When switchin on the device, it's clock will
probably not run at the correct time. To adjust
this clock please proceed as follows: Switch
off the unit. While holding pressed the MAX
button, switch the unit on again by pressing
the on/off button. Now only the clock
reading will appear on the display while the
indication of the seconds will be blinking.
Use the yellow arrowbuttons to increase or
decreas the seconds reading. Next press the
MAX button to toggle to the minutes reading
that will now be blinking. Adjust the minutes
and Toggle to the hour reading by pressing
the MAX button again. Please note that the
clock will indicate in 24 hour mode. Pressing
the MAX button again will change the display
to indicating the date with the day blinking to
be adjusted. Next the month and finally the
year. To return to the normal wordking
mode, switch the unit off and on again.