Installing the SIM Card
When y ou subs cribe to a cellular network, y ou are
pro vided w ith a plug-i n SIM card loa ded wit h your
subs cripti on detai ls, such as your PIN , any option al
service s availa ble and many others .
Impor tant!
The plug -in SIM car d and its con tacts can be easily
damag ed by scra tche s or bending , so be caref ul when
handl ing, inse rting or re moving the card. K eep all SIM
car ds out of the re ach of small childr en.
Alwa ys switc h the devic e off and disc onnect the
char ger bef ore removi ng the batt ery .
1 Rem ove the back cover .
2 Lift bat tery away .
3 Insert the SIM card.
4 Insert the battery pack .
5 Att ach the back cover .
6 Char ge the batt ery .
Dummy SIM
5 6
L G- T385 U s er Gu i de
Engl i sh
Phone Components
Entering T ext
Y o u can choo se you r input met hod by tappi ng and
Input method.
T ouch to turn on T9 mode. This icon is only shown
when y ou choo se Keyp ad as the input method.
T ouch to chang e between num bers, sym bols and
tex t input .
Use Shi ft key to change betwe en capita l or lower case
input .
Setting up y our email
T ouch E -mail f rom scr een 2.
If the emai l accoun t is not set up, start the email set up
wiza rd and fi nish it . Y ou can check and edi t settin gs also
you can check the addi tional settin gs that w ere fi lled in
aut omatic ally whe n you cr eat ed the acco unt .
T aking a quick photo
1 T ouch Camera menu .
2 Whe n the camera has foc used on y our subj ect , touc h
the on the right -cen ter of the screen to take
a phot o.
TIP : T o swi tch to the ca mer a mo de o r vi deo mode ,
sli de u p/ d o wn th e ca mer a or vid eo ic on o n the
ce ntr e-r igh t of the vie wfin der .
Video camera
Making a quick video
T o switch t o the camera mode or video mode, slide up/
down the camera or v ideo icon on the right cen tre of
the vi ewfinder .
1 Holdi ng the phone horizo ntally , point the lens towar ds
the sub ject of the v ideo .
2 Pre ss the r ed dot .
3 REC will appea r at the bott om of the v iewfinder
with a time r at the bott om sho wing the len gth of
the vi deo.
4 T o pause the video , touc h and res ume by
selec ting .
5 T ouch o n scr een to stop vi deo rec ordin g.
T o acces s the music player , touch Mus ic. F ro m here, you
can acc ess a numb er of f older s:
Managing files
Y o u can st ore mult imedia files in your pho ne’s memory
so yo u have easy acces s to all y our pictu res , sounds,
video s and game s. Y o u can also save y our file s to a
memory car d. Using a m em ory card allo ws you to fre e
up spac e in your phone’ s memory .
By tou ching My stu ff, yo u can open a list of the fol ders
that stor e all you r multime dia file s.
Games and Applications
Y o u can down load new gam es and app licati ons to y our
phone to keep y ou enjoy .
Installing “L G PC Suite IV ” PC
“L G PC Suit e IV” PC appli cation can be downlo aded
fro m the web page of L G.
1 Go to www .lg. com and sel ect a count ry o f y our choi ce.
2 Go to Sup port > Mobile Pho ne Suppo rt > Select the
Model (LG- T385).
3 Click PC Sync fr om Downl oad, and cli ck WIND OW
PC Sync Downloa d to down load “L G PC Suit e IV”
PC softwar e.
Installing On-Scr een Phone on
your PC
Down load OSP from www .lg. com > Sup port > Mobile
Phone Support > Selec t the Model (L G- T385) >OSP .
The w eb
Bro wser giv es yo u a fast , f ull-co lour w orld of game s,
music , news, sport , ent ertain ment and loa ds more ,
stra ight to your mob ile phone . Wher ever you ar e and
what ever you’ re int o.
Personalising your profiles
Y o u can pers onalis e each pro file se tting.
1 T ouch Profile s.
2 Choos e the prof ile yo u want t o edit .
3 Y ou can then change all the sounds and alert optio ns
avail able in the lis t , includ ing yo ur V oi ce call ring tone
and V o lume, Messa ge tone se tting s and more.
SOS Service settings
SOS Servi ce - This enable s SOS mode. A fter ena bling
if yo u pres s down v olume key 4 times w hen scr een is
lock ed, the SOS messa ge is sent and the phone stay s
in SOS Mod e.
