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Tone VISUAL/PRO Screen
Switching between VISUAL EDIT and PRO EDIT
Press the [VISUAL EDIT] button to switch to the VISUAL EDIT screen, or the [PRO EDIT]
button to switch to PRO EDIT.
[VISUAL EDIT] button
Edit parameters in a graphical edit screen.
[PRO EDIT] button
Edit all parameters as a list.
PRO EDIT screen
PARTIAL 1–4 [L] button
Turns the partial on/o.
[VISUAL EDIT] button
Edit parameters in a graphical edit screen.
[PRO EDIT] button
Edit all parameters as a list.
Navigation buttons
Jump to the rst parameter of each module.
[UTILITY] button
Copy/paste parameters in entire units (Tone Partial 1–4, Drum Kit Key/
Inst, Drum Kit Comp 1–6, MFX).
Copy Copies the selected parameter from the currently
selected tone or drum kit to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes the selected parameter from the clipboard to the
current tone or drum kit.
VISUAL EDIT (partial layout)
Within STRUCTURE, clicking a [PARTIAL 1–4] button selects a layout that shows the
modules (OSC, FILTER, AMP/EQ, PITCH, LFO) of the corresponding partial.
1 2
6 8
VISUAL EDIT (module layout)
Within STRUCTURE, clicking an OSC causes every OSC to light, and selects a layout that
shows the four partials side by side. The [PITCH] [OSC] [LFO] [FILTER] [AMP/EQ] buttons
correspond to the module layout.
* In the case of module layout, you can use the PARTIAL 1–4 [L] buttons located at the upper right of each module to
turn the partial on/o.
Within STRUCTURE, you can click one of the [RANGE CTRL] buttons to access a velocity
range and matrix control edit screen for the corresponding partial.
The function which allows you use MIDI messages to make these changes in realtime to the partial parameters is called
the Matrix Control. Up to four Matrix Controls (CTRL 1–4) can be used in a single tone. To use Matrix Control, you specify
which MIDI message (Source) controls which parameter (Destination) and how deeply (Sens: sensitivity).
Sets the MIDI message used to change the partial
parameter with the Matrix Control.
Destination 1–4
Selects the partial parameter that is to be controlled when
using the Matrix Control.
When not controlling parameters with the Matrix Control,
set this to OFF.
Up to four parameters can be specied for each Matrix
Control, and controlled simultaneously.
Sens 1–4
Specify the eective depth of the matrix controls.
To make an increase in the currently selected value (to get
higher values, move to the right, increase rates, and so
on), select a positive (+) value; to make a decrease in the
currently selected value (to get lower values, move to the
left, decrease rates, and so on), select a negative (-) value.
For either positive or negative value, greater absolute
values will allow greater amounts of change.
Set this to “0” if you dont want to apply the eect.
Species how partials are played according to your keyboard playing dynamics (velocity).
Specify the key range for each partial.
Key Range
Make these settings when you want dierent key ranges to
play dierent tones.
Specify the lowest note (Lower) and highest note (Upper)
of the key range that you want to specify.
If you specify Fade, the sound decreases as you move
outside the range.
Velocity Control
Make these settings when you want dierent partials to
sound depending on keyboard playing dynamics.
Specify the softest (Lower) and strongest (Upper) velocities
that will be sounded.
If you specify Fade, the sound decreases as you move
outside the range.
PRO EDIT parameters (KEYBOARD)
Velocity Control
Species how partials are played
according to your keyboard playing
dynamics (velocity).
If this is ON, dierent partials are
sounded according to the playing
velocity and the Velocity Range Lower/
Upper and Velocity Fade Lower/Upper
5If this is RANDOM or CYCLE, each
partial is sounded randomly or
5In the case of “RANDOM or CYCLE”
when Structure 1-2 (3-4) has a
setting other than OFF, partials
1 and 2 (3 and 4) are sounded
as a pair, either randomly or in
5In the case of “RANDOM or CYCLE,
velocity has no eect, but you’ll
need to make settings for each
partial so that the Velocity Range
does not conict.
PMT Level Curve
When using Velocity Control to switch
between partials, the crossfade level
changes in a non-linear curve.
