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Take the segment
Take the segment
Under (Ldr): Leader option
1. The displays for this game are same as the Leader option of Over game.
2. The dartboard will show “LEA” & “u---for the previous leader if there is not any
opponents who have become the new leader after a round. This indicates the
player has the right to re-issue a new leader’s score and does not lose any lives,
although the new leader’s score is higher than the previous leader’s score.
3. It will move up to end a round if it is over the leader’s score even when hit with 1
or 2 darts only.
4. Each missed dart counts as 60 points and will be added to the player’s score
automatically after pressing the Change button, so the player can not throw away
a dart on the floor or hit on the catch ring to get a lower score. It also counts as
60 points when you delete a dart score.
Under: Con (Continue)
At the Continue option of the under game, the leader will also lose a life when
he/she has a score in a round that is over the leader’s score (it is scored by
himself), and the leader’s score remains at the lowest value. It can be changed to
a lower score only.
AROUND THE CLOCK: ---, -2-, -3-
1. The object of this game is to hit each number one time from 1 through 20 in
sequence, then the bull’s-eye. After hitting the number in play, the player may
proceed to the next number. The first player to reach the number 20 and then hit
the bull’s-eye wins the game.
2. There are 3 options for this game:
a). “---” Around The Clock: All doubles and triples count as singles.
b). “-2-Double Around The Clock: Each player must hit each double number
one time, from double 1 (D1) to double 20 (D20) in sequence, then the
bull’s-eye (dE).
c). “-3-” Triple Around The Clock: Each player must hit each triple number one
time from triple 1 (T1) to triple 20 (T20) in sequence, then the bull’s-eye (E50)
in order to finish the game.
COUNT UP (C-Up): 100, 200 to 900
1. Each player starts the game with 0 points and adds to their score with each
scored dart.
2. The first player to reach or go over the preset target score wins the game.
HIGH SCORE: 6-15rd
1. The object of this game is to get highest total score.
2. First, preset a round number. The dartboard will compare result of the player in a
loop automatically after the last player throws the 3
dart in the final preset round.
3. The dartboard cannot be compared the player’s score automatically if the last
player strikes only a portion of the 3 darts on the scoring area in the final round.
So press the Change button to finish game and compare the result.
RANDOM SHOOT: 6-15 Round
1. The object of Random Shoot is to hit the segment that the dartboard issues
automatically. It will score points as follows when the player hits the issued number.
2. The player with the highest score wins the game.
1. This game plays numbers of 1 through 7 in sequence:
2. Players take turns throwing in 1 at the 1
round, then 2 in the 2nd round, and so
on to 7 in the 7th round.
3. Only darts hitting the number in play count for score, doubles and triples count.
Three darts of all players hit the same number in the same round.
4. The player with the highest score wins the game after the last player throws the
3rd dart in the 7th round.
The game plays by the same format as Shanghai I, except that a player can win
instantly in any three dart round by hitting a single, double and triple, in any order,
during play.
1. Players take throwing at numbers 1 through 20 in sequence.
2. Each player starts on number 1. After hitting number 1, then shoot for number 2,
and so on.
3. A player can win instantly by hitting a single, double and triple, in any number
order, during a round.
4. The player with the highest score after the last player throws the 3rd dart in the
7th round, or the first player to reach and hit 20 wins.
Halve It (HALF): rAn (Random)
1. The dartboard issues a random number automatically at the beginning of each
2. The issued number does not change during the entire round. All players can
continue to hit their 3 darts on this segment to cumulate their score. Doubles and
triples count.
3. A player’s score will be automatically cut in half if he/she does not hit the issued
number with at least one of the 3 darts per round. But if one or more dart(s) hit the
catcher, the player must press the CHANGE button, the score will be cut in half.
4. The dartboard will re-issue a random number for each round, and the game
progresses until the last player throws the 3rd dart in the 7th round.
Halve It (HALF): 12 Round
The game is played with the same format as random Halve It, except that the
dartboard issues fixed numbers of 12, 13, 14, db, 15, 16, 17, tr, 18, 19, 20, and -bE-
for each round in sequence, for a total of 12 rounds.
Follow the Leader: Continue, Leader
1. Game rules:
a). The object of this game is to hit on a “Target Number”. This target umber is
issued by the “leader”.
b). The player shall hit on the target number with at least one of the 3 darts per
round, otherwise the player will lose one life.
c). You will become a new leader, and without losing a life, if you hit on the target
number, and you have to issue a new target number by hitting a dart on the
score area again.
d). The single, double and triple are different numbers. For example, the target
number is “18”, the player can be become a leader by hitting on the double
ring of the number 18 only.
e). If the player hits on the target number with the 3rd dart of a round, then it
keeps the previous target number with no change. The leader does not throw
the dart again to issue a new target number.
f). If the player hits on the target number with the 1st or 2nd dart of a round and
he/she misses all the residual darts of his/her current round, then the dartboard
will issue an easy target number of “1- 3” automatically after pressing the Next
Player button. This design is to prevent the leader from intentionally throwing
away darts on the floor to get a new target number that is the same as the
previous high difficult number.
g). Each player starts with 7 lives, and the last player alive wins.
