Welcome 11
• Database Merge
Present database content on your web page from Serif databases
(.SDB), Microsoft Access (.MDB), dBASE, ODBC server data, and
other well known database formats, as well as Microsoft Excel,
HTML, and delimited text files. Product lists, mailing lists,
inventories, in fact any database information can be served to your
web audience. Place text or pictures into repeating areas, repeating
Buy Now or Add to Shopping Cart e-commerce forms, or even
HTML fragments. Create your own photo database (with EXIF
fields) for subsequent merging.
Web Publishing
• Previewing your work
Test drive your new web page or your entire site in a choice of
different installed web browsers.
• Publish your site
Publish to a local folder or upload directly to your ISP via FTP;
upload any new or edited pages incrementally. Use Quick Publish to
upload and view a currently displayed page—great for live verification
of individual pages as you build your website.