What is a Profile?
A Profile is a custom setup for improved gameplay – consisting of a set of commands that are pre-assigned to the
buttons or axes of your controller. There are over two hundred pre-written Profiles available on the Saitek Smart
Technology Disk that accompanies this device or on the Saitek Website – www.saitek.com. (Please check the website
for new or improved Profiles, which are being added regularly).
How do I program my Cyborg 3D Force?
After getting to know your Cyborg 3D Force, you can start creating your own personal Profiles with the Saitek Smart
Technology programming software (SST). This software has virtually unlimited programming capabilities and allows you
to customize the Cyborg 3D Force to your exact gaming needs.
For a full guide to programming your Saitek Cyborg 3D Force, see the Saitek Smart Technology - Programming Guide
on the CD under D:\Eng\SSTProgrammingManual.pdf or on the Saitek website: www.saitek.com.
Creating a Profile for a Game
1 Open the SST software by double-clicking on the Smart icon the installation left on your desktop.
2 Next, double-click on New Game Wizard and then click on Next.
3 You will now see a list of all the .exe files on your PC to which SST can be assigned. Highlight the name of the
game you wish to create a Profile for, eg, tomb4.exe, then click Next.
4 On the following screen, click Next, then leave both options ticked in the Auto Activation screen and click on Next
again. Select your controller from the list and click on Next once more.
5 In the Button Assignments screen, leave the box unchecked and click Next