Exposure to radio frequency energy
Radi o wav e exposur e and Spec ific Ab sorpti on Rate
(SAR) infor mation
This mob ile phone model L G- T 385 has bee n design ed
to com ply wit h applicab le saf ety requi remen ts f or
expo sure to radio wa ves. The se requi reme nts are based
on scien tific gui deline s that inc lude saf ety marg ins
desi gned to assur e the saf ety of all users , regar dles s of
age and hea lth.
• T he radio wave exp osur e guideli nes empl oy a unit
of meas urem ent know n as the Specif ic Absor ption
Rat e, or SAR. T ests f or SAR are condu cted usi ng
stan dard ised met hods wit h the phone tr ansmit ting at
its hig hest certified power lev el in all used frequ ency
bands .
• W hile ther e may be diff er ence s between the SAR
leve ls of vari ous L G phone models, the y are all
desi gned to meet the re levant guidelin es f or expos ure
to rad io wav es.
• T he SAR limi t recom mended by the Inter nation al
Comm issio n on Non-Ion ising Ra diatio n Pro tecti on
(ICNI RP) is 2 W /k g aver aged ove r 10g of tiss ue.
• T he highe st SAR va lue f or this mod el phone te st ed by
D ASY4 for us e close to the ear is 0. 69 8 W /k g (10g)
and wh en worn on the body is 0. 7 8 9 W /K g (10g).
• T his devi ce meet s RF exposu re guide lines when used
eithe r in the normal use positi on agains t the ear or
when po sition ed at least 1.5 cm away fr om the body .
When a carry case, belt clip or hold er is used f or
bodywo rn opera tion, it sho uld not con tain met al and
shoul d positi on the prod uct at leas t 1.5cm awa y from
you r body . In ord er to tran smit data files or messag es,
this de vice r equir es a qua lity connec tion to the networ k.
In some cas es, tra nsmis sion of dat a file s or messa ges
may be dela yed unt il such a conn ection is availabl e.
Ensu re the abo ve separ ation distanc e instru ctions are
fo llow ed until the transmis sion is co mplet ed.
Product care and maintenance
W A RNING : Only use bat teri es, char gers and
acce sso ries app rov ed fo r use with this particul ar
phone model. T he use of any ot her types may
inval idat e any appr oval or wa rranty apply ing to the
phone , and may be dange rous .
• Do no t disass emble thi s unit . T ake it to a qual ified
service technic ian whe n repai r work is r equir ed.
• R epair s under wa rranty , at L G’s option, may include
rep laceme nt parts or boar ds that are eithe r new or
rec onditi oned, pr ovide d that they have fun ctiona lity
equal to that of the parts being re place d.
• K eep away from ele ctrica l applian ces suc h as TV s,
radi os, and per sonal com pute rs.
• T he unit sho uld be kep t away fr om heat sou rce s such
as radi ator s or cooke rs.
• Do no t drop the pho ne.
• D o not subje ct this unit to mechan ical vib ratio n or
shock .
• Swi tch off the phone in any ar ea wher e yo u are
req uired by specifi c regula tions . F or example, do not
use y our phone in hospita ls as it may aff ect sens itive
medic al equipm ent .
• Do no t handle the phone with wet han ds while it is
being charge d. It may cause an electric shock and can
serio usly dama ge you r phone.
• Do no t charge a handset near flamm able mat erial as
the hand set can bec ome hot and creat e a fir e hazar d.
• Use a dr y clo th to clean the exter ior of the unit (do not
use sol vents such as benz ene, thin ner or alco hol).
• Do no t charge the phone wh en it is on soft f urnish ings.
• T he phone should be char ged in a we ll vent ilat ed area .
• Do no t subject this unit to exce ssiv e smoke or dus t .
• Do no t keep the phone next to credit cards or
tran sport tick ets; it can affe ct the inf ormat ion on the
magne tic str ips.
• Do no t tap the scr een with a sharp object as it may
damag e the phone.
• D o not expo se the phone to liquid or moi stur e.
• Use the acce ssori es lik e earphon es cauti ously . Do not
tou ch the ante nna unnec ess arily .
• D o not use, t ouch or att empt to remov e or fix br oken ,
chipp ed or crack ed glas s. Damag e to the glas s display
due to abuse or misus e is not cov ered under the
warr anty .
• Y our phon e is an electr onic dev ice that generat es hea t
durin g normal ope ratio n. Extr emely pr olonge d, dire ct
skin co ntact in the absence of adequat e vent ilati on
may re sult in dis comf ort or minor burns. T here for e, use
car e when hand ling y our phone during or imme diat ely
aft er opera tion.
Efficient phone operation
Elect ronic devices
All mobi le phone s may get int erfe renc e, which could
aff ect perf orman ce.
