Ferm 81
Rengør regelmœssigt maskinkappen med en blød klud, helst efter hvert brug. Sørg for at
ventilationshullerne er fri for støv og snavs. Brug en blød klud, der er vœdet i sœbevand
til at fjerne hårdnakket snavs. Brug ingen opløsningsmidler, så som benzin, alkohol,
ammoniak, osv. Den slags stoffer beskadiger kunststofdelene.
Maskinen behøver ingen ekstra smøring.
Skulle en fejl opstå, f.eks. pga. slidtage af en enhed, kontakt venligst serviceadressen på
garantibeviset. På bagsiden af denne manual finder du en tegning med alle dele, der kan
For at undgå transportbeskadigelse leveres maskinen i en solid emballage. Emballagen er
så vidt muligt lavet af genbrugsmateriale. Genbrug derfor emballagen.
Defekte og/eller kasserede elektriske eller elektroniske maskiner skal afleveres
på en genbrugsplads.
Læs garantibestemmelserne i det vedlagte garanticertifikat.
08 Ferm
• Do not saw pegs or sharp-cornered workpieces.
This is hazardous. Saw pegs or sharp-cornered workpieces with an appliance
designed for that purpose (a peg cutter or milling machine) and not with a saw bench.
• Exercise care when sawing waste or firewood.
Waste or firewood often requires less careful sawing, so there is a danger that you
may not be quite so alert to irregularities in the wood and impose too much pressure
on the saw.
• Use a table extender for large workpieces.
When sawing large workpieces, support the workpiece at table level with a table
Turn the appliance off immediately in the event of:
• A faulty mains plug, mains flex or flex damage.
• A faulty switch.
• Smoke or smell from scorched insulation.
• Seizing of the saw.
Examples of problems arising from improper use of the saw bench
• Contact with rotating saw blade
This can occur when the protective elements (such as the protective hood, the
protection under the table surface, the riving knife, the push stick) are missing or are
used improperly. Improper operation of the protective elements can result in
accidents. When the machine is switched off, the saw blade may continue to rotate.
There is a risk of your not noticing this because the appliance falls silent. That is why
the protective hood is so important.
• Recoil of the workpiece
When the workpiece recoils it may hit those in the surrounding area at high speed.
This may result in serious or even fatal injury. The workpiece may recoil for the
following reasons (or a combination of them):
• The saw does not protrude far enough above the table surface, causing the
workpiece to be guided directly into contact with the teeth of the saw that is itself
moving in the direction of the user.
• The workpiece seizes on the saw because the riving knife is not fitted or
incorrectly adjusted.
• There is no auxiliary saw rip fence (straight edge) or it is adjusted incorrectly.
Because of this the wood may become stuck between the main rip fence and the
rotating saw blade.
• Rotating saw blade breaks
This can be caused by the following factors:
• An improper sawing procedure;
• An improperly adjusted saw blade;
• An improper method of operation;
• Processing material that is unsuitable for the saw bench.
• Metal parts under voltage
Defective electrical installation may result in metal parts coming under voltage and
causing fire.