· If there is a suitable letter, the card is placed next to the corresponding
uncovered letter card. If you have more than one, you can also place
various letter cards.
· If no letter can be added, take a card from the pile. If you still can not
place any letter, than it’s the turn of the next player in a clockwise
Example: If there is an F on the uncovered card, you need either the E
or the G. If a player has not only the got G, but also the H, he can place
both cards – in the right order.
Hint: As a help you can use the alphabet attached to the cover of the game
instructions to check.
ABC … XYZ (age 6+)
Aim of the game:
Who is able to sort the letters in alphabetical order and place their cards
the most rapidly?
How to play:
The letter cards are shuffled. Each player gets five cards face down.
The remaining cards are put in a pile face down.
Uncover the card on top and put it in the center of the table.
The youngest player starts. He takes a look at his five cards to see if there
is a letter which precedes or follows the letter uncovered in direct alpha-
betic order.
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