2. There are 2 options for Follow the Leader: the “Continue” option follows
traditional rules, and the “Leaderoption is modified by the ECHOWELL and it is
more suitable for low-skilled players.
Follow the Leader (Ldr: Leader option)
1. Establishing the leader and starting the game.
a). Each player begins with 7 lives displayed on each player’s window.
b). The dartboard will issue a random number as the first target number.
c). Each player shoots a dart in sequence until one hits on the random number
and becomes the first leader.
d). If the player fails to hit the random number, they will not lose any lives until a
leader is established.
2. If a player fails to hit the target number during round, he/she loses one life
indicated by the reduced lives’ number by one. The next player continues
shooting for this segment number, and so on.
3. If all other players do not hit on the target number after a round, the dartboard will
display-- - and LEA” symbol, waiting for the leader to issue a new target number
by hitting a dart on the score area. The leader does not lose any lives when
he/she issues the new target number.
4. The dartboard also displays “-3-” target number automatically after pressing the
Next Player button if a layer hits on the target number and becomes a leader, but
misses all residual darts during his/her round.
5. The winner is the last player left with any lives remaining.
Follow the Leader: Con (Continue)
The game is played with the same format as the Leader option, except the leader
also has to hit on the target number if all other players do not hit on the target
number after a round, otherwise he/she will also lose a life. The game always
“Continues” on the same target number until one player hits on this target number,
then it can be changed to a new target number.
ALL 51 BY 5: 31, 41 to 91
1. The object of the game is to reduce each round’s score from the preset score of
31, 41, 51…or 91.
2. The game appears very simple, but it is difficult to master and requires
considerable accuracy since the total points for each round must be divisible by 5
to receive any score. For example, if a player gets 25 points on a round, the
score is 5 (255=5).
3. Any round score not divisible by 5 is not counted, for example if a player gets a
total of 47 points, the score is 0 since 47 is not divisible by 5. If any one of the 3
darts miss it is counted as a no score.
4. The round is a “buSt” when a player gets a score higher than the residual score
that can not reach a zero score exactly.
5. The first player that reaches zero exactly is the winner.
BINGO: 6-15rd(Round)
1. First, the player must aim at playing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 to get a chance of
BINGO if he/she hits 1, 2 or 3 darts at any number in play.
2. The dartboard will issue a number among 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 if the player hits any one
of playing numbers. The player will get 1, 2 or 3 points if the issued number is the
same as the number hit by the player 1, 2 or 3 times in the round. The player’s
round is over if all 3 darts missed.
3. The player can gamble the score by continue throw the issue number. His/her
score will double with each hit of the issued number, or the score will be half in
case of a missed dart. The maximum score per round is 10 points, and the
minimum is 0 point. The score will be the not change if the player selects not to
gamble by pressing the Change button to changes to the next player.
4. The player with the highest score wins the game after the game over.
21 POINT: 3 to 9 Round Options
1. The object of this game is to get more lives to win the game.
2. A player can get 1 life in 2 ways:
a). Get 21 points exactly with 1, 2 or 3 darts.
b). Has highest but less than 21 points if nobody gets 21 points in this round.
3. The round is a “buSt” when score is over 21 points, or any dart misses and the
Next Player button is pressed.
4. The player with the most lives wins the game after game over.
Shove Ha Penny (PEnn)
1. The object of this game is for each player to fill 3 marks in each number from 15,
16 20 to the bull’s-eye in sequence. The first player to fill all numbers in
sequence wins.
2. The player can get 1, 2 or 3 marks by a hit within the single, double or triple ring
of the number in play.
3. If a player scores more than 3 marks in the number in play, the excess marks are
given to the next player.
4. The player shall finish his/her self the last mark his/ her self.
DOUBLE DOWN 41 ( dd41): 12 rd 9Round), rAn (Random)
1. There are 2 options, one is 12 Round option and another is Random option.
2. The option of 12-round Double Down 41 is similar to the 12 round Halve It game
except each player is given 41 points to start the game instead of 0 points. The
play numbers are 12, 13, 14, db, 15, 16, 17, tr, 18, 19, 20, and -bE- for each
round in sequence, for a total of 12 rounds.