• Do no t use you r mobile pho ne near medi cal
equip ment wi thout re ques ting perm issio n. A void
placi ng the phone over pace make rs, f or examp le, in
you r breas t pocke t .
• Som e hearing aids might be dis turbed by mobile
phone s.
• Min or interf ere nce may aff ect TVs , radios , PCs, et c.
Road saf ety
Check the laws and re gulati ons on the use of mobile
phone s in the are a when y ou driv e.
• Do no t use a hand-he ld phone w hile driv ing.
• Giv e full at tenti on to driv ing.
• Pul l off the roa d and park bef or e making or answ ering
a call if driv ing condi tions so requir e.
• RF ene rgy may aff ect so me electr onic sys tems in your
vehi cle such as car ster eos and saf ety equip ment .
• W hen yo ur vehi cle is equip ped wit h an air bag, do not
obst ruct wit h instal led or portab le wir eles s equipme nt .
It can caus e the air bag to f ail or caus e serious injury
due to imprope r perfor mance .
• If y ou are lis teni ng to musi c whils t out and about ,
pleas e ensur e that the v olume is at a r e asona ble leve l
so that you ar e aware of your sur roun dings. This is
partic ularly imperat ive whe n near roa ds.
Avoid damage t o your hearing
T o preve nt poss ible hear ing damag e, do not
list en at high volume levels f or lon g periods .
Damag e to yo ur hearin g can occur if y ou are exposed
to lou d sound f or long per iods of tim e. W e ther ef ore
rec ommend that yo u do not turn on or of f the handse t
clos e to you r ear . W e also reco mmend tha t music and
call v olume is se t to a reas onable level.
• W h en u s in g he a dp h on e s , t u rn t h e v ol u me d o wn i f y ou
ca n no t h ea r t he p eo p le s p ea k in g n ea r y o u, o r if t he p e rs o n
si t ti n g ne x t t o y o u ca n h ea r w ha t y o u ar e l is t e ni n g t o .
NO TE: Ex ces sive sound pre ssur e fr om earpho nes
and head phone s can cause hea ring los s.
Blasting area
Do not use the phone wh ere bla sting is in progr ess.
Observe rest rictio ns, and f ollo w any regu lation s or rules.
Poten tially explosive atmospheres
• Do no t use the phone at a refuel ing point .
• Do no t use near fu el or chemic als.
• Do no t transpo rt or stor e flamm able gas, liquid, or
explo sive s in the same com partmen t of your vehic le as
you r mobile pho ne and acce ssor ies.
In aircraft
Wir eles s devic es can cause interf eren ce in airc raft .
• T urn y our mobi le phone off befor e boar ding any
air craft .
• Do no t use it on the air craft wi thout per miss ion fr om
the cr ew .
Ke ep the phone in a safe plac e out of the re ach of
small childr en. It inclu des smal l parts whi ch may cause a
choki ng hazar d if deta ched.
Emergency calls
Emer gency calls may not be availabl e with all mobile
networ ks. T heref or e, yo u should nev er depen d solely on
the phon e for emerge ncy calls. Check with your loc al
service provid er .
Battery informa tion and care
• Y ou do not need t o comple tely dischar ge the batt ery
bef ore rechar ging. Unlike o ther batt ery syste ms, ther e
is no memory eff ect tha t could com prom ise the
batt ery’s perform ance.
• Use only L G batt eries and charge rs. L G char gers ar e
desi gned to maximise the batte ry l if e.
• Do no t disass emble or sho rt-ci rcui t the batt ery pack.
• K eep the met al conta cts of the bat tery pack cle an.
• R eplac e the batt ery when it no longe r provi des
acce ptabl e perfor mance. The bat tery pack may be
rec harge d hundr eds of time s until it nee ds repla cing.
• R echar ge the batt ery if it has not bee n used f or a long
time t o maximise usabili ty.
• Do no t expose the batte ry c har ger t o direct sunlight or
use it in high humidity , such as in the bathr oom.
• Do no t leave the battery in hot or cold place s, this may
det erior ate the battery perf ormanc e.
• T here is a risk of explos ion if the bat tery is repla ced by
an inco rrect t y pe.
• Dis pose of use d batte ries ac cord ing to the
manuf actur er’s instr uction s. Pleas e recyc le when
pos sible. Do not dispo se as househ old was te.
• I f y o u n e e d t o r e pl a c e t h e b a t t er y , t a k e i t t o t h e n e a r e s t
a u t h o r i se d L G E l e c tr o ni c s s e r v i c e p o i n t o r d e a l e r f o r a s si s t an c e .
