ment components must be checked every 1 to 2 months to guarantee
• If certain parts start to wear, you must stop using the equipment im-
mediately. Please contact the specic manufacturer to order replace-
ment parts.
• Wear comfortable sport clothing and trainers when exercising so that
you are as mobile as possible and you have good traction.
• In the rst week, your work-out sessions should last around 10-15
minutes. Later on, you can extend your sessions, but make sure they
don‘t last longer than 60 minutes as this can lead to the body being
• Below you will nd a selection of possible exercises which can be
carried out using the Fitness Board. Additional exercises can be
found in the corresponding literature.
• Under no circumstances should the equipment be used as a toy.
Please note that use of the equipment by children can lead to unfore-
seeable situations and dangers for which the manufacturer cannot be
held liable.
• Parents must forbid their children from using the equipment, as it is a
piece of moving sporting equipment. Unauthorised use can otherwise
result in injury and damage to property.
• If children are permitted to use the equipment, they must be inst-
ructed in how to use the equipment correctly and be informed of the
possible dangers. For reasons of safety, children must also be super-
vised by an adult in order to ensure proper use.
• Select a location to set up the equipment which offers sufcient
space for assembly and exercise. The location you select should
measure at least 2 x 2m and be well ventilated. The surface must be
even and at. Check that the equipment is on a solid base to ensure
that the Fitness Board doesn‘t slip during exercise. Always use the
supplied protective mat in order to protect sensitive ooring (such as
parquet) from damage.
• Ensure that all the parts have been assembled properly and without
any damage. There is a risk of injury if the parts are improperly as-
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