This pri nter pr ovides you with a vari ety of dif feren t print ing opti ons as
foll ows. Fo r detail s, re fer to t he onli ne Re ference Guide.
Accessing the Online Reference
Follow these ste ps to acce ss the onli ne Reference Guide .
1. Insert the printer software CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Fo r Wind ows, sel ect User Gui des i n the In stalle r dialog box and cl ick
. For Maci ntosh, do uble -click t he EPSON icon , then select User
Guides in the ins taller dialog bo x and click .
Online Problem Solving
The EPSON ’s Techn ical Supp ort Web Site pro vide you wi th tips to help
solve any pr oblems. Access the T echnical Support in one of t he followi ng
For Wi ndows users
You can also access them by clicki ng Technica l Suppo rt in the Stat us
Monitor 3 dialog bo x or on the Mai n menu of the prin ter sof tware .
For fur ther i nformat ion on th e customer support services avail able in you r
area, se e the onl ine Reference Guide .
For Macintos h users
1. In sert th e CD in the CD- ROM driv e.
2. Doub le-c lick the EPSON icon
3. Se lect Te chni cal Su pport W eb Site, and c lick .
For fur ther i nformat ion on th e customer support services avail able in you r
area, se e the onl ine Reference Guide .
Accessing the Printer Software
The pri nter s oftware incl udes a pr inter driver and ut iliti es. The prin ter dri ver
lets you cho ose from a wide var iety of se ttings t o get the be st resul ts from
your print er. The printer ut iliti es help you che ck the pri nter and ke ep it in top
operat ing condit ion. Acc ess the pri nter sof tware as exp lain ed in this sec tion.
For Wi ndows users
From Windows appli cations
1. Fr om the File menu of y our app licati on, cli ck Print . The Prin t dial og box
appears .
2. Se lect yo ur print er, then click P ropert ies, Printer , Setup, or Options
to a ccess the pr inter soft ware. (Depen ding on your app licati on, y ou may
need to c lick a combi nation of these buttons .)
Not e:
When yo u acc ess th e p rinte r softw are f rom a Wi ndow s app lica tion, the
settin gs that you make appl y only to th e applicat ion yo u are usin g.
From the Start menu
1. Fo r Wind ows Me, 200 0, NT 4.0, 98 and 95 use rs, cli ck Start , point t o
Sett ings, then cl ick Pr inters.
For Windo ws XP users, clic k Start , then click Control Pane l , then clic k
Printers a nd Other Ha rdware, then click Prin ters an d Faxe s.
2. Se lect yo ur print er, then click P ropert ies on the File menu . If yo u are
a Windo ws XP and 2 000 u ser, s elect your p rinter , th en cl ick Pri ntin g
Prefe rences on the File menu.
For Macintos h users
You can ac cess the var ious pr inter software dialog box es as descri bed
Panel Operation
See the on line Re ference Guide for detail s.
Replacing Ink Cartridges
You can repla ce an in k cartr idge b y usin g the S tatus M onitor ut ilit y instal led
on your computer , or by using the print er's cont rol pa nel. To repl ace an ink
cartr idge or check ink levels usi ng the St atus Monit or uti lity, ref er to “ Using
the St atus Moni tor” in the on line Re ference Guide. To repl ace an emp ty ink
cartr idge usi ng the pri nter' s contr ol panel, follow the step s in this sec tion .
❏ You canno t contin ue print ing wit h one ink car tridge emp ty, ev en if the
other cartridg e stil l contai ns ink. Bef ore prin ting, replac e the empty
cartr idge .
❏ In addit ion to th e ink use d during docu ment pri nting, ink is cons umed
durin g the pr int head clean ing oper ation , durin g the sel f-cle aning cyc le
which i s perfor med when t he print er is turned on , and du ring ink
chargi ng when th e ink cart ridge i s install ed in the pr inter .
1. Mak e sur e that the print er is o n, bu t not p rinti ng. Press t he H ink button .
The pr int head moves to the in k chec k pos ition.
2. Ope n the pri nter cove r. Make sur e that t he ink cart ridge that needs to
be repl aced is indi cate d by the _ mark.
❏ Do not move th e print head b y hand , as thi s may damage t he
print er. Alwa ys press th e H ink b utto n to m ove it.
