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This Quick User Guide helps you install and get started with the IRIScan™ Anywhere 3
The soware delivered with this scanner is:
- Readiris™ Pro 14 and Cardiris™ Pro 5 (for Windows®)
- Readiris™ Pro 14 and Cardiris™ Pro 4 (for Mac® OS)
For detailed informaon about Readiris™’ and Cardiris™’ full range of features, consult
the help le provided with the soware, or the latest User Guides on www.irislink.com/
The descripons in this guide are based on the Windows 7 and Mac OS Lion operang
systems. All informaon is subject to change without prior noce.
Table of Contents
1. Using the IRIScan™ scanner
2. Soware Installaon on a Windows PC
2.1 Using Readiris™
2.2 Using Cardiris™
3. Soware Installaon on a Mac OS computer
3.1. Using Readiris™
3.2 Using Cardiris™
4. IRIScan™ Scanner Reference Informaon
5. FAQ and Technical Support
1. Using the IRIScan™ scanner
Before you begin: charge your scanner for 4 hours.
1. Turn on your computer.
2. Connect the scanner to your computer using the USB cable.
3. The orange light is on while charging.
4. When the scanner is fully charged the orange light goes out. Then disconnect
your scanner from the computer.
Preliminary note:
The IRIScan™ scanner is designed to be used on its own, disconnected from any computer. The
documents you scan are stored in the scanner’s internal memory (or oponal SD card / USB
ash drive). From there they can be loaded into Readiris™ and Cardiris™.
So, note that the IRIScan™ is not a Twain-based scanner that can be used from within any
applicaon to scan documents. Instead, think of it as a USB storage device that is able to scan
Scanning documents:
STEP 1: Press the power buon for a moment.
The green light blinks a few seconds then remains on.
The scanner is now ready.
Refrain from scanning documents while the green light is blinking!
STEP 2: Scan your documents
Tip: you can scan documents either in a standard resoluon of 300 dpi or in a high resoluon
of 600 dpi. To switch to a high resoluon, press the power buon once. The green light now
turns orange.
To scan documents:
Insert your documents facing up.
Use the paper guide to align the documents with the scanner.
When scanning, the green light blinks.
Wait unl the light stops blinking before inserng a new document.
Your documents are now ready to be loaded into Readiris™ and Cardiris™.
2. Soware Installaon on a Windows PC
Insert the IRIScan™ Anywhere 3 DVD-ROM in your
DVD-ROM drive.
On the menu screen that appears, click Readiris™ Pro 14
to start the Installaon Wizard.
Click Next and follow the on-screen instrucons.
When the installaon is nished, return to the menu screen
and repeat the same procedure to install Cardiris™ Pro 5.
If the AutoRun window does not appear:
Go to Computer > DVD Drive.
Double-click the DVD Drive, and then double-click Setup.exe to start the Installaon Wizard.
2.1 Using Readiris™ on a Windows PC
2.1.1 Starng Readiris™
During installaon, a Readiris™ program shortcut was created on your Desktop.
Double-click the shortcut to start Readiris™
2.1.2 Acvaon + Registraon
When you start Readiris™, you are asked to acvate it.
Unacvated versions can only be used for 10 days.
Click Yes to acvate Readiris™.
Note that an internet connecon is required to acvate.
Enter the acvaon code you nd on the label inside the
DVD box and click OK.
Tip: if an error occurs during the acvaon process,
note that you can also do a manual acvaon.
Once the Acvaon is completed, you are asked to Register
Readiris™. Registering is required to get Technical Support.
Registering also oers other benets such as product updates
and discounts on future products.
Fill in the Registraon form and click Register Now to send.
Note that an internet connecon is required to register.
2.1.3 Basic Processing Steps
In this secon we cover the basic processing steps in Readiris™. Follow these steps in order
to open your IRIScan™ images, recognize them and send them to your applicaon (e.g.
Microso® Word, Adobe® Reader) or to the Cloud.
Please consult the User Guide for a complete overview of the output formats and applicaons.
Step 1: Choose the document language
In the Languages group, click the down arrow to open the Main list > select the language of
your document.
