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Notch F ilter
Notch F ilter is the ability of the device to discriminate single or multiple T arget IDs b y not
emitting an audio response f or them or giving a low ir on tone (pleas e ref er to ir on tone in
notch filt er).
Although Notch F ilter may seem similar to Disc. a t first glance , these two settings ha ve
differ ent functions. While the Disc . filters out all IDs between 0 and the set value , the Notch
F ilter filters IDs individually .
With the Notch F ilter you can reject a single ID or multiple IDs at the same time. This process
does not affect any IDs below or above the selected IDs. F or example, you can filter out IDs
between 31-35 as well as 50 simultaneously .
How T o Use The Notch F ilter
When Notch F ilter is selec ted from the Expert Settings, first, the current Disc. value will be
displayed on scr een and discriminated ID range will be shown on the ID scale with lines. F or
example, if the Disc . is set to 15, when you select Notch F ilter , number 15 will be displayed
on screen corresponding t o 8 lines on the ID scale (every 2 consecutive IDs are repr esented
with 1 line). Notch F ilter cannot be used within the Disc. range . In other words, if the Disc . is
set to 15, Notch F ilter can only be applied to IDs 16 or higher . I f you want t o Notch Filt er IDs
15 or below , first you need to change the Disc. value .
The Notch F ilter rejects or accepts IDs with the help of the cursor at the top of the screen.
T o move the cursor on the scale, plus (+) and minus (-) buttons are used. The cursor blinks
while it is moving on the scale. When you are on the first ID that you want to reject, press
the SELEC T button once. This ID is now rejected and it is shown on the screen with a line. If
you want to reject multiple IDs, continue to pr ess the plus (+) or minus (-) button. If non- con-
secutive IDs want to be rejected, push the SELECT button once to have the cursor blink for
navigation on the scale and repeat the process abov e. The cursor will appear where you left
it the next time you use the Notch F ilter .
T o give an e xample; let's say you w ant to r eject IDs between 20-25 and the cursor is at 10.
Pr ess the plus (+) button un til you r each number 20. Then push the SELEC T button onc e.
Number 20 will be marked with a line. When you r each number 25 using the (+) bu tton
again, IDs betwe en 20-25 will be filtered out and they will be shown on the ID scale with 3
lines (every 2 cons ecutive IDs ar e represented with 1 line).
T o accept back the filtered IDs, select Notch Filter in the menu. The cursor will appear where
you last left it. Using the plus (+) or the minus (-) button, selec t the ID you want to accept and
push the SELEC T button. Then, using the plus (+) or minus (-) button again, unfilter the IDs
back in. 1 line will be erased for every 2 consecutive IDs accepted.
Iron T one in Notch F ilter:
This will enable you to get a low iron tone for your notched out target IDs instead of silencing
them. T o use this feature , first selec t Fe V ol. from the menu and using the plus (+) button
select the iron tone volume between n1-n5. n5 is the maximum level and the iron volume
will be reduced as you go down but it cannot be silenced completely .
Notch F ilter adjustment applies to the sel ected search mode only . The change does not
affect the other modes.
IMPORT ANT! If you are using the Standard ID scale and you change the operating frequency
of the device, you may need to re-adjust the Notch Filt er values according to the IDs you will
get in the new frequency .
Audio T one
Allows y ou to change the target audio response tones and the thr eshold sound accor ding
to your prefer ence. F or each metal group (F e, Gold/Non-F e, Non-Fe) the frequency can be
adjusted between 150 Hz (15) and 700 Hz (70).
When A udio T one is selected from the Expert Settings, names of the metal gr oups men-
tioned abov e will appear at the bott om of the scr een and the selected one will be framed .
T o select another group , just press the SELEC T button. Then use the plus (+) or the mi nus
(-) button to change the audio frequency .
Audio T one adjustment applies to the selected search mode only. The change does not affect
the other modes.
T one Break
It is used to adjust the br eak points of the target response t ones on the T arget ID range .
Default T one Break points in t he IMP ACT will vary according t o the search mode. By using
the T one Break fea ture, for each metal gr oup (F e, Gold/Non-F e, Non-F e) you can change
the point where the lo w tone ch anges into th e higher tone .
T o use the T one Break featur e, first select this setting fr om the Expert Settings. The nam es
of the metal groups mentioned abov e will appear at the bott om of the scr een. The T one
Break poin t of the meta l group will be sho wn on the scr een numerically while the cursor
at the t op will point to it on the ID scale . In some modes, ther e are 2 tone br eak points and
in some ther e are 3. T o select the metal group , just push the SELECT button. Selection will
be framed . T o change the value of the break point , plus (+) o r minus (-) butt on is used .
T o give an example for the above explanation; let's say you are in the DI3 mode and you want
to change the T one Break points. F irst, selec t the T one Break from the Exper t Settings. Fe and
Gold/Non-F e will appear at the bottom of the screen and Fe will be framed. The default value
of 15 will also be displayed on the screen. Using the plus (+) or the minus (-) button change
this number to any value you want. Let's say you increased it to 40. Then, push the SELECT
button once to select the Gold/Non-F e. Let's say you decreased the default value of 66 to
50. In this case, the device will produce a low iron tone for all metals with IDs equal to or less
than 40, a medium tone for metals with IDs 41-50 and a high tone for metals with IDs greater
than 50 (If you have also adjusted the Audio T ones, the selected frequency will apply to the
new ID ranges).
T one Break adjustment applies to the selected search mode only . The change does not affect
the other modes.