❏ Whenever an ink c artri dge is re moved, b e sur e to prote ct th e
ink su pply are a from dirt an d dust. Do not tou ch th e ink sup ply
port or its surro undin g area.
3. T hen, pre ss the H ink butt on aga in. The pr int head moves to th e ink
cartr idge r epl acement positio n.
4. I nstall t he new ink cartri dges as explai ned on the Setup in the “ Inst all
the ink ca rtri dges” sect ion.
For det ails and how to re place an in k cartr idge bef ore it is empty, ref er
to the onl ine Reference Guide .
Dispose of the used cartridg e proper ly. Do not take it apart o r try to refill it.
Error Indicators
You can i denti fy many commo n problem s using t he light s on the pri nter’ s
contr ol panel . Use the f ollowi ng table of light patter ns to diagn ose the
probl em, then f ollow the recommende d corre ctive measu res.
= on,
= off,
= flashing
* EPSON Status Monitor 3 is for Windows; EPSON S tatusMonitor is fo r Macintosh.
Safety Instructions
Read al l of the i nstruct ions in th is sect ion when setting up and using yo ur
printer .
When choosing a place for the printer
❏ Avoid places su bject to rapid chan ges in temp eratur e and humid ity.
Also, keep th e printe r away fro m dire ct sunlig ht, str ong ligh t, or hea t
source s.
❏ Avoid pl ace s subje ct to dus t, sho cks, an d vibrat ions .
❏ Leav e enough r oom aro und the p rinte r to allow fo r suf ficient ventil ation.
❏ Place the print er near a wall out let wh ere the pl ug can be easi ly
unplug ged.
❏ Place the pr inter on a flat, stable surfac e that extends beyond the pr inter
base in all direct ions . If you pla ce the pri nter by the wal l, leave more
than 10 cm b etwe en the b ack of the pr inte r and t he wall. The p rinte r will
not op erat e pro perly if it is t ilted at a n angl e.
❏ When st oring o r tra nsporti ng th e print er, do n’t ti lt it, stand it on its s ide
or turn it upside do wn. Othe rwise ink ma y leak fro m the cart ridge.
When choosing a power source
❏ Use onl y the ty pe of powe r source ind icat ed on the pr inter ’s label.
❏ Do not use a damaged or frayed power cord .
❏ If you us e an exte nsion cord wit h the pri nter, m ake sure th at th e total
ampe re rating of the devic es plugged int o the exten sion cor d does not
exceed the c ord’s a mpere r ating. Also, make sur e that the t otal a mpere
rating of a ll de vice s pl ugged int o th e wal l outl et d oes not ex ce ed the
wall outlet ’s am pere ra ting .
❏ If you pl an to use the printer in Germany, the bui lding in stalla tion mu st
be prot ecte d by a 10 or 16 amp circuit breaker to provi de adequat e
short -circ uit pro tect ion and ov er-cu rrent pr otecti on for th is print er.
❏ Be sur e AC power cord meets the relevant local saf ety stand ards .
When handling ink cartridges
❏ Do not o pen the i nk car tridge pa ckages until j ust be fore you instal l them.
❏ Do not sha ke the used i nk cartr idges; this can cause leaka ge.
❏ Keep ink ca rtri dges out of the reach of chil dren. Do no t all ow childre n
to drin k from or otherw ise handl e the cart ridges .
❏ Be care ful whe n you ha ndle used i nk car tridg es, as th ere ma y be some
ink re maining around the ink supp ly po rt. If ink ge ts on your skin, w ash
the area thoroug hly wit h soap and wate r. If in k gets in to your ey es, flush
them immed iately w ith water . If di scomfort or vision pr oblems r emain
after a tho rough flus hing, see a doctor immedi ately.
❏ Do not t ouch or remo ve the g reen IC chi p that i s located on the side of
the c artridg e.
❏ Do not remo ve or tea r the lab el on the ca rtridge ; this ca n cause l eakage.
When using the printer
❏ Do not p ut your hand insi de the pr inter or touc h the ink cartr idges dur ing
print ing.
❏ Do not bl ock or cover t he opening s in the pr inter’ s cabinet .
❏ Do not at tempt to service t he print er your self.
