SXRC Remote Control
Use the ESC and ENT keys to move the
blinking cursor left or right to select which
character you want to change.
Use the
UP and DOWN keys to change the
selected character. (
A B C ...1 2 3 ...etc.)
When you are finished press and hold the
HOME key for 1.5 seconds to enter your
unlock code.
If the code is correct the SXRC will unlock and return to the
MAIN menu. If this did not happen, then read on...
If you enter the wrong code the display will flash the message
BAD CODE and return you to the UNLOCK menu.
Press the
ENT key to enter your lock code
Enter your code again making sure to place the correct
character in the correct position in the display. Blank spaces
count as part of the code so be sure you are entering your
code correctly.
If you have tried entering your code several times with no
success (several is defined as more than 3...less than 10) then
you probably have forgotten your lock code.
You will need to call KICKER directly at (405) 624-8583 and
speak to a tech to handle this situation. You will need to have
your amplifier’s serial number AND your receipt by the phone as
the guys and gals answering the phone will need this information
from you to be of assistance.
Take the time right now to fill out the first page in this manual
and staple your receipt to it. That way if you ever need service
(like forgetting your lock code) you will have all the information
you need right here with the manual.
The local ISIS keypads on all SX Series amplifiers are
disabled once connected to the SXRC, their display will scroll
SXRC CTRL to indicate this. If you disconnect the SXRC Control
Head and power up the system, the local keypad at each
amplifier will become active again. The LOCK AMPS menu
item on the SXRC prevents the use of the amplifier’s local keypad
when the SXRC Control Head is disconnected ... unless you
know the lock code.
LOCK AMPS is activated, the LOCK indicator on all
connected SX Series amplifiers will be turned on. If you use
UNLOCK, the indicators will be turned off.