Step 2: If necessary, adjust the page conguraon opons
To rotate pages
In the Conguraon group > click the down arrow to open the Rotaon list > select the
rotaon degree or choose automac.
To straighten pages
In the Conguraon group > select the Page Deskewing opon.
Note: leave the default opon Page Analysis acvated. This opon divides your documents
automacally into recognion zones. Readiris™ uses the zones to recognize your documents.
Step 3: Open your IRIScan™ images
1. Connect your IRIScan™ scanner to your computer and power
on the scanner.
2. Readiris™ opens the scanner memory folder. Select the
documents to load, then click Open.
Tip: to load other images at a later me, click the From File buon
on the main toolbar.
Step 4: Select the output format and desnaon
In the Output group, click the arrow in the corner (see image above) to access the Output
In the top list, select the desired output
applicaon and format. E.g. Microso Word
2007/2010, Adobe PDF.
Tip: if you select Word, choose Recreate
source document > Use columns instead of
frames to get the best results.
Tip: if you select PDF, choose Adobe Acrobat
PDF Image-Text to get the best results.
In the boom list, select Save as le to save
your documents to your computer or select a
connector to send it to the Cloud (Evernote®,
GoogleDocs®, Dropbox®, Box®).
Tip: you can also send document directly
as e-mail aachment to Outlook®, Outlook
Express® or Windows Live Mail.
To congure a Cloud connector:
Select a connector from the list, and then click
Then ll in your username and password, and
click OK.
Note: you must have access to a valid Cloud
account to congure the connectors.
Step 5: Send your recognized image to the selected output format and applicaon
In the Output group,
click Send.
A: If you selected Save as le:
The Output File window opens.
Name your le and choose where to
save it.
B: If you selected a Cloud connector:
The Connector window opens.
Choose the Cloud locaon and click OK.
Then name your le and click OK again.
2.2 Using Cardiris™ on a Windows PC
2.2.1 Starng Cardiris™
During installaon, a Cardiris™ program shortcut was created on your Desktop.
Right-click the shortcut and click Run as administrator to start Cardiris™ for the
rst me.
2.2.2 Registering Cardiris™
It is recommended you register your copy of Cardiris™. Registering is required to get Technical
Registering also oers other benets such as product updates and discounts on future
On the Register menu, click Registraon Wizard.
Then follow the on-screen instrucons.
Note that an internet connecon is required to register.
2.2.3 Basic Processing Steps
In this secon we cover the basic processing steps in Cardiris™.
Follow these steps in order to create a new database, load and recognize your documents and
export them to your favorite applicaons (e.g. Windows Contacts, Google Contacts™)
Step 1: Create a new database
On the File menu, click New to open a new, empty
Then click Save as on the File menu to save the new
Any changes you now make in the database are saved
Step 2: Load your IRIScan™ images
1. Connect your IRIScan™ scanner to your computer
and power on the scanner.
2. Cardiris™ detects if card images were scanned
to the scanner memory. Click Yes to select them.
Cardiris™ then opens the right folder.
Tip: to load other images at a later me, click the
down arrow next to Scan, and select Load. Now click
the Load buon to load images
Step 3: Recognize your documents and turn them into contacts
1. Select the country of your documents in the
drop-down list.
2. Select the cards you want to recognize.
3. Then click Recognize.
4. The informaon on the card is assigned to the corresponding data elds. Double-click a
card to check the results.
The results can be edited by typing,
moved from one eld to another
by cut-and-paste and drag-and-
You can also assign categories to
contacts and create custom elds.
Step 4: Export your Contacts
Your Cardiris™ contacts can be exported to numerous applicaons: Microso Outlook,
Windows Contacts, Microso Excel and so on.
1. Select the cards you want to export.
2. Then click Export.
3. Select the Export applicaon of your choice, and then click the Export buon. Use the
Congure buon for addional opons.
Example: Windows Contacts Your contacts are now stored as Windows contacts
For detailed informaon about the Export opons,
refer to the help le provided with the soware.
