liance.son y .de/
Disposal of Old Electric al & Electronic
Equipment (A pplicable in the
European Union and other European
countries with separa te collection
This symbol on the pr oduct or on its packa ging indicates
that this pr oduct shall not be treated as ho usehold waste.
Inst ead it shall be handed over to the a pplicable co llection
point fo r the recycling of electrical and electronic
equipmen t. By ensuring this p roduct is disposed of correctly ,
you will help p revent pot ential negative co nsequences for
the enviro nment an d human health, which could o ther wise
be caused by ina ppro priate wast e handling of this p roduct.
The recycling of ma terials will help to con ser ve na tural
resources. F or mor e detailed informatio n about recycling o f
this product, please con tact your local Civic Office, your
household wast e disposal ser vice or the shop wher e you
purcha sed the product.
Disposal of waste batteries
(applicable in the European Union
and other European countries with
separate c ollection systems)
This symbol on the bat tery or on the packaging indicates
that the bat tery provided with this product shall no t be
treated as ho usehold waste.
On certain batteries this symbol might be used in
comb ination with a chemical symbol . The chemical symbols
for mer cur y (H g) or lead (Pb) are added if the bat tery
conta ins more tha n 0.0005% mercury or 0.004% lead.
By ensuring these bat teries are disposed of correctly , you
will help preven t poten tially negative con sequences for the
enviro nment a nd human health which co uld other wise be
caused by ina ppr opriate wa ste handling o f the battery . The
recycling of the ma terials will help to conserve nat ural
In case of pr oducts that fo r safety , per fo rmance or data
integrity r easons require a perman ent connection with an
incorporat ed battery , this bat tery should be replaced by
qualified ser vice staff only .
T o ensure tha t the battery will be treated pro perly , hand over
the product a t end-of-life to the a pplicable co llection point
for the recycling o f electrical and electronic equipmen t.
For all other ba tteries, please view the section on how to
remov e the battery from the pr oduct safely . Hand the ba ttery
over to the a pplicab le collection point for the r ecycling of
waste bat teries.
For m ore detailed informa tion about r ecycling of this
product or ba ttery , pleas e con tact your local Civic Office,
your ho usehold waste disposal ser vice or the sho p where
you pur chased the product.
Notice for customers: the f ollowing information is only
applicable to equipment sold in countries applying EU
The man ufacturer of this pr oduct is Sony Corporatio n, 1-7-
1 Ko nan Mina to-ku T okyo , 108-0075 J apan. The A uthorized
Representa tive fo r EMC and pr oduct safety is Sony
Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfinger S trasse 61, 70327 St uttgart,
Germany . For a ny service or guarantee ma tters please r efer
to the addresses given in separa te ser vice or guara ntee
Charging the supplied
rechargeable ba ttery
The supp lied rechargea ble nickel-metal h ydride battery is
not char ged from the first time you u se them. Charge them
before use.
T o charg e the battery , connect t he CH ARGE pl ug of the
transmit ter to the headpho nes.
1 Remove the batt ery compar tment lid on the left
housing of the headphones.
There ar e tactile dots on the upper side of the lid and the
housing to c heck the position of the lid. Pr ess and turn
the lid count er-clockwise with yo ur palm so that the dot
on the lid aligns with the left side dot of the ho using.
Incline the head phones to dr op the cover o ff the
2 Insert the supplied rechargeable nickel-metal
hy dride battery into the battery compartment,
matching the terminals on the battery to the
marks in the compartment.
Do not use rechar geable bat tery other than the supplied
3 Close the battery compartment lid.
Press a nd turn the lid clockwise with your palm so that
the tactile dot on the lid match es to right side dot of the
4 Connect the supplied AC po wer adaptor to the
transmitter .
OdB − 6dB
1 2
150mA MAX
T ransmitter
T o DC IN 12V jack
T o an AC
AC power adapt or
5 Make sure to set the switch locat ed on the left
housing to OFF . After that, connect the CHARGE
plug of the transmitter to jack located on the left
POWER indica tor located on the tra nsmitter ligh ts up
red. Prior t o using for the first time, c harge the
rechar geable batt er y un til the POWER indicato r (red)
turns off (ap pro ximatel y 16 hours). Fr om the next time,
charging time t o the full charge will be almost equal to
the previous o perating time. Regardless o f remaining
battery charg e, the POWER indicat or (red) will turn off
app roxima tely 16 ho urs after char ging starts.
