2 Dealer4 Cleaning
Dealing cards is a dirty process. Cards collect dust, sweat, cosmetics and other chemicals from player’s
hands during play. This dirt is transferred to the machine parts. When a machine is too dirty the dealing
process can be slowed down or will become impossible. Therefore regular cleaning is required for long
and reliable operation of the Dealer4. There are four parts that require cleaning which are described in
detail in the following paragraphs.
2.1 Cleaning tools
To clean the Dealer4 the following tools are required:
- Cotton gloves - it is recommended and most convenient to use gloves. If cotton gloves are not available
any other cloth can be used.
- AirDuster - pressurized air in can (E.g. EAD from Electrolube).
- Small brush
- Cleaning agent –cleaning agent can be:
- clean water – not the best but simplest and easily available.
- methylated or ethylated spirits (methanol or ethanol alcohol), may be not available in all
- propanol or isopropanol – special kind of alcohol commonly used as solvent for electronic
industries. (E.g. IPA from Electrolube)
Do not use soap or another detergents, any solvent, turpentine, any hydrocarbons
(like petrol or WD40), rubber cleaners (rubber rejuvenator).