The camera can be used on just about any bike/cycle helmet or bike fairing.
Helmet mounting the camera will give the benefit of recording video in the direction the
rider is looking but can also produce video with a lot of movement which may not be
comfortable to watch for long periods of time.
Bike mounting the camera will produce much smoother video but will limit the angle of
view to the direction the bike is facing. Avoid mounting the camera where it will be
subjected to excessive vibration.
The best way to mount this camera to either your helmet or your bike’s bodywork is to
use the locking cradle supplied in the box. This clamps around the camera and then
clips on to either the curved or the flat adhesive mount.
The adhesive mounts are supplied in two versions.
Use the flat adhesive mount on flat surfaces and the curved mount for curved surfaces
such as a helmet or the contour of a bike’s fairing.
The mounts use 3M VHB sticky pads. The adhesive qualities of these sticky pads are
extremely strong. Because of this, you should be absolutely sure about the mounting
position of the camera before you stick the mount in place. Additional camera mounts
are available separately from your RoadHawk dealer or from the RoadHawk website.