When using Velocity Control to switch
between partials, the crossfade level
changes in a linear curve.
Range Lower Range Upper
Fade Lower Fade Upper
Key Range Lower/Key Range Upper
Specify the key range for each partial.
Make these settings when you want
dierent key ranges to play dierent
Specify the lower limit (Lower) and
upper limit (Upper) of the key range.
Key Range Fade Lower
Species the degree to which the
partial is sounded by notes played
below the Keyboard Range Lower. If
you dont want the tone to sound at all,
set this parameter to “0.
Key Range Fade Upper
Species the degree to which the
partial is sounded by notes played
above the Keyboard Range Upper. If
you dont want the tone to sound at all,
set this parameter to “0.
Range Lower Range Upper
Fade Lower Fade Upper
Velocity Range Lower/Velocity Range Upper
Specify the lower limit (Lower) and
upper limit (Upper) of the velocities
that will sound the partial.
Make these settings when you want
dierent partials to sound depending
on keyboard playing dynamics.
Velocity Fade Lower
Species the degree to which the
partial is sounded by notes played
more softly than Velocity Range Lower.
If you dont want the tone to sound at
all, set this parameter to “0.
Velocity Fade Upper
Species the degree to which the
partial is sounded by notes played
more strongly than Velocity Range
Upper. If you dont want the tone to
sound at all, set this parameter to “0.
PRO EDIT parameters (CONTROL)
Envelope Mode
If this is set to SUSTAIN, the Envelope
Level 3 is held from when the envelope
Time 3 has elapsed until note-o.
When note-o occurs, the envelope
transitions from the current value to
the Time 4 segment (release segment).
If this is set to NO-SUS, the envelope
transitions to the release segment after
passing Time 3 regardless of the note-
o timing, operating according to the
times specied by the envelope.
Damper Free Note
OFF, 1–127
For notes above the specied note
number, the Envelope Mode operates
as NO-SUS.
Use this to simulate the undamped
region of a piano sound.
DF Decay Oset
Species a ne adjustment to the time
over which the sound decays when the
Damper Free Note eect is applied.
Receive Bender
Species for each partial whether MIDI
pitch bend messages are received (ON)
or not received (OFF).
Receive Expression
Species for each partial whether MIDI
expression messages are received (ON)
or not received (OFF).
Receive Hold-1
Species for each partial whether MIDI
hold 1 messages are received (ON) or
not received (OFF).
Redamper Switch
If Redamper Switch is ON, you can
perform the Half Damper operations
used for piano sounds.
However, the following conditions
must be satised in order to use this
5Envelope Mode is NO-SUS
5Amp Envelopes Level 1 and 2 are 1
or greater
5Amp Envelopes Times are Time 3 >
Soft EQ Sens
Increases the proportion by which
the EQs High-Gain is lowered by the
amount of pedal.
With a setting of 0, this has no eect.
A number of the more typical of the ZENOLOGYs partial parameters have been designed so they accept the use of
Control Change (or other) MIDI messages for the purpose of making changes in their values. This provides you with a
variety of means of changing the way tones are played.
For example, you can use the Modulation Bar to change the LFO cycle rate, or use the keyboards touch to open and
close a lter.
The function which allows you use MIDI messages to make these changes in realtime to the partial parameters is called
the “Matrix Control.
Up to four Matrix Controls can be used in a single tone.
To use Matrix Control, you specify which MIDI message (Source) controls which parameter (Destination) and how deeply
(Sens: sensitivity).
Source 1–4
(Matrix Control 1–4)
Sets the MIDI message used to change the partial
parameter with the Matrix Control.
OFF Matrix control will not be used.
Controller numbers 1–31, 33–95
BEND Pitch bend
AFT Aftertouch
The following MIDI messages control
the parameters.
SYS-CTRL2: Aftertouch
5If using the Tone/Drum Kit
Manager Screen command
[EXPORT] - For Hardware to
play the settings on a hardware
product, the system settings of
each hardware product are used.
