IInnddiivviidduuaall cchhooccoollaattee ccaakkeess
12 individual aluminium ramekins.
60g butter.
200g bitter chocolate (more than 50% cocoa).
100g caster sugar.
4 eggs.
1 packet of baking powder.
70g sifted flour.
Melt the chocolate with the butter over very low heat. Work the egg yolks into the sugar until
the mixture becomes smooth. Add the flour, melted chocolate with butter and finish with the
baking powder. Beat the egg whites into stiff peaks and gently fold them into the mixture.
Lightly butter and flour the aluminium ramekins and pour the batter into them (without dripping
any on the edges). Place the ramekins on the baking tray and choose the “BISCUITS” mode.
Unmould and let cool on a grid. Serve with vanilla crème anglaise or coconut ice cream.
Béchamel sauce base:
1/2 litre milk.
60g flour.
100g butter.
4 egg yolks + whites beaten into stiff peaks.
salt, pepper, nutmeg.
Depending on the type of soufflé, you will add 150g shredded gruyere or 1 kg cooked,
chopped spinach or 1 kg cooked, chopped cauliflower or 150g shredded leftover cooked fish
or 150g chopped ham.