❏ Unplug the prin ter an d refer ser vici ng to qual ifie d service personne l
under th e follow ing cond itio ns:
The p ower cor d or pl ug is d amaged; liqu id has en tere d the pr inte r; the
print er has bee n droppe d or the cabinet damaged; t he pri nter doe s not
operat e normall y or exhib its a dist inct c hange in per forma nce.
❏ Do not in sert object s throu gh the slot s in the pr inte r’s cabinet .
❏ Take care no t to spill li quid on the pr inter.
❏ Leave the ink cartri dges inst alled. R emoving t he cartri dges can
dehydra te the pr int he ad an d may p reven t the print er f rom pr inting .
When using Automatic Roll Paper Cutter
❏ Do not atta ch or remo ve this pr oduct wh ile the po wer to the pr inter ’s
main unit is on.
❏ Keep the cutte r out of the r each of chi ldr en.
❏ Do no t touch th e paper ej ecti on par t and cutt er bla de.
❏ Do not pl ace the cu tter o n an unst able sur face (s uch as on an unstab le
table or a tilte d surface ).
❏ Do n ot d isass embl e or mod ify th e c utter .
Information for United Kingdom Users
Use of options
EPSON (U K) Limit ed shall no t be li able agai nst any damages or problems
arisin g from th e use of a ny option s or consuma ble pr oducts ot her tha n those
desig nated as Origina l EPSON P roduct s or EPSON A pproved Produc ts by
EPSON (UK) Limited .
Safety information
Warni ng:
Refer t o th e rati ng p late f or the voltag e and check that the appl ianc e
voltage cor respond s to t he s upply v olta ge.
Impo rtant: The w ires i n the mains lea d fit ted to thi s ap pliance are
coloure d in accor dance with t he follo wing code :
Blue — Ne utral
Brow n — Live
If you h ave to fi t a plug :
As the c olours of t he mains lead of thi s applian ce may not match the
colour ed markin gs used to ident ify the termin als in a plug, p lease observe
the foll owing :
❏ The blu e wir e must be conne cted to the te rminal in t he plug marked with
the le tter N.
❏ The brow n wire must be conne cted to th e ter minal in t he plug marked
with th e lett er L.
❏ If the pl ug is dam aged, re place the cord set or consult a q ualif ied
electr ician.
❏ Replac e fuses only with fu ses of the cor rect si ze and rat ing.
Double- sided pr intin g No margi n print ing
Print ing on rol l pape r Automat ic rol l paper cutter
Prin ting o n CD-R Photo Quic ker
Print ing on ma tte boar d
Dia lo g Bo x How to Access
Print Click Print on the File menu of your application or click Options in t he Page
Setup dialog box.
Page Setup Click Page Setup on the File menu of your application.
Layout Click the Layout icon button in the Print dialog box.
Utility Click the Utility icon but ton in the Pri nt or Page Setup dialog box.
Button Function
Turns the pr inter on and of f. To turn the printer off, press and hold the
button until the light goes out.
Clears the memory of the printer if pressed twice while the power is on.
Controls the paper-load and eject functions. Printing will resume if pressed after a
paper out error or double feed error.
Moves the pr int head to enable replacement of t he ink cartridge.
Enables print head cleaning if pressed fo r three seconds while the
ink out light is
off .
roll paper
the cutter)
Prints a cutting guideline and feeds roll pap er to a position wher e it can be e asily
removed from the sheet feeder if pressed aft er printing.
Feeds roll p aper to the printing position if pressed after cut ting the paper.
Feeds roll p aper in reverse to a position where it can be easily r emoved from th e
roll paper feeder, if pressed for 3 seconds.
roll paper
(with the
With driver s etting Singl e Cut or Double Cut
Cuts roll paper at the posit ion that is selected and ejec ts it if pressed after printing.
Then feeds roll paper to the printing positi on automatically.
With driver s etting Not Cut
Cuts roll pape r with a mar gin and ejects it if press ed after printing. T hen feeds roll
paper to the printing position aut omatically.
Light s Proble m and S olution
Paper ou t No paper is loaded in the printer.
Check EPSON Status M onitor 3* or EPSON StatusMonitor*. Load paper in the sheet
feeder, then press the
paper button. The printer resumes printing and the light
goes out.
Paper jam Paper has jammed in the printer.
Check EPSON Status Monitor 3* or EPSO N StatusMonitor*. P ress the
button to eject the jammed paper. If the err or does not clear, open the printer cov er
and remove all of the paper inside, including any torn pieces.Then reload the paper
in the sheet feeder and press the
paper button to r esume printing.
