n Laythepowercableandapossiblyrequiredextensioncordoutinsuchaswaythat
n Neverattempttorepairthelightchainyourself.Forservicingandrepairs,pleaseconsult
an authorised dealer or qualified customer service centre.
n Donothanganyobjectsonthelightchain.
n Pullthepowerplugoutofthepoweroutletifyouwillnotbeusingthelightchainfora
longer period of time.
n Thislightchainisintendedforassemblyonfasteningsurfaceswithnormalflammability,
n ThisproductcorrespondstoSafetyClassIIandthereforemaynotbeconnectedtothe
protective earthing conductor.
n Do not hang the light chain on power cables; hang it on the holders made for that pur
n Thislightchainisonlyintendedforhouseholduseandwasnotdevelopedforcommercial
Fast and easy to secure and operate
n Spread the light chain out as desired.
n Secure it onto the holders of the lampshade.
n Connect the power plug to a suitable power outlet. The light chain goes on.
Exchanging the Light Bulbs
n Prior to changing each light bulb, pull the power plug out of the power outlet!
n Remove the defective light from the holder on the lampshade.
n Caution! These light bulbs have a plug-in socket. Pull the bulb socket with the bulb
pull on or turn the glass bulb. Insert a new light bulb (2 replacement bulbs are included)
into the holder and push it in far enough so that the bulb wires and the contact plate
touch. Then hang the light bulb back into the holder on the lampshade.