To reply to the received messages, go to the Family Chat or Private
Chat menu to select and reply messages.
• Find Friends:
A watch can find other watches nearby (the other watches have to be
on working status). Then you can add them as friends.
Go to the Find Friends menu, then press Call button. The watch will
auto search for other watches nearby, and it will show the watch's name
if found. Press Call button to send an invitation and wait for confirmation
from that watch (user).
Voice chat with friends by Private Chat menu.
A watch can connect with a maximum of 5 friends. Open the APP to
remove connected friends on More > Friends.
• QR Code:
A watch has a unique QR code for connecting to the APP. Open the QR
Code menu item and press Call button to display the QR Code on
screen while adding the watch to the APP.
If the watch has an Administrator already, then you cannot add it by
scanning the QR Code from the APP. You need to register an account
by e-mail address and ask the Administrator to send an invitation to
connect with the watch, or ask the Administrator to unsubscribe the
watch before you add it to your APP.
• Settings:
- Language.
- Time Format: 12 or 24 hours type options.
- Version: Showing the Serial Number, PLMN, APN name, Firmware
version and latest firmware updated time.
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