Automatic Roll P aper
Cutter error
The roll paper c annot be cut with the cutter.
Remove the roll paper from the printer.
Ink lo w The ink cartridge is nearly em pty.
Obtain a replacement ink cartridge. To determine which c artridge is nearly empty,
check the ink level using EPSON Status Monitor 3* or EPSON Sta tusMonitor*.
Ink ou t The ink cartridge is empty or is not installed.
Replace the ink cartridge with a new one. To determine which cartridge is empty,
check the ink level using EPS ON Status Monit or 3* or EPS ON StatusM onitor*. If the
ink end error occur s after the print head m oves to its home position, the ink cartridge
may not be installed properly. Reinstall t he ink cartridge until it clicks into place.
Wrong ca rtridge The currently installed ink car tridge is not compatible w ith
the printer.
Use the appropriate ink cartridge.
Incorrectly installed
ink cartridge
The ink cart ridge is not installed co rrectly.
If the print head is at the home position, press the
ink button to move the print head
to the ink cartridge replacement position. Remove and reinsert the ink cartridge. Then
continue with ink cart ridge installation.
If the print head is at the ink cartridge replacement position, remove and reinsert the
ink cartridge. Then continue with ink cartridge installation.
Carriage error The print head carr iage is obst ructed by jammed paper
or other foreign m aterial and cannot ret urn to the home
Turn off the print er. Open the printer cover and rem ove any paper from the paper
path by hand.Then, turn the printer back on. If the error does not clear, contact your
Unknown pri nter err or An unknown printer er ror has oc curred.
Turn off the printer and contact your dealer.
Quick Guide
Kee p thi s s hee t han dy for qui ck re fere nce .
Color Ink Jet Printer
Copyright© 2002 by SEIKO EPS ON CORPORAT ION, Nagano, Japan.
Printed in XXXX
All rights reserve d. No part of this pub lication may be re produced , stored in a retrie val system, or transm itted
in any f orm or b y any me ans, ele ctronic, mechani cal, pho tocopyin g, recordi ng, or o therwis e, with out the prior
written permiss ion of S EIKO EPSON C ORPOR ATION. T he info rmation contai ned here in is d esigned only fo r
use with this EPSON printer. EPSON is not responsible for any use of this information as applied to other
Neither SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or
third parti es for dama ges, losses, costs, or expe nses incurre d by the purc haser or thi rd parties as a result of
acciden t, misuse, or abus e of this pr oduct o r unauthor ized mod ificat ions, rep airs, or a lteratio ns to this p roduct,
or (excl uding t he U.S.) f ailure to strictly compl y with SEIK O EPSO N CORPOR ATION' s opera ting and
maintenan ce instructions.
SEIKO E PSON CORP ORATION shall not be li able for any da mages or proble ms arising from the us e of any
options or any consumabl e products other than those designate d as Original EPSON Products or EPSON
SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from electromagnetic
interference that occ urs from the use of any interface cables other than those designated as EPSON Approved
EPSON i s a regi stered tr ademark a nd EPS ON Styl us is a tr ademark of SEIKO EPSON CORPORA TION.
PRINT Im age Ma tching Ve rsion 2. 0. Copyr ight 200 2 SEIKO EPSON CORPORAT ION. A ll rights r eserved .
PRINT Imag e Matchin g is a tradema rk of SEIKO EPS ON CORPO RATIO N. The PRINT Ima ge Match ing logo
is a trademark of SEIKO EPSON CO RPORATION.
PRINT Ima ge Ma tching is a term f or the p rint com mand tha t is embe dded in heade r file of t he imag e creat ed
by digita l camer a. It contai ns col or settin g and i mage par ameter i nformatio n.
Part of the photo data st ored o n the Pr inter Sof tware CD- ROM i s licensed from De sign Excha nge Co. , Ltd.
Copy righ t © 20 00 Des ign Excha nge Co ., L td. Al l ri ghts reser ved
Microso ft and W indows ar e regi stered tra demar ks of Micr osoft Co rporation.
General Notice: Othe r produc t names used her ein are for id entificati on purpo ses only and ma y be tradem arks
of thei r respective owners. EPSON disclaims any and all right s in thos e mark s.