Welcome 9
• Ready-to-use Styles
Choose various filter effects, glows, shadows, textures, and materials
from the Styles tab. Customize the preset styles or store your own!
• Transparency
Add transparency to your backgrounds, text frames, tables, shapes and
text to achieve a truly professional look. As with color fills, you can
apply solid, gradient, and bitmap transparencies—even create bitmap
transparencies from your own image collection.
• Intelligent Color Schemes
Use the Color Scheme Designer to swap the colors used in your
website—all via a single click! Either use scheme presets or design
your very own custom color schemes using spreads based on
accepted color theory.
• New 2D/3D Filter Effects
Add stunning reflections of an object—great for web page titles and
pictures! Blur any object or stroke a colored solid or gradient border
around object edges (stroke with a new Contour fill which applies
gradient fill from the inner to outer outline width). 3D effects are
boosted with realistic glass-like Transparency control of non-
reflective/reflective surfaces and multiple separately colored lights for
dramatic lighting effects. All filter effects can be applied in preview
mode or to the object on the page. Use the new Shadow Tool for on-
the-page shadow control.
• Instant 3D with On-screen Transforms
Transform 3D objects in-situ with 3D editing from a context toolbar.
Apply multi-colored lighting effects (with directional control), along
with custom bevel and lathe effect profiles to create your very own
unique contours. Hardware-accelerated rendering boosts redraw
performance (hardware dependent).
• Import Word and Open Office text documents
Add word processing content to any text frame without fuss! Import
doesn't need the application to be installed locally! Use a choice of
import converters to optimize text import.