PENTAGRAM Cerberus [P 6367]
your ISP or network administrator.
Primary DNS Address: Enter the necessary address provided by your ISP.
Secondary DNS Address: Enter the second address if your ISP provides, and it is optional.
Host Name: The device’s WINS name which you can use to visit the device.
NOTE: Once you changed the IP address of the LAN port, you should use the new IP to enter
the WEB management interface.
WLAN Settings
Basic Settings
Enable Wireless: Tick to enable the Router’s wireless features. If you don’t want to use this
feature, you can disable it and all functions related with wireless will be disabled.
Network Mode: From this drop-down menu, you can select the wireless standards running on
your network. The default is 11b/g/n mode.
• 11b mode: Select it if you have only Wireless-B devices.
• 11g mode: Select it if you have only Wireless-G devices.
• 11b/g mixed mode: Select it if you have only Wireless-B and Wireless-G devices.
• 11b/g/n mixed mode: Select it if you have Wireless-B, Wireless-G and Wireless-N devices.
SSID: SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the unique name of the wireless network. Enter this SSID
for wireless devices to have access to the router. You can either customize a network name or
use the default.
Broadcast (SSID): Select Enable to enable the router’ SSID to be scanned by wireless devices.
The default is Enabled. If you disable it, the wireless devices must know the SSID for