VELOCITY Velocity (pressure you press a key with)
KEYFOLLOW Keyfollow (keyboard position with C4
as 0)
TEMPO Tempo specied by the DAW
PIT-ENV Pitch envelope
FLT-ENV Filter envelope
AMP-ENV Amp Envelope
* Velocity and Keyfollow correspond to Note messages.
* Although there are no MIDI messages for LFO 1 through
Amp Envelope, they can be used as Matrix Control. In this
case, you can change the partial settings in realtime by
playing tones.
There are parameters that determine whether or not
Pitch Bend, Controller Number 11 (Expression) and
Controller Number 64 (Hold 1) are received (p. 5).
When these settings are ON, and the MIDI messages
are received, then when any change is made in
the settings of the desired parameter, the Pitch
Bend, Expression, and Hold 1 settings also change
simultaneously. If you want to change the targeted
parameters only, then set these to OFF.
Destination 1–4
Selects the partial parameter that is to be controlled when
using the Matrix Control. The following parameters can be
When not controlling parameters with the Matrix Control,
set this to OFF.
Up to four parameters can be specied for each Matrix
Control, and controlled simultaneously.
OFF Matrix control will not be used.
PCH Changes the pitch.
CUT Changes the cuto frequency.
Emphasizes the overtones in the
region of the cuto frequency, adding
character to the sound.
LEV Changes the volume level.
PAN Changes the pan.
Does not function on this product.
If using the Tone/Drum Kit Manager
Screen command [EXPORT]- For
Hardware to play the settings on
another product, this changes the
depth of that products chorus.
Does not function on this product.
Does not function on this product.
If using the Tone/Drum Kit Manager
Screen command [EXPORT]- For
Hardware to play the settings on
another product, this changes the
depth of that products reverb.
Changes the vibrato depth.
Changes the wah depth.
Changes the tremolo depth.
PAN-LFO1 Changes the eect that the LFO will
have on pan.
LFO1-RATE Changes the speed of the LFO cycles.
The speed will not change if LFO Rate is
set to “note.
PIT-ATK Changes the Time 1 of the pitch
PIT-DCY Changes the Time 2 and Env Time 3 of
the pitch envelope.
PIT-REL Changes the Time 4 of the pitch
FLT-ATK Changes the Time 1 of the FLT
FLT-DCY Changes the Time 2 and Env Time 3 of
the FLT envelope.
FLT-REL Changes the Time 4 of the FLT
AMP-ATK Changes the Time 1 of the Amp
AMP-DCY Changes the Time 2 and Env Time 3 of
the Amp Envelope.
AMP-REL Changes the Time 4 of the Amp
If the Matrix Control is used to split
partials, set the PMT Velocity Control
to “OFF.
5If the Matrix Control is used to split
partials, we recommend setting
the “Sens 1–4” to “+63. Selecting a
lower value may prevent switching
of the partials. Furthermore, if you
want to reverse the eect, set the
value to “-63.
5If you want to use matrix control to
switch smoothly between partials,
use the Velocity Fade Lower and
Velocity Fade Upper. The higher
the values set, the smoother the
switch is between the partials.
FXM Changing the depth of frequency
modulation produced by FXM
Applies a change to MFX CONTROL
1–4 Source. If this is specied for more
than one partial, the result will be the
summed values.
PW Applies change to PW.
PWM Applies change to PWM.
FAT Applies change to FAT.
This setting is valid only for the carrier
partial (Partial 1 or 3), and applies
change to the CrossMod1-2Depth or
LFO1-STEP This is valid if the LFO1/LFO2 Waveform
is STEP; it species the step position. In
this case, the Sens value is ignored.
This is eective if OSC Type is
SuperSAW; it applies change to Super-
SAW Detune.
PIT-DEPTH Changes the depth of the Pitch
FLT-DEPTH Changes the depth of the Filter
AMP-DEPTH Changes the depth of the Amp
This is eective when Structure 1-2 (3-4)
is XMOD2; it applies change to XMOD2
1-2 (3-4) Depth.
This is eective if Structure is RING.
In the case of Partial 1
Changes the RING OSC 1 LEVEL of
In the case of Partial 2
This setting has no eect.