IMPORT ANT! If you are using the Standard ID scale and you change the operating frequency
of the device, you may need to re-adjust the T one Break points according to the IDs you will
get in the new frequency .
iSA T (Intelligent Self-Adjusting Threshold)
iSA T in General Search Modes (GEN and GEN (D))
F or the General Search Modes ( GEN and GEN (D)) to per form accur ately , a stable thr eshold
sound is nec essar y . Y ou cannot sear ch in the General Sear ch Modes without g round
balancing. Changes that oc cur in the soil structure and mineralization lev els after gr ound
balancing, may cause a rise or fall in the backgr ound hum and disrupt the thr eshold's
stability which will result in fal se signals and thus missing sig nals of small metals. iSA T
adjusts the speed that the device rec overs its threshold hu m and eliminat es the negativ e
effects of miner alized soils . Increasing the iSA T in high mineralization will enable a more
stable operation by a voiding false signals. This, how ever , ma y cause some lo ss in depth
and it is normal.
NO TE: In high mineralization, if you receiv e too many false signals without disruption in the
threshold hum, low er the gain first before incr easing the iSA T . I f the false signals continue,
set the gain back to its original value and increase the iSA T .
If the mineralization is low , you can decrease the iSA T and sweep the c oil more slowly f or a
deeper detection.
iSA T consists of 10 levels. The device will star t at level 6. I t is recommended that iSA T should
be increased in high-mineralization and decreased in low mineralization.
iSA T in Discrimination Modes
It is used to eliminate false sig nals caused by gr ound noise or hot rocks when searching in
discrimination modes and the av ailable range is between 00-10. Its factory default value is
set to (1). Y ou can change the value using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons.
If the device receiv es a lot of false signals due to highly miner alized soil or hot rocks in the
discrimination modes, first r e -ground balance. If the false signals c ontinue, low er the Gain
and check again. In case the false signals still exist, try increasing the Disc.v alue. Regardless
of all these, if the false sig nals still exist, first change the Gain and Disc. v alues back to their
previous levels . Then, increase the iSA T level until the false signals ar e eliminated.
At the maximum level of iSA T , false signals will disappear or will be minimized. Howev er , in
some cases, increasing the iSA T will result in loss of depth for certain metals such as copper .
NO TE: When detecting on wet or highly mineralized gr ound, in order not to miss smaller
high conductive metals (silver , copper etc.) it is recommended not to increase the iSA T level
too high.
NO TE: iSA T value ranges between 00-10. The factory default is 01. At ''0'' , the iSA T fea ture
will be inactive. If the ground is not highly mineralized or does not contain man y hot rocks ,
setting the iSA T to ''0'' is r ecommended.
iSA T in S ta tic M odes
i S A T i n s t a t i c m o d e s i s u s e d t o e l i m i n a t e t h e t h r e s h o ld d r i f t s c a u s e d b y c h a n g e s i n t h e
g r o u n d a n d t e m p e r a t u r e . T h r e s h o ld d r i f t s w i ll b e r e f l e c t e d i n t h e I D s c a le e i t h e r i n t h e
p o s i t i v e w a y ( r i g h t s i d e ) o r t h e n e g a t i v e w a y ( l e f t s i d e ) .
W hen the thr eshold dr if ts , pull the tr igger onc e t o r etune the det ec t or first . I f the dr if ts ar e
substan tial and r etuning does not impr o v e the situa tion, incr ease the iSA T setting in the
Exper t S ettings t o a lev el wher e the dr if ts ar e elimina t ed . A s the iSA T is incr eased , the devic e
ma y det ec t w eaker sig nals but will not be able t o det ec t the tar gets an ymor e if y ou hold the
c oil sta tionar y or sw eep back and f or th o v er the tar get .
iSA T v alue r anges bet w een 0-10. T he fac t or y default is 3. A t ''0'' , the iSA T f ea tur e will be inac -
tiv e . I f the g r ound and en vir onmen tal c onditions do not cause an y dr if ts in the thr eshold ,
setting the iSA T t o ''0'' is r ec ommended .
F r equenc y
IMP A C T off ers 3 oper a ting fr equencies — 5kH z, 14kH z and 20kH z— t o suit diff er en t tar get
and soil t ypes .
Based on the fr equenc y selec t ed , the det ec t or's det ec tion per f or manc e f or diff er en t t ypes
of tar gets will v ar y . T he list belo w includes , but ar e not limit ed t o , diff er en t t ypes of tar gets
tha t c or r espond t o each fr equenc y :
5kH z: Lar ge f er r ous and non-f er r ous objec ts
H igh c onduc tiv e c oins
M edium or r ela tiv ely small tar gets in non-miner aliz ed g r ound without ir on tr ash
F er r ous masses and militar ia
14kH z: G ener al use
Small c oins
Diff er en t siz e c oins in medium-highly miner aliz ed g r ound
20kH z: Small c oins with diff er en t c onduc tivities and thin lar ge c oins
G old c oins , r ings , small jew elr y , sheet ir on, f oil
Small tar gets in ir on tr ash
T o c h a n g e t h e o p e r a t i n g f r e q u e n c y o f t h e d e v i c e , a c c e s s t h e E x p e r t S e t t i n g s s i m p l y b y
p u s h i n g t h e E X PE R T B u t t o n . A f t e r s e l e c t i n g t h e f r e q u e n c y o p t i o n , c h an g e t h e f r e q u e n c y
u s i n g t h e p l u s ( + ) a n d m i n u s ( - ) b u t t o n s . Y ou w i l l h e ar t h e s o u n d o f t h e r e l a y ci r cu i t ; t h i s
i s n o r m a l . A t t h e s a m e t i m e , l i n e s w i l l s t ar t r o t a t i n g i n t h e G B w i n d o w an d t h e y w i l l s t o p
w h e n t h e n e w f r e q u e n c y i s a c t i v e .