3. Soware Installaon on a Mac OS computer
Insert the IRIScan DVD-ROM in the DVD-ROM drive,
then click the DVD-ROM icon on the Desktop.
Run the Readiris™ Pro 14 installer package and follow the
on-screen instrucons.
Then click Install to start the actual installaon.
You might be asked to enter an Administrator Username
and Password to install Readiris.
You are prompted to enter the serial number.
The serial number can be found inside the product box and contains 15 digits.
When the installaon is nished, click Close.
The Readiris folder is added to the Applicaons folder by the installaon program.
Then, return to the DVD-ROM contents and repeat the same procedure to install
Cardiris™ Pro 4.
3.1. Using Readiris™ on a Mac OS computer
3.1.1 Starng Readiris™
To start Readiris™, go to Finder > Applicaons > Readiris™ Pro 14.
Then double-click the Readiris icon.
3.1.2 Acvaon + Registraon
Acvaon (Readiris ESD version and Readiris Corporate)
When you run Readiris™, you are asked to acvate it. Unacvated versions can only be used
for 30 days.
Click Request the key to obtain your soware key.
You are redirected to the Acvaon web page.
Fill in your data and click Submit.
You will receive the soware key by e-mail within 24 hours.
Once you’ve received the key from I.R.I.S. insert it in the
corresponding eld, and then click OK.
Note that an internet connecon is required to complete the
You are recommended to register Readiris™. Registering is required to get Technical Support.
Registering also oers other benets such as product
updates and discounts on future products.
To register Readiris™:
On the Help menu, click Register Readiris to be
directed to the Registraon web page.
Fill in your data and click Submit.
Note that an internet connecon is required to
3.1.3 Basic Processing Steps
In this secon we cover the basic processing steps in Readiris™.
Follow these steps in order to scan documents, open PDF les and image les, recognize them
and send them to your applicaon (e.g. Microso® Word, iWork® Pages, Adobe® Reader) or to
an online Storage System (Google Docs, Dropbox, Evernote).
Please consult the User Guide on www.irislink.com/support/userguides for a complete
overview of the output formats and applicaons.
Step 1: Load your IRIScan™ images
1. Connect your IRIScan™ scanner to your computer
and power on the scanner.
2. Readiris™ opens the scanner memory folder.
Select the documents to load, then click Open.
Step 2: Modify the scanned/opened images and their recognions zones
When scanning/opening documents in Readiris™ the page thumbnails are displayed in the
Pages panel.
The current image - and its recognion zones - are displayed in the center of the interface.
Page thumbnails Current image
They can be modied easily:
To change the order of the pages, drag the thumbnails
to a dierent posion in the Pages panel.
To delete a page, select a page and click the delete
To delete a zone, select it and press the Backspace
Step 3: Choose the document language
Click the language list in the top toolbar and select the language
of your document.
When you are using Readiris for the rst me, a list of 10
languages is displayed. This list corresponds to preferred
languages list of your Mac Operang System.
To select another language:
Click Other Languages.
Select the language of your document from the language list.
Step 4: Select the output format and desnaon
In the top toolbar, click the output format you want to generate. Example: DOCX to do text
eding, PDF for storage purposes.
To add or remove formats from the toolbar:
Click the down arrow and select which format you want
to add or remove.
To change the default opons of a parcular format:
Double-click its format buon.
Then, select the Desnaon opons of your
Select File to save the documents locally to your
computer or portable storage device.
Select Applicaon > Select Applicaon to open
the documents in that applicaon.
Select Storage system to send your documents
to an online Storage system.
Note that the connecon to the online Storage
system must be congured correctly to be able to export.
Select the required Layout opons.
The Layout opons determine to what degree the layout of your original documents will be
Tip: when you select DOCX as format, choose Recreate source document > Use columns
instead of frames to get the best results.
Tip: if you select PDF, choose Image-Text to get the best results.
To congure an online Storage System:
On the Readiris menu, click Preferences.
Then click the Accounts icon.
Select the Evernote or Dropbox account you
want to use, then select the Notebook or Storage
folder to connect to.
To add a Google Docs account, click the + sign,
and then enter your credenals.