T ransmitter
When the transmitter’ s POWER indicator does
not light up red
Check if the switch on the left ho using of the headph ones is
set to OFF . I f the switch is set to ON, the PO WER indicator
does not light up .
Y o u cannot char ge an y recharg eable battery or dry-cell
battery other than the sup plied battery .
T o recharge the headphone battery after use
Connect the headphones to the CH ARGE plug of the
transmit ter in the same manner as described in step 5 of
“ Charging the sup plied recharg eable batt er y” after use. Since
the built-in timer recognises when char ging is comp lete,
there is no need to rem ove the headph ones from the
transmit ter after chargin g.
Do not connect the CHARGE p lug to an ything other than these
The transmitter a utoma tically stops sending RF signals while
charging the ba ttery .
This system is designed to charge o nly the supplied rech argeable
battery type BP -HP550-11 for safety . Note tha t other types of
recharg eable battery cannot be char ged with this system.
If dry-cell b a tteries are installed, they cannot be cha rged.
Do not attem pt to use the supplied BP -HP550-11 rechargeable
battery for other co mponents. Th ey are for use with this system
only .
Charge in an envir onmental tem perature o f between 0 °C and 40 °C
(between 32 °F and 104 °F).
Charging and usage hours
Appro x. charging hours Appro x. usage time* 1
1 hour 45 minutes*3
16 hours*2 13 hour s*3
*1 at 1 kHz, 1 mW+1 mW ou tput.
*2 hours requir ed to fully charge em pty battery .
*3 Time stat ed above may va r y , depending on the temperat ure or
condition s of use.
Using the headphones with dry-cell batteries
(sold separately)
Commercially ava ilable (size AAA) dry-cell b a tteries can
also be used to power the headphones. I nstall the batteries
in the same manner as described in steps 1 through 3 o f
“ Charging the sup plied recharg eable batt er y . ”
When dry-cell batteries are in stalled, the battery charge
function will not be activated.
Battery life
Battery Appro x. hours* 1
Sony alkaline batteries
28 hours*2
*1 at 1 kHz, 1 mW+1 mW ou tput
*2 Time stat ed above may va r y , depending on the temperat ure or
condition s of use.
Notes on Batteries
Do not charge a dry-cell battery .
Do not carr y a dry-cell battery together with coins or o ther metallic
objects. It ca n generate hea t if the positive and nega tive terminals of
the battery accidentally come in to contact with metallic objects.
If you are n ot going to u se the unit for a long time, r emove the
batteries to a void damag e from battery leakage or corr osion.
Checking the remaining battery power
T urn on the switch locat ed on the left housing of the
headphon e, and check the PO WER indicato r located on the
left housing. The ba ttery are still ser viceable when the
indicato r lights up red.
Charge the r echargeable ba ttery or install new dr y-cell
batteries if the PO WER indicato r light dims, flashes, or the
sound becomes disto rted or noisy .
The recharg eable nickel-metal h ydride battery should be replaced
with new ones when they last only half the expected time after a
proper r echarging. The recha rgeable bat tery typ e BP -HP550-11 ar e
not commer cially available. Y o u can order the ba ttery from the store
where you p urchased this system, or a t your nearest Son y dealer .
Setting up the transmitter
1 Connect the transmitter to audio/video
150mA MAX
OdB − 6dB
1 2
T ransmitter
T o headphones jack (Stereo mini jack),
Connecting cord
W ALKMAN®* , TV, et c.
* “W ALKMAN” an d “W ALKMAN” logo ar e registered trademar ks
of Sony Copora tion.
2 Connect the supplied AC po wer adaptor to the
transmitter .
OdB − 6dB
1 2
150mA MAX
T ransmitter
AC power adapt or
T o an AC
T o DC IN 12V jack
Use onl y the supplied A C power adapt or . Do not use an y other A C
power adap tor .
