DOLBY DIGITAL Available only with digital input sources encoded with Dolby Digital data. It provides Center: 0 ms – 5 ms
up to five separate main audio channels and a special dedicated Low-Frequency Effects Surround: 0 ms –15 ms
DOLBY PRO LOGIC The standard mode for analog surround-sound decoding. It uses information encoded 15 ms – 30 ms
in a two-channel stereo recording to produce four distinct outputs: Left, Center, Right and Initial Setting = 20 ms
a Mono Surround channel. Use this mode for accurate reproduction of programs bearing
the Dolby Surround, DTS Stereo, UltraStereo or other “Surround” logos. Surround-encoded
programs include videocassette, DVD and LD movies, TV and cable programs, radio
programs and audio CDs. Dolby Pro Logic processing may also be used to provide a
pleasing surround effect with some stereophonic source material that does not carry
surround encoding.
DOLBY 3 STEREO Uses the information contained in a surround-encoded or two-channel stereo program to No surround channels
create center-channel information. In addition, the information that is normally sent to the
rear-channel surround speakers is carefully mixed in with the front-left and front-right
channels for increased realism. Use this mode when you have a center-channel speaker
but no surround speakers.
HALL This mode is designed for use with stereo recordings and provides a sound-field Fixed delay, not adjustable
effect that simulates the complex combination of direct and reflected sounds that
create the rich reverberant atmosphere of a concert hall.
THEATER This mode uses matrix surround decoding to simulate a standard movie or Fixed delay, not adjustable
stage theater.
STEREO This mode turns off all surround processing and presents the pure left- and right- No surround channels
channel presentation of two-channel stereo programs.
Surround-Mode Chart