Important Tips for Use
n Readthefollowingoperatinginstructionsthoroughlypriortousingthisproduct.
n Store these operating instructions within reach for future reference as needed.
n Whenpassingthisproductontoathirdparty,alsohandovertheseoperatinginstructions.
n Payextraattentiontothewarningsintheseoperatinginstructions.
Important Safety Instructions
n Thisproductisintendedasdecorationandisnotatoyforchildren!Pleasekeepchildren
n Donotletchildrenplaywiththepackagingmaterials.Dangerofsuffocation!
n Childrenorpersons,whodonothavetheknowledgeorexperienceneededtosafelyuse
n Childrenshouldbesupervisedsothattheydonotplaywiththelightchain.
n Onlyusethisdecorationarticleindryindoorrooms,notoutdoors!
n Donotsubmergethelightchaininwaterorinanyotherliquids.DangerofElectricShock!
n Do not use the light chain in damp locations.
n Shouldthelightchainbeusedasawindowdecoration,makesuretokeepitawayfrom
curtains, netting and blinds.
n Neverconnectthelightchainelectricallytoanotherlightchain.
n Layoutthelightchaincompletelypriortoswitchingiton.
n When doing so, make sure that the power plug and the power cable do not become
n The power plug and power cable are not replaceable. Should the cable be damaged, then
the light chain must be disposed of.
n Do not switch on the light chain while it is still in the package. Fire Hazard!
n Onlysuitableforuseasindoorlighting.
n Inspect the light chain for damages prior to each use.
n During transport, the light bulbs could have become dislodged. Therefore the function
n Make sure that there is a light bulb in each socket.
n Bulbswhichhavefallenoutorwhichbrokemustbeimmediatelyreplaced.
Important! If one light bulb goes out, then the entire light chain goes out as well.
n Whenreplacingindividualbulbs,onlyuseoriginalreplacementbulbsavailableatyour
mation can be found on the product label. Using another combination can lead to danger,
loss of illumination, or to defects.
n Priortoconnectingtothepowersupply,makesurethatthepowersupplyandthetypeof
power correspond to the information on the label.
n Avoiddamagestothepowercablethatmaybecausedbykinksorcontactwithsharp