Polarity of the plug
When the transmitter is p laced on or near a TV , it ma y pick up a
noise. In suc h a case, place the transmitter a way from the TV .
If the connected equipmen t has the A VLS (Au tomatic V olume
Limiter Syst em) function, be sure to turn the function off when
using the transmit ter . Otherwise, you will have to turn up the
volume o f the headphones, an d that may ca use noise.
Do not lift the transmitter by the aerial. The aerial cov er may
become detached. If it becomes detach ed, attach it back wher e it
was before.
Aerial cover
Setting the input level
If the vol ume is high using the analogue inp ut, set the A T T
(att enuato r) switch to “–6 dB . ”
Setting Connected components
0 dB TV , portable componen ts, and other com ponents with a
low out put level (initial settings)
–6 dB Other componen ts
B e sure t o lower the vol ume before setting the A T T switch.
If audio inp ut is distorted (sometimes, no ise can be heard at the
same time), set the A TT switch to “–6 dB. ”
Operating the system
Listening to a progr amme
Before listening
T o reduce the risk of h earing damage, first lo wer the volum e.
1 T urn on the audio/video equipment connected to
the transmitter .
If the transmi tter is connected to the headp hone jack, set
the volume co ntrol o f the audio sour ce equipmen t as
high as possible but no t so high that the audio signal
becomes distorted.
2 Disconnect the CHARGE plug from the
The transmit ter’ s POWER indicator ligh ts up green.
T ransmitter
3 Select the radio frequency with the CHANNEL
selector switch.
4 T urn on the switch on the left housing of the
Check if the power indicat or on the left housin g lights
up red. Place the right h ousing on y our right ear and
the left housing on y our left ear .
There is a tactile dot on the han ger marked to
distinguish the left side.
5 Select the channel to that of the transmitter with
the switch on the right housing of the headphones.
T urn up the volum e to a moderate level with the
V OL UME con trol on the left ho using.
Sending RF signals from the transmitter
The transmit ter starts sending RF signals aut omatically
when it detects an audio signal fro m the connected
equipmen t.
If the transmi tter does not detect an a udio signal for mor e
than about 4 min utes, i t will stop sending RF signals, and
the POWER indica tor will blink for 1 min ute, and then t urn
When the transmi tter receiv es an audio signal again, i t starts
sending the RF signals, and the POWER indica tor will light
up green again.
Y ou may not hea r the beginning of the sound from the
headphon es until the transmit ter starts sending the RF
signals after detecting an audio signal.
RF signal transmission may st op when an extremely low
sound is input f or about 4 minut es. If this happens, raise
the volume of the connected A V component within the
range where the sound is not disto rted, and lower the
volume of the headphones.
If hiss is heard, mo ve closer to the transmit ter .
Y ou may hear some n oise when you disconnect the A C power
adapto r from the transmit ter before turn o ff the headphones.
The eff ective areas of the
The optim um distance is up to a ppr oxima tely 100 m withou t
the system picking u p some interf erence. H owever , the
distance ma y vary dep ending o n the surroundings a nd
enviro nment. I f the system picks u p some noise within the
above men tioned distance, r educe the distance between the
transmit ter unit and the headp hones, or select ano ther
When you use the headpho nes inside the effective areas of the
transmitt er , the transmitt er can be placed in any direction fro m the
listener .
Even within the signal reception ar ea, there are some s pots (dead
spots) where the RF signal cannot be receiv ed. This characteristics
is inherent t o RF signals, and does not indicate malfunction. By
slightly movin g the transmitter , location of the dead spot can be
Replacing the earpads
The earpads are rep laceable. If the earpads become dirty or
worn ou t, replace them as illustra ted below .
The earpad is not commer cially available. Y ou can o rder
replacemen ts from the stor e where you p urchased this
system, or a t your near est Sony dealer .
1 Remove the old earpad by pulling it out of the
groove on the housing .
2 Place the new earpad on the driver unit .
Han g the edge of the earpad on one side o f the driver
unit ’ s groove edge, then t urn the edge of earpad around
the driver unit as illustra ted below .
When the earpad is securely inserted into the groo ve,
adjust the earpad to the vertical position.