• Al ways unpl ug the char ger fr om the wa ll sock et afte r
the phon e is fully charge d to save unneces sary powe r
cons umpti on of the char ger .
• A ctual bat tery lif e will dep end on networ k configu ratio n,
pro duct set tings, usage patt erns, battery and
envir onme ntal cond itions .
• Mak e sure that no sharp -edged items such as animal’ s
tee th or nails , come int o contact with the bat tery . Th is
coul d cause a fir e.
Wi-F i
This equ ipment may be operat ed in all
Eu ropea n countri es.
The WL AN can be opera ted in the EU without
re strict ion indoor s, but canno t be opera ted
outd oors in F ra nce, Ru ssia and Ukr aine.
Changing your phone settings
Use the freed om of adap ting the L G- T 385 t o your own
pre fer ence s.
F r om the home scr een, se lect and tou ch Settin gs
then scr oll t o Device set tings.
Changing your connectivity settings
Y o ur conn ectivi ty s e tting s have alr eady been set up
by y our networ k operat or , so y ou can enjoy your new
phone immedia tely . T o change any se ttings , use Menu >
Sett ings > Conne ctivity.
Changing your Bluet ooth settings:
T ouch Blue tooth then select Options a nd choose
Sett ings.
Wir eles s Manage r allows you to man age Int ernet
conn ection s per Wi- Fi (Wirel ess LAN) on you r device . It
allo ws the phone to connec t to local w irel ess ne tworks,
or acce ss the Interne t wir eles sly . W i-Fi is f aste r and has
a grea ter ran ge than Blue too th wir eles s tech nology and
can be used for f ast emai ling and Int erne t brow sing.
Software updat e
Phone Software update
L G Mobile Phone Softw are upda te fr om inte rnet
F o r more infor mation on using this f unctio n, please visit
the http :// upda te.lg mobile .co m or http:// www.lg .co m/
comm on/ind ex.jsp → s el ect coun try and language →
Supp ort . This F eat ure all ows y ou to upda te the fi rmwar e
of y our phone to the late st ve rsion conveni ently f rom
the int erne t withou t the need to visit a service centre . As
the mobi le phone f irmwar e updat e requ ire s the user’s
full attent ion f or the dura tion of the upd ate pr oce ss,
pleas e make su re to che ck all instr uction s and not es
that appear at eac h step bef or e proce eding. Please no te
that removi ng the USB data cable or batt ery during the
upgr ade may seri ously dam age yo u mobile pho ne.
Guidelines f or saf e and efficient
Pleas e read the se simp le guidel ines. Not f ollow ing thes e
guide lines may be danger ous or ille gal.
Some of the conte nts in this man ual may diff er f rom y our phone dependin g on
the sof tware of the pho ne or you r service pr ovider .
Using y our touch screen
T ouch screen tips
• T o sel ect an item , touch the centr e of the icon.
• Do no t pres s too har d. Th e touch sc reen is sen sitiv e
enoug h to pick up a ligh t, firm tou ch.
• Use the tip of yo ur finge r to touc h the optio n you
req uire. Be carefu l not to t ouch any ot her key s.
• W henev er you r LG- T385 is not in use , it will re turn t o
the lock screen .
Making a Call
1 T ouch t o open the key pad.
2 Key in the number usi ng the key pad.
3 T ouch t o initiat e the call.
TIP! T o enter + f or making an interna tiona l call,
pre ss and hol d “0” .
NO TE: Sel f call - Self call imitat es a real incoming
call. Pres s ‘#*# ’ on the Dialpa d to make a self call.
This doe sn’t cha rge any f ee.
Searching f or a contact
1 T ouch Contact s.
2 Y ou see a list of conta cts. T yping in the first letter of
a conta ct’s name in the Sear ch fie ld will jump the
menu t o that alpha betic al area of the list .
Y o ur L G- T 385 com bines SMS and MMS int o one
intui tive and easy-t o-use menu.
Sendi ng a messag e
1 T ouch Message s in menu and tou ch Wr ite mes sage to
begin composi ng a new mes sage.
2 T ouch Insert to add an image, vid eo, sou nd, tem plat e
and so on.
3 T ouch T o at the top of the screen to enter the
rec ipient s. The n enter the number or to uch to
selec t a contact . Y ou can even add multipl e contact s.
4 T ouch Send when r eady .
W A RNING : If an image, v ideo or soun d is
added to an SMS it will be automa ticall y convert ed
to an MMS and you wi ll be char ged acco rding ly .