In the case of Partial 3
Changes the RING OSC 3 LEVEL of
In the case of Partial 4
This setting has no eect.
This is eective if Structure is RING.
In the case of Partial 1
Changes the RING OSC 2 LEVEL of
In the case of Partial 2
This setting has no eect.
In the case of Partial 3
Changes the RING OSC 4 LEVEL of
In the case of Partial 4
This setting has no eect.
This is eective when Structure is
In the case of Partial 1
Changes the XMOD OSC 1 LEVEL of
In the case of Partial 2
This setting has no eect.
In the case of Partial 3
Changes the XMOD OSC 3 LEVEL of
In the case of Partial 4
This setting has no eect.
This is eective when Structure is
In the case of Partial 1
Changes the XMOD OSC 2 LEVEL of
In the case of Partial 2
This setting has no eect.
In the case of Partial 3
Changes the XMOD OSC 4 LEVEL of
In the case of Partial 4
This setting has no eect.
Sens 1–4
Specify the eective depth of the
matrix controls.
To make an increase in the currently
selected value (to get higher values,
move to the right, increase rates, and so
on), select a positive (+) value; to make
a decrease in the currently selected
value (to get lower values, move to the
left, decrease rates, and so on), select a
negative (-) value.
For either positive or negative value,
greater absolute values will allow
greater amounts of change.
Set this to “0” if you dont want to apply
the eect.
In the tone screen, press the [MFX EDIT] button to access the MFX screen.
MFX Panel
&MFX Panel
Source 1–4
Species the MIDI message that will control the
corresponding MFX CONTROL parameter.
Destination 1–4
Species the multi-eect parameters that are controlled by
MFX CONTROL. The multi-eects parameters available for
control will depend on the multi-eects type.
Sens 1–4
Species the depth of MFX CONTROL.
Specify a positive (+) value if you want to change the value
of the assigned destination in a positive direction (larger,
toward the right, faster, etc.), or specify a negative (-) value
if you want to change the value in a negative direction
(smaller, toward the left, slower, etc.). Larger values will
allow a greater amount of control.
1 Tone screenTone screen
& Tone Screen / Drum Kit Screen (Common Items)”
&Tone Screen
2 StructureStructure
Structure lets you sound two partials as a set.
You can create a wide range of sounds by using partial 2 or 4 (the modulator) to modulate
partial 1 or 3 (the carrier).
Since the Structure uses two partials as a pair, it provides parameters that are used in
common by the carrier and modulator.
Shows the module selected in the tone VISUAL/PRO screen
for all four partials (module layout).
[RANGE/CTRL] button
Shows a layout in which the tone VISUAL/PRO screen
shows the velocity range and matrix control edit screen
of each partial.
[L] button
Turns the partial on/o.
[PARTIAL 1–4] button
Shows all modules of the selected partial in the tone
VISUAL/PRO screen (partial layout).
[OFF] button
The two partials are used individually (not as a pair).
[SYNC] button
Implements the oscillator sync function that is provided by
an analog synthesizer.
The partial 1 oscillator is reset at intervals of partial 2’s
pitch cycle.
* This is eective only if OSC Type is VA or PCM-Sync.
[RING] button
Implements the ring modulator function that is provided
by an analog synthesizer.
The output sound of partial 2 is multiplied with partial 1.
[XMOD] [XMOD2] buttons
Implements the cross modulation function that is provided
by an analog synthesizer.
The output sound of partial 2 is applied as the pitch of
partial 1.
* XMOD2 is available only when Partial 1 and 3 are OSC Type
VA .”
5Keyboard Range Lower
5Keyboard Range Upper
5Keyboard Fade Width Lower
5Keyboard Fade Width Upper
5Velocity Range Lower
5Velocity Range Upper
5Velocity Fade Width Lower
5Velocity Fade Width Upper
5Partial Switch
5Delay Mode (note)
5Delay Mode
5Delay Time Sync
5Delay Time (note)
5Delay Time
5Envelope Mode
5Receive Hold-1
5Redamper Switch
5Damper Free Note
5Destination: PMT
5Destination: CROSS-MOD

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