3. The option of Random Double Down 41 is similar to the Random Halve It game
except each player is given 41 points to start the game instead of 0 point.
4. Please refer to the game rules of Halve It for details.
Best Ten: ---, -2-, -3-, -E- Options
1. Select a ---, -2-, -3- or -E- first, the symbol of ---”, -2-or -3-indicates whole
segments, double ring or triple ring of the issued number to be thrown by all
players through the round. You can have a practice of the bull’s-eye when you
select “-E-”.
2. The dartboard issues a random number at the beginning of the game. All players
must continue to throw 10 darts in a round on the target segment of this number.
3. Each hit of the target segment gets 1 point. The player with highest points wins
the game after all players have thrown 10 darts.
RED vs GREEN (r-G): ---, -2-, -3- Options
1. The player 1 hit each number one time from 20, 18, 13, 10, 2, 3, 7, 8, 14 to 12 in
sequence, and player 2 has a hit of each number from 5, 9, 11, 16, 19, 17, 15, 6,
4 to 1 in sequence. After hitting a number in play, the player may proceed to the
next number.
2. Select a ---, -2- or -3- option firstly. Players can throw whole segments of the
number in play when select ---”, players must hit the double or triple segment of
the number if selecting-2-” or-3-”.
3. The first player to reach the final number wins the game.
9 LIVES: 3-9LF (lives) Options
1. The game plays numbers 1 through 20 and bull’s-eye in a sequence loop.
2. Each player starts with the preset 3, 4,.. or 9LF (Lives).
3. Players take turns throwing in 1 in the 1
round, then 2 in the 2
round, and so
on to “-E-” in the 21
round, then 1 in the 22
round and so on
4. Each player shall hit the target number one dart in each round. The player will
lose a life if all 3 darts missed.
5. The last player remaining alive is the winner.
TENNIS: 2-5G (Games), 1, 3, 5t (Sets), 2 PLAYER OPTION
1. The game has similar rules as the actual game of tennis. In the real tennis rules,
there are 3 sets for female and 5 sets for male. But in order to reduce the playing
time, you can choose the option of 1 set, 2, 3, 4 or 5 games; 3 or 5 sets are also
2. The game is designed for 2 players only, and game rules are as below:
2.1 One is the server (display SEr 1 or SEr 2) and another is the receiver (display
PL-2 or PL-1).
2.2 The SEr 1 serves first. Each server serves one game alternatively in general.
The server’s target is to have a hit on any number among Nos. 15, 16,…20 or
the Bull’s-eye within 3 darts, otherwise the receiver wins 1 ball.
2.3 The receiver shall return the same darted number with 1 of the 3 darts, otherwise
the server wins 1 ball. The play number will change to the next number for the
opponent automatically after the receiver succeeds with a “return”.
2.4 For example, the SEr 1 hits no. 20, the PL-2 succeeds return by hitting no.
20, then the target number changes to -E- (bull’s-eye) for server 1
automatically, then no. 1 for the PL-2, no. 2 for the SEr 1 and so on, until one
player misses the target number and another player wins a ball, then the server
re-serves a new target, and so on.
3. A player shall must win 4 balls to win a game, and then win 6 games to win a set.
4. Deuce: When the score is 3:3 in a game, a player has to be ahead of the
opponent by 2 balls to win the game, or the first player to get 10 balls wins the
game if deuce continues up to 9:9 in the game.
5. To win the Tennis game with different options:
WIN and
3 set
6. Tie-breaker: When it is 6:6 games in a set, the first player to get 7 balls and is
ahead by 2 balls wins the set, or the first player to get 10 balls wins the game if it
continues to 9:9 in the game. The first player to reach 6 games serves 1 ball,
then each player serves 2 balls alternatively when playing a tie-breaker.
1. This game is for 2 players only, one player acts as the pitcher and another one is
the batter. The pitcher’s object is to cumulate 9 wickets as soon as possible to
stop the batter from getting more scores, and the batter’s object is to get as many
scores as possible before the pitcher accumulates 9 wickets.
2. Game rules:
2.1 The pitcher’s (Pit 1 or 2) target is the bull’s-eye. Each hit of the outer bull
counts as 1 wicket, the inner bull’s-eye counts as 2 wickets, other numbers are
in-effect. .
2.2 The batter (bAt 1 or 2) can throw any number (doubles and triples count). The
score counts only when the total score per round is over 40 points; for example
46-40=6 points, the total score is less than 40 counts as 0 points.
2.3 The score round is finished when the pitcher cumulates 9 wickets. Press the
CHANGE button to change to another score round.
