Programs and One Touch Voices
A number of voices are often used simultaneously to enhance the voice of the lead
part, namely the right section to the right of the keyboard split point. The simple-
st method is that of using the Second Voice but for more demanding musicians, up
to four Voices (separately combined together) can be exploited. Using the
Programs the musician can obtain a remarkably versatile voice for the right hand
and also right along the keyboard. The player could, for example, use two further
voices for the Lower section and leave another two for the Right section or use
different voices according to the key dynamics and again could transform the part
of the keyboard to the left of the split point into a real lower organ keyboard to be
controlled with a MIDI pedal. Using the Programs the player can create Harmony
effects such as Duet, Trio and Steel. The SD5 provides the musician with 120
Programs that are distributed over twelve pages of ten Programs each. To call up
a Program simply enable the
push button and select one of the
Programs displayed using the function push buttons. Use the twelve
push buttons to call up the groups of Programs.
Select a Program and then press the function push button relative to the Program selected again or from the main display, after having selec-
ted the Program to be modified, access menu
FF88 EEddiitt PPrrooggrraamm
. In any event the display shows four columns, each of which corresponds to a
Voice used in the Program, whereas the horizontal lines refer to the parameters, grouped together in three pages that are accessed using the
push buttons. To move around within the parameters of the horizontal lines use the corresponding function push buttons that select
the parameter at the side of that in use each time the push button is pressed again.
From this page access is gained to some overall parameters that directly affect the
Voice performance.
F1/F6 Voice: this indicates the voice used for the Voice selected. To change
it follow the same procedures used to call up a Voice from the
main page. Once a Voice has been selected, wait a few seconds
to return to the
EEddiitt PPrrooggrraamm
page or press the
push but-
ton. To disable a Voice selected press the
When a Voice is selected, the
FF1100 HHaarrmmoonnyy
function appears
immediately at the bottom right part of the display, which is
used to enable the harmonization function for that Voice. Only
one Voice within the Program can use the harmonization func-
tion and it is distinguished from the others by the letter “
written under the name. If the Harmony function has already been applied to a Voice, it will be automatically disabled when
the same function is set on another Voice.
A completely different matter is the fourth Voice of a Program: together with harmonization, with the same rules as those
for the other Voices, it can become a Second Voice and therefore enabled or disabled using the
push button.
To avail of this option, once you have moved onto the fourth Voice, press F10 Harmony twice. The first time it is pressed the
letter “H” will appear under the name of the voice, the second time it is pressed the Harmony setting is restored and the
fourth Voice is transformed into
SSeeccoonndd VVooiiccee
, which will be pointed out by “
” under the name.
F2/F7 Volume: This indicates the value of the volume for each single Voice that can be varied using the
push buttons which,
if pressed together at the same time, will set the value to zero.
F3/F8 Shift: This is the transposition value in semitones (+/- 63) that can be modified using the
push buttons which, if pres-
sed together at the same time, will set the value to zero.
F4/F9 Tune: This is the fine tuning value (+/- 63 steps corresponding to one semitone), that can be modified using the
buttons which, if pressed together at the same time, will set the value to zero.
F5/F10 Pan: This is the Pan pot value on the stereo front (+/- 64) that can be modified using the DATA CURSOR push buttons which, if pres-
Programs and One Touch Voices