Game 2: The word searchers
Who will be the word searcher quickest at recognizing the ghost word,
thereby collecting the most ghost cards?
Preparation of the Game
Place the game board in the center of the table. Put an empty A4-sheet
in the frame of the game board. For this variation you just need the lid of
the tin.
• Put any six letter stamps in two of the lids
• Put any seven letter stamps in two lids.
•The remaining empty lid is placed open next to the game board.
The ghost cards are shuffled and placed in a hidden pile next to the
game board. The pencil and open inkpad are placed ready for use on the
How to Play
The player with the longest name starts. If there are two equally long
names, the smallest player starts. They are the ghost in this round. The
other players are the word searchers.
The ghost takes the empty lid, the pencil and the pad. Then they take the
top card from the pile and secretly look at the word.
Now they trace on the sheet as many dashes next to each other as letters
in the word.
The ghost has drawn the card with the word APPLE. They draw five
dashes in a straight line, if possible, on the sheet _ _ _ _ _.
Then it’s the turn of the searchers. The player next to the ghost in a clock-
wise direction chooses a stamp and reads the letter out loud.
The searcher chooses the A and asks:
“Ghost, ghost! Is there an A in your word?”
The ghost looks to see if this letter appears in the word.
game board with
sheet in center of
table, get ready tin
lid with stamps
shuffle ghost cards,
get pencil and ink
pad ready
take card from pile
and look at it
secretly, trace one
dash per letter on
choose stamp and
say letter
ghost checks letter