2.4 The game ends when 2nd score round is finished. The dartboard will
compare the final score amount of the 2 players and list F-1 or F-2 according to
their score to indicate who has the highest score.
SOCCER: 6-15rd (Round)
1. The object of the SOCCER game is to take possession of the ball by a hit of the
bull’s-eye (-db-) firstly, then take a kick for a goal by hitting any double segment
except the inner bull’s -eye to get as many as possible to accumulate a high
2. The player can continue to hit any double segment to eliminate a score until
another player takes possession of the ball. Each hit of a double segment scores
1 point.
3. The player with the most scores wins the game after the game is over.
GOLF: (9H-18H)
1. The object of the Golf game is to use as few strokes as possible to get 3 marks
in each hole (displayed Ho #).
2. Each player shall continue to throw the specific number until they get 3 marks by
hitting 1 triple, 1 double plus 1 single, or 3 singles, then go to the next number
after all players have 3 marks on the number.
3. The specific numbers are No. 1 on Ho 1, No. 2 on Ho 2… and No. 18 on Ho 18
in sequence. Each thrown dart counts as 1 club no matter if it is a hit or miss.
4. The player with the least number of strokes wins the game.
Billiards (9 Ball): 4-13 points Option
1. The object of this game is to hit as many “No. 9 balls” as possible to accumulate
a score to the preset points.
2. All players throw numbers 1 through 9 in sequence in a loop. Each hit of the
number moves to the next number. Nos. 1, 2,…, 8 are 0 points, only a hit of the
No. 9 results in 1 point, then hit from No. 1 again in loop.
3. The game is not limited to 3 darts per round. The current player can continue to
throw darts if he/she can hit each target number in play with each dart.
4. The current player’s round will end and change to the next player.
1. The game of this object is to cross hit one red ball in order then any one of the 6
color balls and so on to get score. The color balls from 2 to 7 shall be hit in order
after the last red ball (bull’s-eye) and a color ball be hit (if the player can hit it after
bull’s-eye). The player with highest points wins the game when game ends.
2. Red Balls: 8, 9, 10…20 & Bull’s-eye. It shall be hit in order, each hit of a red ball in play
gets 1 point.
3. Color Balls: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Each hit of color ball counts the same face value
of the ball.
4. The game does not limit 3 dart per round, the current player can continue to
throw darts as many as if he/she can continue to hit the number in play.
5. It will stop the current player’s round and change to the next player in the
following status:
a). The player misses all 3 darts at the beginning of the round.
b). The player suspends a hit of the number in play after his/her 1
BASEBALL: 3-9rd, 2-16 PLAYER (combined in 2 teams)
1. The game is designed for 2 to 16 players and separated into 2 teams, the game
rules are as below:
a). Each team assigns a “pitcher” (display Pit 1 or Pit 2) to throw ball for batters of
another team, the pitcher shall throw numbers from 15 through 20 or bull’s-eye.
The pitcher of the team 2 (Pit 2) starts the game by throw darts.
b). Other players are batters, team 1 displays t1-1, t1-2… to t1-8, team 2 displays
t2-1, t2-2… to t2-8.
c). The ball is a straight if the pitcher hit any one of target numbers, the batter
shall throw specific segment of this number darted by the pitcher, the details
are as the list below:
Pitcher hits on
15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20 or Bull
The batter hits the segment darted by the pitcher.
Go to base 1
Go to base 2
Go to base 3
Home Run
Home Run
Home Run
d). The batter team gets 1 point when one runner reaches to the home bass.
e). The current batter will be sent to the 1
bass in case the pitcher misses all 3
f). The batter will be out if he/she has 3 misses on the specific segment, the role
will be change when 3 outs. Both teams have 3 outs completed a round.
g). The team with highest score wins the game when game is over.
1. In general, each player throws 3 darts per round. But this game is designed for
beginners and anyone who wishes to practice. This game allows players to throw
10, 20 or 30 darts per round and to get the highest scores.
2. This game plays all the numbers, and the bull’s-eye, doubles and triples count.
3. The “P#F1 means the player has the highest score.
Check the following before taking the unit in for repairs:
No power of displays
Does the plug insert into the
jack and the adapter insert
into the electrical outlet
Re-insert it again.
Irregular display
Pull the plug from the jack and
wait for about 2 seconds, then
insert the plug into the jack again.
Displays “Stuc” and
sounds “Du-Du-
Remove the darts from the
Broken dart tips
Open the button cover of the
dartboard with a screw driver,
push out the broken tips from the
back side of the target segment.
Never attempt to open electronic
circuits. (illustration below)
Clamp the broken tip with a needle-nose
players, then push the tip out from the
back side to the front side.
Unscrew the bottom case of
the dartboard and open it.

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