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z PCB MuDisk: UPGRADE is upgrading the firmware of the system by
downloading. PCAMuDisk: Backing up of the firmware of the system by
z The current executing status can be: Ready/Busy…doing…/done/failed.
Ready: UPGRADE is ready for receiving the requests from PC.
Busy: UPGRADE has not begun the material upgrade or backup yet, but is
processing the requests from PC.
Doing: UPGRADE is upgrading or backing up materially, so users can’t
cancel the upgrade at this time.
Done: UPGRADE has finished the upgrade or backup.
a. Ready
Its interface is as shown in the Fig below.
Ready: UPGRADE is ready for receiving the requests from PC.
<Firmware Upgrade>
Operation Instructions
If the player is not connected to the USB Port, press Mode to return to the
System menu.
PC requests processing.
When receiving and processing the general requests from PC, the status of
the player are switched between Ready and Busy .
When receiving the material download upgrade request, the player will
switch to the Doing status, and execute the download upgrade.
When receiving the material upload backup request, the player will switch
to the Doing status, and execute the upload backup.
b. Download Upgrade
Download Upgrade is to download the system firmware version from the PC
side into the player and overwrite the current firmware version in the player.
Moreover, if both the system firmware and its backup are damaged, the
Download Upgrade can repair the system firmware.
The Download Upgrade interface is as shown in the Fig below.
Doing: UPGRADE is upgrading or backing up materially, so users can’t
cancel the upgrade at this time.
<Firmware Upgrade - In Upgrading>
Done: UPGRADE has finished the upgrade or backup.
<Firmware Upgrade OK Interface>
Failed: UPGRADE is failed.
<Firmware Upgrade Failure Interface>