In st a ll in g th e SI M ca r d an d th e ha nd se t ba t te ry
Pro ximity sen sor
Earp iece
Call ke y
Dials a phone number
and answ ers inc oming
calls .
Back key
Go back t o a previo us
scr een.
End key
• End or re ject a call.
• Com e back to idl e
scr een fr om menu.
V ol ume keys
• Whe n the scree n is at the Home
scre en: Ring t one and tou ch tone
volu me.
• Dur ing a call: E arpiec e volum e.
• Dow n volum e key: Pr ess and hold to
activ ate/ deactiva te Sile nt mode.
Hands free or St ereo earphone
conne ctor
Po wer/L ock key
• Sho rt pres s to turn on/ o ff the scr een.
• L ong pre ss f or pow er on/ o ff .
Ther e are va rious acc ess orie s for your mob ile phone .
Y o u can sele ct these options accord ing to y our pers onal
comm unicat ion req uirem ents.
Char ger Batt ery
User Guide
LG- T385
• Alwa ys use genui ne L G acce ssori es.
• F a ilure to do this may inv alidat e yo ur warr anty .
• Acc ess ories may vary in diff eren t region s.
T echnical da ta
Ambient T emperatur es
Max .: +5 0°C (di schar ging) +45 °C (cha rgin g)
Min.: - 10°C
Her eb y , L G Elec tr oni cs de cla re s th at t his L G- T38 5
pr odu ct i s in c omp lia nce wit h th e es se nti al
re qui re men ts a nd o the r re lev ant pr ovi sio ns o f
Dir ec tiv e 19 99 / 5/ EC. A c opy of t he De cla ra tio n of
Co nf orm ity ca n be f o und at ht tp: //w ww . lg .c om/
glo bal / su ppo rt/ c ed oc/ Re tri eve Pr odu ctC eDO C.j sp
Cont act offi ce for complia nce of this pr oduct :
L G El ect ro nic s In c.
EU Re pre se nta tiv e, Kri jgs man 1,
118 6 DM Ams te lv een , T he Ne th erl and s
Dispos al of your old appliance
1 When this cros sed-out wheeled bin
symbol is at tached to a product it mean s
the pro duct is cove red by the Eu ropean
Dire ctive 200 2/96 /EC.
2 A ll elect rical and elec tronic products
should be disposed of se parate ly from the
munici pal wast e strea m via desig nated
collec tion fac ilities appointe d by the
gover nment or the loca l authoriti es.
3 The correct disposal of y our old appl iance
will help prevent potenti al negativ e
conse quence s for the env ironme nt and
human hea lth.
4 F or more detail ed infor mation abo ut
dispos al of your old applianc e, please
contac t your city offi ce, wast e disposa l
service or the shop where you purc hased
the pro duct .
Dispos al of was te batte ries/ accumu lators
1 When t his c ros sed -out whee led b in sym bol i s
att ache d to b att erie s/ ac cum ulat ors of y our pr odu ct
it me ans t hey a re co ver ed by the E ur opea n Dir ect ive
200 6/ 66 /E C.
2 This symbo l may be com bine d wit h che mica l
symb ols for mer cury(H g), ca dmi um( Cd) or lea d(Pb ) if
the batt ery con tai ns mor e th at 0 .00 05% of mer cury ,
0. 00 2% of cadmi um or 0. 004 % of le ad.
3 All bat ter ies / acc umul ato rs sh ould be dis pose d
sep arat ely fro m the muni cipa l was te s tre am v ia
des igna te d coll ecti on f acil itie s ap poin ted by the
gov ernm ent or the local auth orit ies .
4 The co rre ct di spos al of you r old batt eri es/
acc umul ato rs w ill he lp t o pre ven t pot ent ial ne gat ive
con sequ enc es f or th e env iro nmen t, anim al an d
hum an hea lth .
5 F or mo re de tai led in fo rmat ion a bout disp osal of y our
old batt erie s/ ac cum ulat ors , ple ase c onta ct y our c ity
off ice, was te d ispo sal s ervic e or th e shop whe re y ou
pur cha sed th e pr oduc t.
P /N: MFL6 7525 117 (1.1)
ww w .lg. com
NO TE: Pr oximi ty sensor
When r eceivi ng and makin g calls, the proxi mity
sens or autom atical ly turns the backligh t off and
lock s the touch screen by sensing when the phon e
is near y our ear . This extend s batte ry l if e and
pre vents you fr om unin tenti onally activat ing the
tou ch scre en during calls.
W arn ing: Do not cover the LCD proxi mity sensor
with pr ot ective film. This coul d cause the se nsor to
malf unctio n.