Fig. C.
For a better dust extraction of the working surface your
sanding machine can be connected to the ordinary va-
cuum cleaner for house-use. You can use the adaptor
(see figure). The adaptor has to be installed on the back
side of the machine, in the opening.
- Push in the pull switch to make your sanding machine
- If you want to disconnect the machine, you have to let
loose the same pull switch. The pull switch can be bloc-
ked in position “ON” by pushing in the switch on the
side, while you keep pushed in the pull switch. The ma-
chine can be disconnected by briefly pushing in the
pull switch.
(Only useful for subjoined applications)
1. Sanding wooden surfaces.
2. Removing rust and sanding metal surfaces.
3. Polishing.
The use of your sanding machine is made easier because
of the two grips one on the front side and one on the back
side. Through that you can hold the machine with two
hands, so that you have a better control of the machine
and besides you do not risk becoming in touch with the mo-
ving parts. Hold your sanding machine always with your
both hands.
In case the sanding machine does not work well, we give
you some possible causes and solutions.
1. The electromotor gets hot.
The cool ventilation slots in the motor are stopped up
with dirt
- clean the cool ventilation slots
The motor is defect.
- Have your sanding machine repaired or checked
by your local Ferm dealer.
2. The connected machine does not work.
Interruption in the mains connection.
- Check mains connection for fracture;
- Have your sanding machine repaired/checked by
your local Ferm dealer.
3. The dust is not absorbed:
This can be caused by a stopped up dust extraction.
- Clean your dust collection opening.
Repairing of electric appliances may be carried
out only by experts.
Make sure that the machine is not live when car-
rying out maintenance work on the motor.
The Ferm machines have been designed to operate over
a long period of time with a minimum of maintenance. Con-
tinuous satisfactory operation depends upon proper ma-
chine care and regular cleaning.
Keep the ventilation slots of the machine clean to prevent
overheating of the engine.
Regularly clean the machine housing with a soft cloth, pre-
ferably after each use. Keep the ventilation slots free from
dust and dirt.
If the dirt does not come off use a soft cloth moistened with
soapy water. Never use solvents such as petrol, alcohol,
ammonia water, etc. These solvents may damage the
plastic parts.
The machine requires no additional lubrication.
Should a fault occur, e.g. after wear of a part, please con-
tact your local Ferm dealer.
In the back of this manual you find an exploded view
showing the parts that can be ordered.
In order to prevent the machine from damage during trans-
Hvis slibemaskinen ikke funktionerer tilfredsstillende, gi-
ves nedenfor eventuelle årsager og afhjælpning.
1. Udsædvanlig mange gnister.
Dette tyder næsten altid på tilstedeværelse af smuds i
motoren eller på opslidte kulbørster.
- Få slibemaskinen kontrolleret hos Deres Ferm-
2. Slibemaskinen bliver for varm.
Slibemaskinen belastes for meget.
- Brug maskinen til det, den er beregnet til.
Motoren er defekt.
- Indlever slibemaskinen til reparation hos Deres
Ferm forhandler.
6. Støvet suges ikke op:
Dette kan eventuelt skyldes, at støvudsugningen er til-
- Rens åbningen til udsugning af støv.
Indlever slibemaskinen til reparation altid hos
Deres Ferm forhandler.
Sørg for at maskinen ikke står under strøm, når
der udføres vedligeholdelsesarbejder på meka-
Maskinerne fra Ferm er udviklet til at fungere lœnge uden
problemer med et minimum af vedligeholdelse. Ved at
rengøre maskinen regelmœssigt og behandle den kor-
rekt, bidrager De til en lœngere levetid for maskinen.
Rengør regelmœssigt maskinkappen med en blød klud,
helst efter hvert brug. Sørg for at ventilationshullerne er fri
for støv og snavs. Brug en blød klud, der er vœdet i sœbe-
vand til at fjerne hårdnakket snavs. Brug ingen opløs-
ningsmidler, så som benzin, alkohol, ammoniak, osv. Den
slags stoffer beskadiger kunststofdelene.
Maskinen behøver ingen ekstra smøring.
Kontakt Deres Ferm-forhandler, hvis der opstår fejl som
følge af slitage af en del.
Bagerst i denne brugsanvisning finder De en reservedel-
stegning med de reservedele, der kan bestilles.
For at undgå transportbeskadigelse leveres maskinen i
en solid emballage. Emballagen er så vidt muligt lavet af
genbrugsmateriale. Genbrug derfor emballagen.
Når de udskifter Deres maskinen bør De tage den gamle
maskine med til Deres lokale Ferm-forhandler. Der vil
maskinen blive bearbejdet på miljøvenlig vis.
Lœs det separat vedlagte garantikort for garantibetingel-
Vi erklærer at under almindeligt ansvar, at dette
produkt er i overenstemmelse med følgende
normer eller normative dokumenter
EN50144-1, EN50144-2-4,
EN55014-1, EN55014-2,
EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3
i henhold til bestemmelserne i direktiverne:
G.M. Ensing
Quality department
Ferm 29