Important note: to send documents to Evernote or Dropbox, the Evernote and Dropbox
applicaons must be installed on your Mac, and they must be connected to your Evernote /
Dropbox account.
Step 5: Save your recognized documents
Click Save to save your documents.
3.2 Using Cardiris™ on a Mac OS computer
3.2.1 Starng Cardiris™
During installaon, a Cardiris™ program shortcut was created on the Dock. Click the
shortcut to start Cardiris™.
3.2.2 Registering Cardiris™
It is recommended you register your copy of Cardiris™. Registering is required to get Technical
Support. Registering also oers other benets such as product updates and discounts on
future products.
Click Register Cardiris on the Help menu. You will be directed to the registraon web page.
Then follow the on-screen instrucons.
3.2.3 Using Cardiris™
In this secon we cover the basic processing steps in Cardiris™. Follow these steps in order to
load and recognize your documents save them to the Address Book and export them to your
favorite applicaons (e.g. Mail, iWork® applicaons)
Step 1: Select the country of your documents
1. Click the globe icon.
2. Then select the required country from the list
Step 2: Load + Recognize the documents and turn them into contacts
1. Connect your IRIScan™ scanner to your computer and
power on the scanner.
2. Cardiris™ opens the scanner memory folder. Select the
business card to load, then click Open.
3. The documents are recognized automacally. The
informaon on the cards is assigned to the corresponding data elds. Now check the
Tip: The results can be edited by
typing, moved from one eld to
another by cut-and-paste and drag-
Tip: to load other images at a later
me, click Load and Create and
browse for the images to open.
Step 3: Save your Contacts to the Address Book
Select the contacts you want to save, and then click Save Selecon. Or click Save All to save all
cards to the Address Book.
Step 4: Export your Contacts
Click the format icon to select the format and (oponal) output applicaon.
Select the required format in the Format list.
Then click Add applicaon in the Send to list
if you want to export your contacts directly to
one of your applicaons. Then browse for the
required applicaon.
Click OK to save the sengs.
Then click Export to export your contacts.
4. IRIScan™ Scanner Reference Informaon
Front view
Rear view
Scanner memory
The scanner has a built-in 512MB memory. To provide extra storage memory, a 1GB SD
memory card is provided with the scanner. A standard USB ash drive can also be used.
When storing images, the scanner uses the three possible memory types in the following
priority order:
USB ash drive > Memory card > Built-in memory
1 Power buon
2 Power indicator
3 Status indicator
4 Paper guide
5 Feeding slot
6 Mini USB socket (cable connecon)
USB Socket
Output Slot
SD/xD/MMC/MS card slot
Light indicators
Refer to the table below to view the lighng paerns of the Power and Status indicators.
: Blinking slowly
: Blinking rapidly
: Steadily on
: O
Power Status Descripon
When the scanner is connected to a computer: the baery is fully charged
and the scanner is ready for use.
When the scanner is not connected to a computer: the scanner power is on
and the scanner is ready for use.
green color(*)
Scanning current original.
orange color
The baery is being charged when scanner power is on.
orange color(*)
Reading/wring data in the scanner memory or storage devices.
The baery is being charged when the scanner power is o.
orange color(*)
The baery power is low.
The scanner is powered o.
The baery is fully charged (when scanner power is o and connected to a
green color(*)
Inializing system and memory devices.
Busy scanning and storing image le.
green color(*)
Paper jam. Press the Power buon.
Calibraon error. Please refer to the complete User Guide.
No memory card, card full (free space below 10MB), card error, card locked
or the le system is not supported. Remove les from the card to clear space,
unlock the card if it is locked, or try another card.
orange color(*)
The baery power is extremely low, and the scanner will power o
automacally in 5 seconds. Charge the baery immediately.
(*) The following colors indicate the current resoluon:
Green = 300 dpi (default seng)
Orange = 600 dpi
5. FAQ and Technical Support
Should you experience issues when using your Readiris
, Cardiris
or the IRIScan
consult the Frequently Asked Quesons on our website www.irislink.com/support/faq or
contact Technical Support at www.irislink.com/support.
Power Status

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