Additional information
If the transmi tter is not t o be used for a long period of
time, disconnect the AC po wer adapt or from the A C
outlet by h olding the plug. Do not p ull on the cord.
Do not leave the wir eless stereo headp hone system in a
location sub ject to direct sunlight, heat or mo isture.
Notes on headphones
T o reduce the risk of hearing damage
A void using headphon es at high volum e. Hearing experts
advise against co ntinuo us, loud and extended p lay . If you
experience a ringing in your ears, r educe the volume o r
discontin ue use.
Caring for others
Keep the vol ume at a modera te level. This will allow you to
hear outside soun ds and to be considera te to the people
aroun d you.
If yo u have an y question s or pr oblems concerning the
system that a re not co vered in this man ual, please consult
your near est Sony dealer .
Be sure to bring the headph ones and the transmi tter to the
Sony dealer when requiring r epair work.
Operating Instructions
Mode d’emploi
©2010 Sony Corporation Printed in China
T roubleshooting
No sound/Muffled sound
Check the connection of the a udio/video equipmen t or the AC
power adap tor .
Check that the a udio/video equipment i s turned on.
T urn up the volume o n the connected audio/video equipm ent, if
the transmitter i s connected to the headphones jac k.
Change the radio freq uency with the CHANNEL selector on the
transmitt er , then select the same radio frequency with the switch
on the right housin g of the headphon es.
The mu te function is activated.
Use the headp hones near the transmi tter .
The headpho nes ’ POWER indicato r light turns off, dims, flashes,
or sound becomes disto rted or noisy .
Charge the recharg eable battery if it is weak, or r eplace alkaline
batteries with new on es. If the POWER indica tor is still off
after charging the ba ttery , take the headpho nes to a Sony
dealer .
The sound cuts off
The transmit ter stops transmi tting if low sound o r no signal is
inpu t for 4 minu tes.
If you connect the transmi tter to an A V compo nent using the
headphone jac k, raise the volume level o n the connected A V
componen t within the range wher e the sound is not disto rted.
If the transmi tter is connected to the headp hone jack, turn down
the volume o n the connected audio/video equipmen t.
Change the radio freq uency with the CHANNEL selector on the
transmitt er and the switch on the right h ousing of the
The headpho nes ’ POWER indicato r light turns off, dims, flashes,
or sound becomes disto rted or noisy .
Charge the recharg eable battery if it is weak, or r eplace alkaline
batteries with new on es. If the POWER indica tor is still off
after charging the ba ttery , take the headpho nes to a Sony
dealer .
Loud backgr ound noise
Mo ve closer to the transmit ter . As y ou move a way from the
transmitt er , more no ise is likely to be heard.
If the transmi tter is connected to the headp hones jack, turn up
the volume o f the connected audio/video equipmen t.
Change the radio freq uency with the CHANNEL selector on the
transmitt er , then select the same radio frequency with the switch
on the right housin g of the headphon es.
The headpho nes ’ POWER indicato r light turns off, dims, flashes,
or sound becomes disto rted or noisy .
Charge the recharg eable battery if it is weak, or r eplace alkaline
batteries with new on es. If the POWER indica tor is still off
after charging the ba ttery , take the headpho nes to a Sony
dealer .
Carrier frequency 863.52 MHz, 864.52 MHz
Channel Ch1, Ch2
Modulation FM stereo
Frequency response 20 – 20,000 Hz
T ransmitt er TMR-RF810R
Pow er source DC 12 V : sup plied AC po wer
adapto r
Audio input Stereo mini p lug
Dimensions A ppr ox. 108 × 128 × 108 mm
(4 3 /8 × 5 1 /8 × 4 3 / 8 in) (w/h/d)
Mass A ppr ox. 137 g (4.83 oz)
Rated power c onsumption
3 W
Headphones MDR-RF810R
Pow er source Sup plied recharg eable nickel-metal
hydride ba ttery BP -HP550-11 or
commercially a vailable (size AAA)
dry-cell b a tteries
Mass A ppr ox. 270 g (9.52 oz)
(including the su pplied
rechar geable nickel-metal h ydride
Rated power c onsumption
2 W
Design and specifications ar e subject to chang e without